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Heightmaxxing stack update


if you can’t join them, rise above them
Established Member
Dec 21, 2023
I’m 14.5 and 179 cm
Some of you may know that I am attempting to heightmaxx, and that I was trying to find a stack and figure out logistics. After much deliberation and research I am considering taking some peptides that, in simple terms, tell your pituitary gland to produce more growth hormone (it just maxes out your natural production of gh, instead of injecting synthetic gh)

The stack

Month A-
CJC 1295 (no dac) 50-100mcg
3x per day

Hexarelin 50-100mcg 3x per day

Month B-
CJC 1295 (no dac) 50-10mcg
3x per day

GHRP-2 100mcg 3x per day

I’m still figuring out exact dosages, mostly because this stuff is expensive tbh and I need it to last long enough

I’m alternating Hexarelin and GHRP because your body desensitizes to hexarelin and if you don’t cycle it then it doesn’t work.

I plan on doing this for a few months straight, I’m a little unsure about that advice so let me know what you all think

I have reputable sources for all of these as well as bacteriostatic water.

Logistically though, the biggest problem aside from cost is how am I going to store them. It must stay cold, and be well hidden so that no one finds it, but it also must be easily accessible because i have to use them 3x per day.

I considered buying a mini fridge, but for one I need all the money I can get to buy the PEDs, two they are not easily hidden, and three they are unreliable.

The solution that I am testing right now is a small stubby insulated tervis container. I put a small ice pack inside of it and will check on it in the morning, if it’s still cold then I know I can trust it. It’s not a problem for me to change the ice pack a couple times a day when the substances are inside.

My second issue logistically is how I’m going to get them shipped to me. My sources offer shipping tracking, so I suppose that I could just watch that like a hawk so that it is me who receives the package and not my mom.

alternatively I could pay someone to let me ship it to their house, but I need someone who won’t ask questions and noone I know come to mind. I don’t trust a random drug dealer either.

any useful tips or thoughts would be appreciated
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #2
I just heard some good advice to use the peptides for 4 months, month A month B month A month B, and then take a 2 month break to allow the body to recover its natural hormone levels, then resume the peptides at a lower dose and do it all over again
Good luck
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #4
guys I am shopping for insulin syringes to use for injection and the thought occurred to me, how am I going to dispose of the sharps? I obviously can’t do it the legal way because I don’t have a prescription, but there’s gonna be a lot of sharps (3 a day) and I need a reliable way to dispose of them

I live near a construction site so i guess i could dump them in there, but they may be suspicious if they find such a large number of sharps there and also there are cameras

I could bury them or something but that’s a lot to do on the regular

also aren’t you supposed to put them in a plastic container

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