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Guide Hyoid improvement: Possible or scam?


Well-known member
Established Member
Aug 15, 2023
BuddyBoyo made a vanta-blackpill thread about how its over for hyoidcels:

I am wondering is this true or are there ways to improve this? And his thread seems to have a typo where he says "high hyoid" is incel, but I thought a low hyoid causes incel? I am not an expert so I don't know.

Basically, I got a shit-chair. My whole life I've had shit tier chairs, even had expensive chairs that hurt my neck. No matter how much money I throw at chairs they seem to all suck. So I mechanically modified my chair so now it is comfy, I wonder if this can reverse the hyoid issue or not.

JFL herman miller chairs don't believe in headrests so they have not included them in their chairs.
yes you can improve it , by mewing and high speed jaw opening exercises
you should mew 24/7
Yes, but they're better then mewing, beacuse the results are visible after a short period of time. Also with mewing in my experiences you can't fix your shit chin area, but high speed jaw opening and stretching could
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  • #6
yes you can improve it , by mewing and high speed jaw opening exercises
the problem with shit-tier hyoid is mewing doesnt work correctly (according to Zal)

"Since my hyoid bone is low positioned currently I cannot put the root of my tongue on the roof of my mouth, so yeah I don't think complete mewing is actually possible before you fix your hyoid bone positioning as it's related to your tongue root positioning."
Yes, but they're better then mewing, beacuse the results are visible after a short period of time. Also with mewing in my experiences you can't fix your shit chin area, but high speed jaw opening and stretching could
what is high speed jaw opening?
the problem with shit-tier hyoid is mewing doesnt work correctly (according to Zal)

"Since my hyoid bone is low positioned currently I cannot put the root of my tongue on the roof of my mouth, so yeah I don't think complete mewing is actually possible before you fix your hyoid bone positioning as it's related to your tongue root positioning."

what is high speed jaw opening?
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Oh I read that. They discuss isometric exercise where they hold their jaw for 10 seconds, I am going to try that and see if it helps. I didn't see any mention of a high-speed exercise because I didn't read the whole thing. I am going to try the 10 second one.

And Zal said they did some exercises and it seemed to help after 4 days, but they never posted a follow up so we don't know if it actually did much or not.
Oh I read that. They discuss isometric exercise where they hold their jaw for 10 seconds, I am going to try that and see if it helps. I didn't see any mention of a high-speed exercise because I didn't read the whole thing. I am going to try the 10 second one.

And Zal said they did some exercises and it seemed to help after 4 days, but they never posted a follow up so we don't know if it actually did much or not.
are you recessed ?
on the video i didnt look recessed but had a shitty hyoid.

but what is the exact way to measure it mathematically?
Frankfurt plane (more accurate) , or a tangent line to the nasal bridge , ( i can do one for you if you want )
BuddyBoyo made a vanta-blackpill thread about how its over for hyoidcels:

I am wondering is this true or are there ways to improve this? And his thread seems to have a typo where he says "high hyoid" is incel, but I thought a low hyoid causes incel? I am not an expert so I don't know.

Basically, I got a shit-chair. My whole life I've had shit tier chairs, even had expensive chairs that hurt my neck. No matter how much money I throw at chairs they seem to all suck. So I mechanically modified my chair so now it is comfy, I wonder if this can reverse the hyoid issue or not.

JFL herman miller chairs don't believe in headrests so they have not included them in their chairs.
you shouldnt sit in a chair all day, try and take breaks
personally i have very minor hanging tissue under my jaw. ive been mewing since august 2023, and improved my posture, and from there, the tissue seemed to gradually disappear
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  • #15
you shouldnt sit in a chair all day, try and take breaks
personally i have very minor hanging tissue under my jaw. ive been mewing since august 2023, and improved my posture, and from there, the tissue seemed to gradually disappear
yeah i do

nextgen games are boring and i cant play them for very long

personally i have very minor hanging tissue under my jaw. ive been mewing since august 2023, and improved my posture, and from there, the tissue seemed to gradually disappear
i have a bit of a tissue issue but i think my main issue is low hyoid, even if i had taughter skin i think my hyoid would give me an incel jawline still

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