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Theory DOES ANYONE KNOW IF HAVING NEANDERTHAL DNA CORRELATES TO LOOKS? I’m wondering because i carry one of the highest amounts of neanderthal DNA.


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2024
“Research has linked Neanderthal genetic variants to skin and hair color, behavioral traits, skull shape and Type 2 diabetes.”. -this is my father btw
probably a broader skull. i dont know too much about neanderthals except that their skulls are larger, broader, and they were more stocky and big. i played fossil games before and they are very easily distinguished from sapiens because of these features. its also cool that a lot of non-african ethnicities are also part denisovan! so you can also have that dna involved. denisovans had skulls wider than neanderthals and faces that stuck out more.
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probably a broader skull. i dont know too much about neanderthals except that their skulls are larger, broader, and they were more stocky and big. i played fossil games before and they are very easily distinguished from sapiens because of these features. its also cool that a lot of non-african ethnicities are also part denisovan! so you can also have that dna involved. denisovans had skulls wider than neanderthals and faces that stuck out more.
thanks for the info Sigma
doesn't every white folk or even black folk have ancestry to this? im pretty sure we all share a common ancestor....
doesn't every white folk or even black folk have ancestry to this? im pretty sure we all share a common ancestor....
That would be me
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doesn't every white folk or even black folk have ancestry to this? im pretty sure we all share a common ancestor....
Every race has a percent of their population related to different kinds of prehistoric “humans” i think that might also have to do with the differences in races skulls and face shapes/growth. I think Denisovans are Africans although i’m not sure
Skull maybe but that doesn’t mean attractiveness
neanderthal is jew theory

Most humans alive today can trace a very small percentage of their DNA to Neanderthals — a result of prehistoric sexual encounters between our ancestors and the now-extinct Stone Age hominins before the latter disappeared around 40,000 years ago.

However, Neanderthal DNA is slightly more abundant in the genomes of East Asian populations.

This discrepancy has long perplexed scientists because Neanderthal remains have been found extensively across Europe and the Middle East but not further east of the Altai Mountains in Central Asia.
“So what’s puzzling is that an area where we’ve never found any Neanderthal remains, there’s more Neanderthal DNA,” said study coauthor Mathias Currat, a senior lecturer of genetics and evolution at the University of Geneva.

On average, Neanderthal DNA accounts for about 2% of the genetic makeup of people in Eurasia, while in East Asia the proportion can be as high as 4%, Currat said." -

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