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The smell of cooked meats


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Established Member
Aug 15, 2023
The smell of cooked meats smells f*****g terrible. The smell of cooked beef smells of death. The smell of uncooked beef smells of poop and farts.

I'd go vegan except eating only veggies is boring to me.

Honestly I think a big factor is how when you cook on a pan (even if you use an oven) the pan gets 500 degrees when the oven is 250 degrees so it burns the meats.

Also, I tried to put corn oil under the meat so it wouldn't burn, but it even smelled worse than burnt meat fml.

According to the Bible all life was built to be vegan, eating meat was meant to be a punishment after being kicked out from paradise:
"And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so."
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  • #3
are you christian?
i was raised conservative

still waiting for god to prove they exist

i believe in a god but its more like, some kind of alien simulation hybrid thingie that i can't really pinpoint what it is.

the bible meme god im still waiting for them to come to earth in the flesh to prove to us all the facts, if they are so all powerful why do they cower?
i was raised conservative

still waiting for god to prove they exist

i believe in a god but its more like, some kind of alien simulation hybrid thingie that i can't really pinpoint what it is.

the bible meme god im still waiting for them to come to earth in the flesh to prove to us all the facts, if they are so all powerful why do they cower?
then why do you quote the bible? also if it smells bad the meat itself is probably bad
Become hindu and stop meat or atleast beef
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  • #8
then why do you quote the bible? also if it smells bad the meat itself is probably bad
its like a melting point of various religious ancient texts, some perhaps written under delirium, but possibly pointing to vague truths.
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  • #10
you think but not enough
Where's your explanation of why God cowers to this day? If they claim to be all powerful why do they not reveal themselves to humanity? Or perhaps they look down on us so much, they deem us all to be unworthy, even the believers?

Why do they wait until the days of Ai, by then people will assume its a deepfake?
Where's your explanation of why God cowers to this day? If they claim to be all powerful why do they not reveal themselves to humanity? Or perhaps they look down on us so much, they deem us all to be unworthy, even the believers?

Why do they wait until the days of Ai, by then people will assume its a deepfake?
The goal of existence in this world is a kind of evaluation

It is not that hard to understand which are and arent sins, good things make you feel good in fact, while bad things make you feel dirty, it's not complicate, it's natural

If god would present himself, would we be good people because of fear or because we WANT to be good?

It's not that hard, just think more
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  • #13
The goal of existence in this world is a kind of evaluation
Behavior is heavily influenced by genetics and environmental upbringing, this world seems like a poor metric to evaluate people in an unbiased way

It is not that hard to understand which are and arent sins, good things make you feel good in fact, while bad things make you feel dirty, it's not complicate, it's natural
Some of the sins feel good such as lust and gluttony, while other sins feel bad such as envy.

If god would present himself, would we be good people because of fear or because we WANT to be good?

It's not that hard, just think more
Then why does the Bible create fear of god in people, if the point is to evaluate people in an unbiased way
Behavior is heavily influenced by genetics and environmental upbringing, this world seems like a poor metric to evaluate people in an unbiased way

Some of the sins feel good such as lust and gluttony, while other sins feel bad such as envy.

Then why does the Bible create fear of god in people, if the point is to evaluate people in an unbiased way
Genetics and everything is not enough to explain a sinful character, i understand many people are influenced by their culture which can also be violent, but its not true they think what they are doing is right just because they have been learnt to do so, the human brain has enough capacities to separate brutality and animal behaviour from a more civilized one

Gluttony and lust have never and will never feel right, even the fattest and the most stupid man alive knows that popping yourself like a ballon is not healthy nor okay, and it's also insinctual, after I eat a lot I feel really bad. The same can be applied to lust, who doesnt like sex, sex is a good thing, but not watching porn and masturbating 5 times a day or being a porn-star, that in fact doesn't feel right, and that's also the reason why most porn websites look illegal

The concept of "fear of god" is more likely modelled after the affirmations of the human being. The truth at its purest state (the concept of God and afterdeath) has been changed by each civilisation and their beliefs, in fact most of the Christian concepts are human-made, not directly made by God, and that's also why they seem to be wrong and stupid
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  • #15
Genetics and everything is not enough to explain a sinful character,
wat? You said "genetics and everything"

wouldn't "everything" (the sum total of nature, nurture, diet, exercise, environment, chance, choice, and the supernatural) literally explain a behavior?

i understand many people are influenced by their culture which can also be violent, but its not true they think what they are doing is right just because they have been learnt to do so, the human brain has enough capacities to separate brutality and animal behaviour from a more civilized one
who says violence is inherently wrong? its consent violations that are wrong.

for example, if a pathetic weakling is minding their own business and not causing harm to you, and you are an ogre and beat them up for no reason, it violates the law of nature and is morally wrong. on the other hand, if they harm you and spit on your feet then they violated natural law and you have the natural right to harm them.

on the other hand, if an army of orcs is trying to invade your peaceful castle built upon the tenants of peace and altruism, then doing violence to the invaders might not only be moral, but also fun.

where it gets murky is predator and prey. If a predator will starve then then who is morally right or wrong, in that situation nature is harsh and amoral.

Gluttony and lust have never and will never feel right,
Best time was when I'd pig out on lots of food, until my belly would burst. Some people even have porns of that its called inflation porn.

even the fattest and the most stupid man alive knows that popping yourself like a ballon is not healthy nor okay,
ogres have fat bellies, having fat bellies is normal and natural
this was supposed to be part of my fisherian runaway thread but thats too much of a tangent for now

that in fact doesn't feel right, and that's also the reason why most porn websites look illegal
sounds low t and low e

most porn sites do not feel "illegal" or something. They feel rude and obnoxious because their front page bombards you with random nudity before permitting you to custom search for the porn you were looking to see. Bombarding you with random nudity is a consent violation as I said earlier, they could defend themselves with the argument that they need to do it for their website to survive, but its a weak argument because the website would probably do better without it.
wat? You said "genetics and everything"

wouldn't "everything" (the sum total of nature, nurture, diet, exercise, environment, chance, choice, and the supernatural) literally explain a behavior?

who says violence is inherently wrong? its consent violations that are wrong.

for example, if a pathetic weakling is minding their own business and not causing harm to you, and you are an ogre and beat them up for no reason, it violates the law of nature and is morally wrong. on the other hand, if they harm you and spit on your feet then they violated natural law and you have the natural right to harm them.

on the other hand, if an army of orcs is trying to invade your peaceful castle built upon the tenants of peace and altruism, then doing violence to the invaders might not only be moral, but also fun.

where it gets murky is predator and prey. If a predator will starve then then who is morally right or wrong, in that situation nature is harsh and amoral.

Best time was when I'd pig out on lots of food, until my belly would burst. Some people even have porns of that its called inflation porn.

ogres have fat bellies, having fat bellies is normal and natural
View attachment 28980
this was supposed to be part of my fisherian runaway thread but thats too much of a tangent for now

sounds low t and low e

most porn sites do not feel "illegal" or something. They feel rude and obnoxious because their front page bombards you with random nudity before permitting you to custom search for the porn you were looking to see. Bombarding you with random nudity is a consent violation as I said earlier, they could defend themselves with the argument that they need to do it for their website to survive, but its a weak argument because the website would probably do better without it.
Nothing explains bare brutality, defending your values, children, family and other things is something else, and it is right, but this does not mean brutality is okay, if some orges invade my house i kick their asses but i dont cut their heads in front of their children

Animals cannot distinguish eating enough or like a pig because they are ANIMALS, an orge eats until he pops because he fears that he will have no food for later, a human on the other hand is concious of himself and knows when its the time to stop

Watching porn and other shit is not okay neither, it is just it, there's nothing to argue about, having sex with the woman of your dreams for procreation is good, it's part of the nature of the human and any other animal, but animals and neither healthy minded humans masturbate themselves 4 times a day
and it does not have anything to do with testosterone and shit, it's just about how mentally sane you are
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  • #17
Watching porn and other shit is not okay neither, it is just it, there's nothing to argue about, having sex with the woman of your dreams for procreation is good
Its unrealistic expectations

If we lived in some utopia where everyone had sex with the woman of their dreams it would be a different story, but since that is not the reality then i think porn is a good cope
Its unrealistic expectations

If we lived in some utopia where everyone had sex with the woman of their dreams it would be a different story, but since that is not the reality then i think porn is a good cope
It is not unrealistic,

you are right about the woman of your dreams, if you are an incel thats impossible

But still its the modern world which made these expectations unrealistic, if a farmer in the 15th century was horny 90% of the time he had to work, the other 10% he had time with their wife and they procreated.
But the point is since theres no such fatique in the modern world what do we do in that 100% of the time we have free time and we are horny? Most people are mentally weak cucks and choose to masturbate and watch porn, and that shouldnt be normalized, it is sign of weakness. On the other hand mentally sane people resist. And THIS should be normalized
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  • #19
It is not unrealistic,

you are right about the woman of your dreams, if you are an incel thats impossible

But still its the modern world which made these expectations unrealistic, if a farmer in the 15th century was horny 90% of the time he had to work, the other 10% he had time with their wife and they procreated.
But the point is since theres no such fatique in the modern world what do we do in that 100% of the time we have free time and we are horny? Most people are mentally weak cucks and choose to masturbate and watch porn, and that shouldnt be normalized, it is sign of weakness. On the other hand mentally sane people resist. And THIS should be normalized
people work more in modern times because of capitalism

if they had computers back then they would wank to porn

ur argument is only rock solid if we live in a utopia where people have access to regular sex with their hot above 8 wife they pairbonded with

where are all the women begging men to quit watching porn and f**k them? oh that's right we live in a hypergamous society where most girls do not do that.
people work more in modern times because of capitalism

if they had computers back then they would wank to porn

ur argument is only rock solid if we live in a utopia where people have access to regular sex with their hot above 8 wife they pairbonded with
Masturbating is not normal, its weakness, and this doenst mean that any person back then was strong, they were mentally weak too, but what you have to be is sane and strong to temptation. Thats the ideal, not the unrealistic tho
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  • #25
The goal of existence in this world is a kind of evaluation

It is not that hard to understand which are and arent sins, good things make you feel good in fact, while bad things make you feel dirty, it's not complicate, it's natural

If god would present himself, would we be good people because of fear or because we WANT to be good?

It's not that hard, just think more
what if the goal is to evaluate god?

think about it. if this world was created by a god, then its pretty much the same as a videogame.

And what videogame would forbid ratings and reviews? Only shovelware would.

And god made the first ethical violation of a consent violation by creating beings in this world.
what if the goal is to evaluate god?

think about it. if this world was created by a god, then its pretty much the same as a videogame.

And what videogame would forbid ratings and reviews? Only shovelware would.

And god made the first ethical violation of a consent violation by creating beings in this world.
interesting. i think that it is very important to question everything, that is how we make progress.
consent violation by creating beings is stupid. nobody consents to being born or existing. its just the way it is. like rocks and water. just be fortunate that you have a chance at doing something important in your life and being satisfied. and either way, you will die, so your conciousness will no longer exist and there is no consent violation
what if the goal is to evaluate god?

think about it. if this world was created by a god, then its pretty much the same as a videogame.

And what videogame would forbid ratings and reviews? Only shovelware would.

And god made the first ethical violation of a consent violation by creating beings in this world.
Why do you think we humans with limited knowledge are able to understand everything? It is also said in the bible that we cant understand everything, on the other hand God made us to share his love, grace and goodness, but he regretted it.
what if the goal is to evaluate god?

think about it. if this world was created by a god, then its pretty much the same as a videogame.

And what videogame would forbid ratings and reviews? Only shovelware would.

And god made the first ethical violation of a consent violation by creating beings in this world.
And still he made us free, because he is not a dictator how many people think, and by being free it means that we can either sin or be bad people. We can choose if to follow him or not
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  • #29
interesting. i think that it is very important to question everything, that is how we make progress.
consent violation by creating beings is stupid. nobody consents to being born or existing. its just the way it is.
in your atheist world view it is a consent violation, only in certain religious worldviews where souls consented to be here would it not be a consent violation.

like rocks and water. just be fortunate that you have a chance at doing something important in your life and being satisfied. and either way, you will die, so your conciousness will no longer exist and there is no consent violation
thats a stupid take, reincarnation is real. Logic and philosophy imply this. Conservation of energy for example
Only a fool would ask to reincarnate on this world.
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  • #30
Why do you think we humans with limited knowledge are able to understand everything? It is also said in the bible that we cant understand everything, on the other hand God made us to share his love, grace and goodness, but he regretted it.
there is a parallel to gaming, there always is.

When some dev makes a shit ass shovelware POS game, some fanboy will always say "dev is hard work, gamers dont understand the code, stop complaining". and we see the same shit here, the creator has the biggest iq, the gamers cant understand their wisdom, the creator works in mysterious ways, trust the process bro.
there is a parallel to gaming, there always is.

When some dev makes a shit ass shovelware POS game, some fanboy will always say "dev is hard work, gamers dont understand the code, stop complaining". and we see the same shit here, the creator has the biggest iq, the gamers cant understand their wisdom, the creator works in mysterious ways, trust the process bro.
The universw isnt some shit pos game made by some shit fat human
in your atheist world view it is a consent violation, only in certain religious worldviews where souls consented to be here would it not be a consent violation.
in life we cannot consent to many things. it is just the way it is. we do not consent to being born in a certain family, country, race, etc. life is not a videogame where you get to customize your character before you load up. we simply exist. most of life is by chance that we do not consent to.
it is stupid to try and control every little thing. it is beyond us. you have to understand and let go of that, and learn to live your life without feeling violated
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  • #33
in life we cannot consent to many things. it is just the way it is. we do not consent to being born in a certain family, country, race, etc. life is not a videogame where you get to customize your character before you load up. we simply exist. most of life is by chance that we do not consent to.
it is stupid to try and control every little thing. it is beyond us. you have to understand and let go of that, and learn to live your life without feeling violated
i was on switch this is the most retarded shit ever. on switch youtube there is no blinking icon when u type, it is the most retardedist shit ever shit makes my blood boil. typing in switch youtube is the most retardedist shit ever. i feel like this guy literally programs everybody's shit and thats why tech is such an absolute trash heap these days
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