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Dry, thick and full hair. Need help!


German/Russian Ancestors
Apr 28, 2024
I dont like my hair at all, it is like a darker blonde thick dry hair, its kinda curly on the top which makes it have a lot of volume. I want it to be more straight, moisturized and less like the hair of a clown.i cant use shampoo or conditioners because it makes my hair so much more dryer and frizzy.What would you recommend for me?IMG_3513.jpeg
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put oil or special hair moisturizer (idk what its called) to help with the dryness
Mmm.. what kind of oil? Do i wash it of, and if so how long to i let it sink in?
Mmm.. what kind of oil? Do i wash it of, and if so how long to i let it sink in?
i used to use rosemary for my lashes bc they were medium, they grew and became thick and nice.
i would recommend ~2 hours and then wash, idk if you should leave it overnight bc it can touch your pillow
I dont like my hair at all, it is like a darker blonde thick dry hair, its kinda curly on the top which makes it have a lot of volume. I want it to be more straight, moisturized and less like the hair of a clown.i cant use shampoo or conditioners because it makes my hair so much more dryer and frizzy.What would you recommend for me?View attachment 29329
Had the same problem but mine were black. Go to a woman's saloon and straight it. If there is a gay guy or a competent roman who knows how to do male haircuts, cut it there too.
Wait till 2-4 days after straightening it to take a shower or it will come back to normal.

I did it and it was worthy it.
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