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JFL I have the worst camera quality ever


Ϫ The One Lord of the Order of Nihil Ϫ
Established Member
Sep 22, 2023
Ancient Carthage
Order of Nihil
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R u African black monkey hoo hoo haaa haaa
are you f*****g retarted ?
ppl in the north of sahara are not part of the negroid race ( aka blacks )

this is a nomadic berber
are you f*****g retarted ?
ppl in the north of sahara are not part of the negroid race ( aka blacks )

this is a nomadic berber
Thats why i wasn't sure u that u r black or not because u r not black but they look indian
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  • #18
U really look like this guy
yea most of my features are berber , my eyes are arabic tho and my nose and chin are greek
but yeah , rich genetic input
yea most of my features are berber , my eyes are arabic tho and my nose and chin are greek
but yeah , rich genetic input
U r greek too?
Btw i am just indo aryan

what is ur theory of racial origins

i watched an 80s movie and it had a lot of alpha male whites, alpha male negroes, and alpha male east asians in it

east asians kinda look like negroes but some negroes look more like white chads than east asians
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what is ur theory of racial origins
a "god" created the first humans then just evolution mostly , each race had an independent path , changing and morphing to adapt with nature

what is ur theory of racial origins

i watched an 80s movie and it had a lot of alpha male whites, alpha male negroes, and alpha male east asians in it

east asians kinda look like negroes but some negroes look more like white chads than east asians
first homos appear evolved from common primate ancestor. then, one of those homos is us, homo sapiens. we are in africa, and we have high melanin features (dark skin, hair, eyes). these features are good for the sun. then, humans migrated out. we went to europe and asia, and other parts of africa. some of those asians went to oceania, polynesian places, passed the bering land bridge into north america, and then went to south america. all of these new habitats, as well as some isolation and lack of gene flow caused different traits. ethnic features appeared, such as lighter skin to absorb more vitamin D in places closer to the poles, monolid eyes (asians) against the wind, and many other features. also, these new habitats had new foods and other environmental factors. all of these developed the races further. thus, we have many races
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  • #26
first homos appear evolved from common primate ancestor. then, one of those homos is us, homo sapiens. we are in africa, and we have high melanin features (dark skin, hair, eyes). these features are good for the sun. then, humans migrated out. we went to europe and asia, and other parts of africa. some of those asians went to oceania, polynesian places, passed the bering land bridge into north america, and then went to south america. all of these new habitats, as well as some isolation and lack of gene flow caused different traits. ethnic features appeared, such as lighter skin to absorb more vitamin D in places closer to the poles, monolid eyes (asians) against the wind, and many other features. also, these new habitats had new foods and other environmental factors. all of these developed the races further. thus, we have many races
Human consciousness is so complex I refuse to believe it's a product of mere evolution, I think there is devine intervention (in any form)
Human consciousness is so complex I refuse to believe it's a product of mere evolution, I think there is devine intervention (in any form)
ok, that is your choice. but if a tree falls in a forest and nobody hears it, did it really fall? we would not be aware of our consciousness if we were not conscious.
I am not homo only sapien

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