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hollow cheeks advice?


Mar 15, 2024
i’ve been researching how to get hollow cheeks and the main way seems to be reducing body fat percentage, however most of the things i’ve read are directed towards men. Would this work on me? or is there something directed towards women that would work better?
getting hollow cheeks is done through two ways, one: being born having little to no fat in your face, or two: getting lean because of exercise and diet. However I’d say that rather than going for hollow cheeks, you could try to improve your cheekbones as a whole, most very famous good-looking celebrities don’t necessarily have hollow cheeks, usually just prominent cheekbones that allow them to not need to be super lean in their face; women benefit aesthetically by having a bit more fat in their face then men. There are a few ways you can do this like volufiline - however most of them involve some sort of plastic surgery, the least invasive being just cheekbone fillers. TDLR: If you want hollow cheeks lose some fat but I think you’d be better off improving your cheekbones as a whole instead
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getting hollow cheeks is done through two ways, one: being born having little to no fat in your face, or two: getting lean because of exercise and diet. However I’d say that rather than going for hollow cheeks, you could try to improve your cheekbones as a whole, most very famous good-looking celebrities don’t necessarily have hollow cheeks, usually just prominent cheekbones that allow them to not need to be super lean in their face; women benefit aesthetically by having a bit more fat in their face then men. There are a few ways you can do this like volufiline - however most of them involve some sort of plastic surgery, the least invasive being just cheekbone fillers. TDLR: If you want hollow cheeks lose some fat but I think you’d be better off improving your cheekbones as a whole instead
ah ok thanks, i was hoping that getting hollower cheeks would make my cheekbones more prominent because i’m too young to get any procedures atm. what’s your opinion on using facial massage items (eg. gua sha) to define the face better, i feel like there’s mixed opinions on it.
i’ve been researching how to get hollow cheeks and the main way seems to be reducing body fat percentage, however most of the things i’ve read are directed towards men. Would this work on me? or is there something directed towards women that would work better?
suck in your cheeks. 1711129760394.png or get surgery idk
ah ok thanks, i was hoping that getting hollower cheeks would make my cheekbones more prominent because i’m too young to get any procedures atm. what’s your opinion on using facial massage items (eg. gua sha) to define the face better, i feel like there’s mixed opinions on it.
Okay tbh Gua shas don’t really work like how people think, they can drain lymphatic fluid from your face pretty well and if you can get one it could really help with bloating, but they don’t exactly sculpt your face. And yeah plastic surgery is kind of the biggest way to really pronounce your cheekbones unfortunately, but there’s def other stuff you can do - just won’t be as quick or effective
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Okay tbh Gua shas don’t really work like how people think, they can drain lymphatic fluid from your face pretty well and if you can get one it could really help with bloating, but they don’t exactly sculpt your face. And yeah plastic surgery is kind of the biggest way to really pronounce your cheekbones unfortunately, but there’s def other stuff you can do - just won’t be as quick or effective
ok thanks for the help, i’m hoping they may get more pronounced as i get older because i still have a bit of a baby face and my mum and older sister have more pronounced ones compared to me but idk if that’s possible.
i’ve been researching how to get hollow cheeks and the main way seems to be reducing body fat percentage, however most of the things i’ve read are directed towards men. Would this work on me? or is there something directed towards women that would work better?
honestly as a man I find women without hollow cheeks more attractive then with. It’s more a male thing I think
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honestly as a man I find women without hollow cheeks more attractive then with. It’s more a male thing I think
i don’t want super hollow ones, just enough to make my cheekbones stand out a bit more
getting hollow cheeks is done through two ways, one: being born having little to no fat in your face, or two: getting lean because of exercise and diet. However I’d say that rather than going for hollow cheeks, you could try to improve your cheekbones as a whole, most very famous good-looking celebrities don’t necessarily have hollow cheeks, usually just prominent cheekbones that allow them to not need to be super lean in their face; women benefit aesthetically by having a bit more fat in their face then men. There are a few ways you can do this like volufiline - however most of them involve some sort of plastic surgery, the least invasive being just cheekbone fillers. TDLR: If you want hollow cheeks lose some fat but I think you’d be better off improving your cheekbones as a whole instead
high iq member
ok thanks for the help, i’m hoping they may get more pronounced as i get older because i still have a bit of a baby face and my mum and older sister have more pronounced ones compared to me but idk if that’s possible.
Okay then if you just hold proper mouth posture (mewing) they should be in accordance to your family members’ as you grow older and your face develops
getting hollow cheeks is done through two ways, one: being born having little to no fat in your face, or two: getting lean because of exercise and diet. However I’d say that rather than going for hollow cheeks, you could try to improve your cheekbones as a whole, most very famous good-looking celebrities don’t necessarily have hollow cheeks, usually just prominent cheekbones that allow them to not need to be super lean in their face; women benefit aesthetically by having a bit more fat in their face then men. There are a few ways you can do this like volufiline - however most of them involve some sort of plastic surgery, the least invasive being just cheekbone fillers. TDLR: If you want hollow cheeks lose some fat but I think you’d be better off improving your cheekbones as a whole instead
Forget about getting (good) hollow cheeks if you don't have big zygos.
I for example don't have them despite being lean

and couldn't even get them being auschwitz prisoner tier lean
Forget about getting (good) hollow cheeks if you don't have big zygos.
I for example don't have them despite being lean

and couldn't even get them being auschwitz prisoner tier lean
Exactly, good cheekbones are much less about being lean than they are about actual prominence of the bone - there are however methods of increasing the volume of your cheekbones on the outward layer (the skin) such as volufiline
i’ve been researching how to get hollow cheeks and the main way seems to be reducing body fat percentage, however most of the things i’ve read are directed towards men. Would this work on me? or is there something directed towards women that would work better?
Foid biology doesn't allow them lose fat low enogh that they can have hollow cheeks u need to lose fat and then get buccal fat removal surgery
If you're already low bf% do sprinting. It's f*****g insane against bloat, best way to get a debloated face
Foid biology doesn't allow them lose fat low enogh that they can have hollow cheeks u need to lose fat and then get buccal fat removal surgery
extreme cope. Females jawmog most men into oblivion

and hollow cheeks aren't that important compared to overall jaw structure

you can be obese and mog everyone if you have good overall jawbone structure, good zygos, decent forward growth and high hyoid placement
buccal fat removval / lose fat otherwise you werent gifted this mogger geneitclly superior feature at birth
extreme cope. Females jawmog most men into oblivion

and hollow cheeks aren't that important compared to overall jaw structure

you can be obese and mog everyone if you have good overall jawbone structure, good zygos, decent forward growth and high hyoid placement
I have all these i mog dogs only
extreme cope. Females jawmog most men into oblivion

and hollow cheeks aren't that important compared to overall jaw structure

you can be obese and mog everyone if you have good overall jawbone structure, good zygos, decent forward growth and high hyoid placement
Its not cope images (25).jpeg
See the difference female dont have hollow cheeks but males do and some females who do have them have like this female modelimages (27).jpegimages (28).jpeg1712745770757.png1712745813674.png
Have gotten surgery , are f*****g up their hormones (possibly on medication and drugs or substances like jordan fagget) and fraud with makeup and lighting
Look in the second pic of bella hadid her hair and skin quality has became shit and it would have been worse if she would have not spent so much on them and they guaranateed look worse behind all the fakeup

if hollow cheeks were not important no model would have them and no one would get surgery for them
Its not cope View attachment 28136
See the difference female dont have hollow cheeks but males do and some females who do have them have like this female modelView attachment 28137View attachment 28138View attachment 28139View attachment 28140
Have gotten surgery , are f*****g up their hormones (possibly on medication and drugs or substances like jordan fagget) and fraud with makeup and lighting
Look in the second pic of bella hadid her hair and skin quality has became shit and it would have been worse if she would have not spent so much on them and they guaranateed look worse behind all the fakeup

if hollow cheeks were not important no model would have them and no one would get surgery for them
cherrypicking 3 unusual rare men

most men look like this: and would be jawmogged by most of the women u posted
I have all these i mog dogs only
u have other issues though, ur forehead is too sloped, u do not have enough rearward growth, and your zygo forward growth isnt proportional to your chin forward growth, also ur hyoid is high but protruding forward too much, i should have mentioned that a protruding hyoid is almost as bad as a high hyoid.
u have other issues though, ur forehead is too sloped, u do not have enough rearward growth, and your zygo forward growth isnt proportional to your chin forward growth, also ur hyoid is high but protruding forward too much, i should have mentioned that a protruding hyoid is almost as bad as a high hyoid.
My forehead slope is ideal and u have not actually seen my zygos and scaphocephaly isn't no good
My forehead slope is ideal and u have not actually seen my zygos and scaphocephaly isn't no good
chads have vertical forehead, every cartoon chad has vertical forehead, this is cope


ur zygos aint bad they just arent proportional to the rest
images (18).jpegimages (19).jpegimages (21).jpegdownload (25).jpeg compare for urself
9STSQAMl.jpg2162674_4a5a41f9188e003dba5e80207557b57e.jpgimages (16).jpeg



Sloped forehead is a dimorphic trait and the lack of makes u look like girl and too much sloping looks like monkey

Baldcel and there might be other reasons why he isn't a chad, has no forehead issue

I cannot even see what his forehead looks like
See i did mean anything about whe he isn't a chad but as u said urself he has no forehead issue because he has a dimorphic one but his kid's forehead is straight and round and not dimorphic at all like foids
vertical forehead uberchad:

i would classify brad pitt as having a vertical forehead also, has only a slight slant to it

forehead looks vertical to me

all vertical
See i did mean anything about whe he isn't a chad but as u said urself he has no forehead issue because he has a dimorphic one but his kid's forehead is straight and round and not dimorphic at all like foids
most women do not have an infant forehead, i only know one woman who has a forehead like that, rihanna

and from certain angles she has a chad type forehead
vertical forehead uberchad:

i would classify brad pitt as having a vertical forehead also, has only a slight slant to it

View attachment 28160
forehead looks vertical to me
Superman has sloped forehead good forward growth i personally rate him for no apparent reason a Chad

And u cant classify brad pitts forehead straight because as it is visible and we both have said and seen that it has a slant to it
cope, we agree on angle aesthetics, only our definition of what is vertical and sloped is different.

your classification of "vertical" is a convex, curved protruding infant forehead like rihanna
cope, we agree on angle aesthetics, only our definition of what is vertical and sloped is different.

your classification of "vertical" is a convex, curved protruding infant forehead like rihanna
The only female here with infant forehead is rihhana other foreheads are normal ones without masculiniazation and they are when a forhead gets dimorphic it grows bones in the red area which make the forehead slopedIMG_20240424_204646.jpg

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