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Theory FEMALE STRATEGIES THAT MEN STILL DON'T KNOW - An analysis on how men and women view the opposite sex for relationships


Ϫ The One Lord of the Order of Nihil Ϫ
Established Member
Sep 22, 2023
Ancient Carthage
Order of Nihil
Approximately 70% of all divorces are initiated by women, with the main reasons being financial problems and the famous 'wear and tear.' You know that classic line: 'Oh, it just wasn't like the beginning anymore and something is missing,' basically boredom. The truth is that men in a relationship have a very different psychology from women. The female psychology within a relationship has a biological clock for getting tired of the male...

Car Breaking Up GIF by megan lockhart

Obviousness is a big turn-off and there's no avoiding it in a shared life under the same roof. That's why women are seeking fewer relationships nowadays, at least compared to men and to women of the past, because simply sharing a house with a man and discovering everything about him, with no secrets, nothing intriguing, no mystery, nothing to pique a woman's curiosity, is a big turn-off.

By design, a long-term relationship and life together is something that repels the feminine spirit, and as mentioned, this is evidenced by statistics, with women being the ones who initiate divorce the most, citing financial reasons (totally pragmatic, if he's not providing anymore, then he's no longer useful) and wear and tear (pure triviality, there are many things that can lead to this such as seeing famous couples on Instagram living a more exciting life, longing for multiple partners, the obviousness of already knowing that man). So, it makes sense to notice that when a woman reaches a certain age and is still single, she starts adopting cats.

adopts cat lady GIF

The behavior of a cat mimics that of a womanizer to a large extent; the cat only shows up when it wants to, only seeks affection when it wants to, if you try to pet the cat, it will usually not want it, it only comes on its own terms and is quite independent, leaving the house for days to procreate in the streets only to return later, pragmatically seeking cuddles and food; it's a behavior that is quite attractive to women.

On the other hand, men enjoy life together, the obviousness, and knowing their partner since the beginning of her life; they realize that the idea of boyfriends or spouses who were childhood friends is practically a male neurosis.

Look at how many celebrities, after achieving fame and being able to have a vast number of women, often choose a girl they knew before fame, very attached to teenage crushes...


Waiting for the girl to be ready to take them as a consolation prize, like: 'Oh, Chad didn't want me, I've been with many guys... This one here is left, who waited for me all this time, now I'll settle for him.' These guys don't have the sagacity and the vision that we in this community have, the red pill/black pill is nothing more than a change in values and paradigms.

Before all of this, you probably didn't see this as a problem, dating a single mother, being a consolation prize; he is convinced that he is the best of the moment and not that the best man didn't want her. These men also don't realize that at 30 and 40 years old, if they've built something beyond appearance, they are at the peak of their career/intellect/physicality (if well maintained), while the woman, at the same age, is at the end of her career, swapping cats for hares, exchanging years of effort for the worst years of a woman's life, full of relationship baggage (which are not only biological, like children, they are also psycho-emotional, already somewhat traumatized by other 'toxic' relationships, guys who just used them and disappeared or did something else, full of baggage and a collection of problems that will have to be dealt with), but the normie man is not aware of this, and if you tell him about it? He'll call you paranoid because his value system does not align with yours.
We think very differently: 'if you're going to ask for this, you have to offer that.' Before, you valued one thing and today you value another, and your system doesn't align with the rest of society; if you demand what you think is fair? You'll be spat on by society. So, what's happening in the relationship market is that men are paying much higher than what you're willing to pay, simple as that.

Imagine you go to the market and oranges are priced at $100 per kilogram, and your nation's favorite fruit is the orange, everyone loves it, and men are willing to pay $100 for it, and it's also your favorite fruit, you would love to have an orange 😍... But do you think it's fair to pay that much for an orange? There's no use crying to the seller, because why would he sell it cheaply if there are plenty of people willing to pay more? So what's left for you? Joining a group of men who don't agree with the price of the orange or one that tells you how to improve yourself so you can pay less/or become accessible to you

Saturday Night Live Nbc GIF by HULU

It all depends on how much money you have to spend and how much you're willing to haggle over the price per kilogram of oranges.

There are many self-proclaimed red pill creators who proclaim: 'tattoos are a red flag, more than X partners is a red flag,' and then the guy shows up with a girlfriend who has tattoos, dyed and short hair :

I'm not going to say that this guy is unhappy or coping because he might be happy... But you see, it's all about how much you're willing to overlook those values that you assumed after changing your paradigms, how much you want that kilogram of oranges and how much you're willing to pay.

So, understand, I'm referring to the price only in terms of money, which is not the only way you pay, such as: taking them out, going on trips, going to places you don't want to go, giving up certain hobbies. This tends to be the rule in most relationships, of course, there are cases where this doesn't happen, but when you start living together, you're no longer just one, there's more than one person to make happy besides yourself. And at least what is expected, said to the four winds, is: one day one does 80% and the other 20%, the next day you're lucky and both do 50%, and the next 70% and 30%, and so on... There are days when you have to give up more than your partner.

sad jeff buckley GIF by Greg Gunn

And I know, men love relationships, they like them more than women do, for simple reasons: we evolved as protectors and providers, benefiting throughout history in reproductive success with negotiation of fidelity and exclusivity, staying close to your partner, why? Because then other men wouldn't come near and disrupt the guy's reproductive process, preventing false paternities, with his beloved nearby, he could also provide and protect better, avoiding risks against predators, diseases, etc., being extremely careful with the receptacle of his genetics (AKA. Mother of his children), but the woman doesn't, she doesn't benefit as much from this system.

The woman benefits more from a system where she jumps from branch to branch, leaving several guys in the 'closet,' available for any need she may have (consolation prizes, providers, orbiting betas, and a reproductive partner).

Overall, women are very good at dividing men: friend, coworker, boyfriend, reproducer (AKA. Chad), and the consolation prize (that possible guy who will take her if everything goes wrong after 35).

That's the logic of our society because it's very feminine, and you can also observe it in a technocratic way, with this imitating feminine behavior. Men are complicated, still in this Neanderthal module, wanting one woman to be everything: a friend, a mother to their own and often to themselves, an emotional provider, and also a woman for sex.

And that's the problem with men, they're not playing well currently, the rules of the game are dictated by women, if they don't adapt, they will suffer.

Basically, you choose the man you want to be. If you want to be the reproducer, beta orbiter, sugar daddy, or the husband. I believe most will want to be the reproducer. You can't be all at the same time.

If you're too straight-laced, you won't get anyone excited. If you're a sugar daddy, you'll end up with an undeclared escort. If you're the husband, you'll be a mix of sugar daddy and beta orbiter. If you want to be the reproducer, you'll need to develop the required qualities through looksmaxing and not be too attached. If you can't, and still want the orange, you'll end up as one of the other three.

Many believe that the black pill/red pill is an almost magical esoteric awakening, reaching a higher level of consciousness or something like that, but it's merely a change of paradigms.

There are no harsher truths, no one true truth. Not even in the movie where these pills were taken (Matrix), the outside world is nothing more than a different world from what the Matrix is.

matrix GIF

No one knows if the outside world isn't also simulated, a matrix within a matrix.

So you've just changed your paradigms, your values are different, you value youth more, don't want older women with children, want virginity, and so on. The hard part is, you want that, but can you get it? And then comes the bargaining... 'Yeah, that's what I want, but they can't offer it, and I need to ejaculate... I just want to have sex with her and disappear... But who's going to cuddle with me? Is there someone else having sex with her too...? I want her just for myself...'

The more you want, the more you need to offer. Choose how much you want, show how much you have to offer, and how attractive you are.
wall of text but seems high iq so i will probably read it later

of what i did read it seems correct

sounds like more proof of meta-attraction, women seem to prefer reading books about heterosexual romance than watching heterosexual porn.

this could be a serious issue for our species because high iq women at MIT do not masturbate or reproduce like mid iq women do. This creates a suboptimal gene pool for women to reincarnate into, so their souls reincarnate as males instead. Basically, for some reason a lot of high iq women seem to be lesbians or asexual, creating less of a genetic pool for high iq women to reproduce into future generations.
sheldonpill, in TBBT leonard was unable to reproduce or pairbond with his female peer in terms of iq level (i havent watched every season but so far it seems like this, even if they did reproduce eventually it wouldn't change the difficulty curve and overall statistical trajectory)

i thought ai may carry our species but so far the ai only seems to be less high iq than the highest iq humans. the ai is smarter than every human in the way it can store more data than a human can, but it cannot seem to innovate much. although they are trying to make ai that is smarter than humans but it does feel a bit dangerous and risky.
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wouldnt it be the other way around, men would jump from partner to partner because women have to put more time and energy to make kids, while men can bust on the go? it would make more sense for the man to jump from partner to partner
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wouldnt it be the other way around, men would jump from partner to partner because women have to put more time and energy to make kids, while men can bust on the go? it would make more sense for the man to jump from partner to partner
thats a primal myth , no man today can jump from partner to partner ( except chads and they seem to chose not to )
Approximately 70% of all divorces are initiated by women, with the main reasons being financial problems and the famous 'wear and tear.' You know that classic line: 'Oh, it just wasn't like the beginning anymore and something is missing,' basically boredom. The truth is that men in a relationship have a very different psychology from women. The female psychology within a relationship has a biological clock for getting tired of the male...

Obviousness is a big turn-off and there's no avoiding it in a shared life under the same roof. That's why women are seeking fewer relationships nowadays, at least compared to men and to women of the past, because simply sharing a house with a man and discovering everything about him, with no secrets, nothing intriguing, no mystery, nothing to pique a woman's curiosity, is a big turn-off.

By design, a long-term relationship and life together is something that repels the feminine spirit, and as mentioned, this is evidenced by statistics, with women being the ones who initiate divorce the most, citing financial reasons (totally pragmatic, if he's not providing anymore, then he's no longer useful) and wear and tear (pure triviality, there are many things that can lead to this such as seeing famous couples on Instagram living a more exciting life, longing for multiple partners, the obviousness of already knowing that man). So, it makes sense to notice that when a woman reaches a certain age and is still single, she starts adopting cats.

the only explanation required is a physical, blackpill. it is not required that men and women have completely alien personalities in order to explain this. all that is required is knowledge that women have less sex-drive due to chemicals, and males are generally not as aesthetic as women. this creates a meta-attraction culture where women prefer books over porn, and lack often satisfaction from long term relationships. The personalities are not alien, as lesbian porn seems to be the most popular porn amongst women.

meta-attraction is being conceptually attracted to men, such as liking the idea of being dominated and bukkakkied by men but not as attracted to men on a deep physical solid level, in the way that men are attracted to women on a deep solid and physical level.

adopts cat lady GIF

The behavior of a cat mimics that of a womanizer to a large extent; the cat only shows up when it wants to, only seeks affection when it wants to, if you try to pet the cat, it will usually not want it, it only comes on its own terms and is quite independent, leaving the house for days to procreate in the streets only to return later, pragmatically seeking cuddles and food; it's a behavior that is quite attractive to women.
but this is just the preference of a rational being, the rational being doesn't want to constantly be annoyed by somebody who's too clingy and needy.

there are in my estimate an equal amount of catgirls as there are doggirls, catmen as there are dogmen.

On the other hand, men enjoy life together, the obviousness, and knowing their partner since the beginning of her life; they realize that the idea of boyfriends or spouses who were childhood friends is practically a male neurosis.

Look at how many celebrities, after achieving fame and being able to have a vast number of women, often choose a girl they knew before fame, very attached to teenage crushes...
this is also a rational behavoir, in my estimate a lot of women practically pairbond with other teens as teens. So its not only a man thing

Waiting for the girl to be ready to take them as a consolation prize, like: 'Oh, Chad didn't want me, I've been with many guys... This one here is left, who waited for me all this time, now I'll settle for him.' These guys don't have the sagacity and the vision that we in this community have, the red pill/black pill is nothing more than a change in values and paradigms.
in my estimate most of these guys are not betamales waiting around for her, probably they are just lower on the looks totem pole than chad. Probably most of the beta males that wait for their oneitus to give them their turn, never actually get their turn. The men dating those women are probably just men that happened to have met her recently after she already visited chad.
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in my estimate most of these guys are not betamales waiting around for her, probably they are just lower on the looks totem pole than chad. Probably most of the beta males that wait for their oneitus to give them their turn, never actually get their turn. The men dating those women are probably just men that happened to have met her recently after she already visited chad.
it goes like this
Its so brutal GigaChad also gets divorced
this creates a meta-attraction culture where women prefer books over porn, and lack often satisfaction from long term relationships. The personalities are not alien, as lesbian porn seems to be the most popular porn amongst women.
a lot of females in my middle and high school (and females online) like gay stuff, including but not limited to, gay books, gay shows/movies, gay fanfiction, gay fanart, gay shipping of male characters that are not in a relationship from a certain movie/show/book. in fact, there is a very big obsession with this, compared to the hetero/lesbian stuff i have seen being consumed (basically no lesbian stuff, and very little hetero). yaoi is also this manga thing about gay people. in fact, a lot of gay stuff is written by women. idk why tho
a lot of females in my middle and high school (and females online) like gay stuff, including but not limited to, gay books, gay shows/movies, gay fanfiction, gay fanart, gay shipping of male characters that are not in a relationship from a certain movie/show/book. in fact, there is a very big obsession with this, compared to the hetero/lesbian stuff i have seen being consumed (basically no lesbian stuff, and very little hetero). yaoi is also this manga thing about gay people. in fact, a lot of gay stuff is written by women. idk why tho
yep every women i ever met masturbates mostly to yaoi or lesbian pron. Or they do not masturbate and just read romance books. Or they are asexual.

its over folks

most yaoi guys do not look like most men do IRL
And I know, men love relationships, they like them more than women do, for simple reasons: we evolved as protectors and providers, benefiting throughout history in reproductive success with negotiation of fidelity and exclusivity, staying close to your partner, why? Because then other men wouldn't come near and disrupt the guy's reproductive process, preventing false paternities, with his beloved nearby, he could also provide and protect better, avoiding risks against predators, diseases, etc., being extremely careful with the receptacle of his genetics (AKA. Mother of his children), but the woman doesn't, she doesn't benefit as much from this system.
human males evolved to be hunters. Away from home for long periods

The woman benefits more from a system where she jumps from branch to branch, leaving several guys in the 'closet,' available for any need she may have (consolation prizes, providers, orbiting betas, and a reproductive partner).

Overall, women are very good at dividing men: friend, coworker, boyfriend, reproducer (AKA. Chad), and the consolation prize (that possible guy who will take her if everything goes wrong after 35).

That's the logic of our society because it's very feminine, and you can also observe it in a technocratic way, with this imitating feminine behavior. Men are complicated, still in this Neanderthal module, wanting one woman to be everything: a friend, a mother to their own and often to themselves, an emotional provider, and also a woman for sex.

And that's the problem with men, they're not playing well currently, the rules of the game are dictated by women, if they don't adapt, they will suffer.

Basically, you choose the man you want to be. If you want to be the reproducer, beta orbiter, sugar daddy, or the husband. I believe most will want to be the reproducer. You can't be all at the same time.

If you're too straight-laced, you won't get anyone excited. If you're a sugar daddy, you'll end up with an undeclared escort. If you're the husband, you'll be a mix of sugar daddy and beta orbiter. If you want to be the reproducer, you'll need to develop the required qualities through looksmaxing and not be too attached. If you can't, and still want the orange, you'll end up as one of the other three.

Many believe that the black pill/red pill is an almost magical esoteric awakening, reaching a higher level of consciousness or something like that, but it's merely a change of paradigms.

There are no harsher truths, no one true truth. Not even in the movie where these pills were taken (Matrix), the outside world is nothing more than a different world from what the Matrix is.

matrix GIF

No one knows if the outside world isn't also simulated, a matrix within a matrix.

So you've just changed your paradigms, your values are different, you value youth more, don't want older women with children, want virginity, and so on. The hard part is, you want that, but can you get it? And then comes the bargaining... 'Yeah, that's what I want, but they can't offer it, and I need to ejaculate... I just want to have sex with her and disappear... But who's going to cuddle with me? Is there someone else having sex with her too...? I want her just for myself...'

The more you want, the more you need to offer. Choose how much you want, show how much you have to offer, and how attractive you are.
most of this is just overcomplicating the issue.

its looks. there's nothing more complicated about it than that.

because of money, confidence, or pick up artistry, guys that lack looks find a way to slide into her pants, and get married. there is no solid foundation to the marriage, its based on pickup artistry or money, so it falls apart after a while.

women pairbond to men when they're teens and those marriages last, because the men looked better then and not like ogres.

if most men had opry-tier looks we wouldn't be seeing this dystopian dating phenomenon like the modern day dating environment.
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human males evolved to be hunters. Away from home for long periods

most of this is just overcomplicating the issue.

its looks. there's nothing more complicated about it than that.

because of money, confidence, or pick up artistry, guys that lack looks find a way to slide into her pants, and get married. there is no solid foundation to the marriage, its based on pickup artistry or money, so it falls apart after a while.

women pairbond to men when they're teens and those marriages last, because the men looked better then and not like ogres.

if most men had opry-tier looks we wouldn't be seeing this dystopian dating phenomenon like the modern day dating environment.
Well said bro

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