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Method How to be Happy While Looksmaxxing

Also no, not even physical particles can be made with quantum fluctuations, because virtual particles = just a way of representing processes, like a point in math
i cant seem to get a solid answer from the science community if virtual particles actually exist, or are merely a mathematics construct to expedite equations.
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  • #154
i cant seem to get a solid answer from the science community if virtual particles actually exist, or are merely a mathematics construct to expedite equations.
its why hawking radiation happens, when black holes lose mass in order to accomodate these virtual particles and their anti version
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  • #155
Also no, not even physical particles can be made with quantum fluctuations, because virtual particles = just a way of representing processes, like a point in math
because you also need energy, energy+quantum fluctuations=higher energy state=photons+energy->mass
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  • #156
May be real but this seems too much science fiction shit to me to be real, i mean how the f**k are they supposed to know how there were quantum fluctuation before the universe, it's just a theory, one of a theory in a million
there are always theories, this is just a solid one which is used a lot. it also helps explain the big bang and hawking radiation
if you go into the field of quantum phsyics or astronomy, you will learn about these topics because they are so prevalent
many things are theories. evolution is a theory, but we have seen it before our eyes in laboratories. many things are called theories because it takes a long time to change them into laws or something else. with the case of something as grand as astronomy, this is even more difficult to prove as a fact. everything in the scientific community is taken with a grain of salt, they are very strict and that is for a good reason
why is it impossible?
Because mass can only be originated from other mass (two fast protons collisiom -> anti-proton and proton) and energy is not mass and neither virtual particles are
there are always theories, this is just a solid one which is used a lot. it also helps explain the big bang and hawking radiation
if you go into the field of quantum phsyics or astronomy, you will learn about these topics because they are so prevalent
many things are theories. evolution is a theory, but we have seen it before our eyes in laboratories. many things are called theories because it takes a long time to change them into laws or something else. with the case of something as grand as astronomy, this is even more difficult to prove as a fact. everything in the scientific community is taken with a grain of salt, they are very strict and that is for a good reason
The beginning of the universe is the only stable theory between all of those, because if the universe is expanding it means that it was once compressed into an infinitely small point, and then because of a reaction or God itself for my belief originated (i have this faith because if you understand the Bible [meaning you have to interperate it, not read it literally] it proved many scientific facts [also the beginning of the universe])

instead the quantum fluctuations and the virtual particles stuff are unproved things which will never ever be proven (probably hunderds of years from now) because of how abstract arguments they are, and they do explain many things but even other things do

Pro tip I noticed that when I deplete my arms of blood circulation, my happiness increases, my brain feels to have more oxygen and blood flow.

So I would say that increasing awareness, increasing consciousness, increases happiness, decreased awareness means increased dullness and mediocrity. But I get what you are saying about being "aware". What you may be trying to say is that "intellectualism" or "adulthood" can decrease happiness, which can be true.

For example, if I am looking at a painting, I just want to enjoy the painting, if a f*****g expert tells me how every molecule of the painting is involved in every molecule of society, and the message the artist wanted to convey, damnit I just want to look at a painting. Its like when a magician reveals their tricks, it makes it less entertaining, they should just stfu and give me a magic show. I only want to hear the tricks until after I am totally bored of the show already, and not a second before.

Plus there are added stressors, responsibility, paying child support, taking care of a loud baby, etc. I think being woken up 24/7 by a baby changes people. For example, just for a few days I didn't sleep at all and it f'd me up and I've never been the same since.
because you also need energy, energy+quantum fluctuations=higher energy state=photons+energy->mass
By the way yes, energy can be turned into mass, and that's also what the theory of the creation of the universe is based on, not the compression of matter into an infinitely small point, but the compression of energy. Quantum fluctuations are way too weak to generate such a big amount of energy and even if they would it still would violate the rule of conservation of energy and disappear, and no it does not matter how it creates and if it has enough time to materialize, because energy is related to matter (E = mc²)

Pro tip I noticed that when I deplete my arms of blood circulation, my happiness increases, my brain feels to have more oxygen and blood flow.

So I would say that increasing awareness, increasing consciousness, increases happiness, decreased awareness means increased dullness and mediocrity. But I get what you are saying about being "aware". What you may be trying to say is that "intellectualism" or "adulthood" can decrease happiness, which can be true.

For example, if I am looking at a painting, I just want to enjoy the painting, if a f*****g expert tells me how every molecule of the painting is involved in every molecule of society, and the message the artist wanted to convey, damnit I just want to look at a painting. Its like when a magician reveals their tricks, it makes it less entertaining, they should just stfu and give me a magic show. I only want to hear the tricks until after I am totally bored of the show already, and not a second before.

Plus there are added stressors, responsibility, paying child support, taking care of a loud baby, etc. I think being woken up 24/7 by a baby changes people. For example, just for a few days I didn't sleep at all and it f'd me up and I've never been the same since.
When u find out how hard and cruel life is u r forever sad
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  • #165
Because mass can only be originated from other mass (two fast protons collisiom -> anti-proton and proton) and energy is not mass and neither virtual particles are
energy causes the particles to go into higher states, such as a photon to a elementary particle
then where did the original mass come from?
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  • #166
The beginning of the universe is the only stable theory between all of those, because if the universe is expanding it means that it was once compressed into an infinitely small point, and then because of a reaction or God itself for my belief originated (i have this faith because if you understand the Bible [meaning you have to interperate it, not read it literally] it proved many scientific facts [also the beginning of the universe])

instead the quantum fluctuations and the virtual particles stuff are unproved things which will never ever be proven (probably hunderds of years from now) because of how abstract arguments they are, and they do explain many things but even other things do
i see you are religious, so it feels kind of pointless to have this argument, sorry for taking up your time
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  • #167
By the way yes, energy can be turned into mass, and that's also what the theory of the creation of the universe is based on, not the compression of matter into an infinitely small point, but the compression of energy. Quantum fluctuations are way too weak to generate such a big amount of energy and even if they would it still would violate the rule of conservation of energy and disappear, and no it does not matter how it creates and if it has enough time to materialize, because energy is related to matter (E = mc²)
photons have energy and they are massless

My theory is puberty causes unhappiness.

I was gonna say that Testosterone causes unhappiness, but that sounds dumb because testosterone could increase the height of gaming excitement (back when gaming was good, doesn't apply to modern AAA trash.) But the way it works could be insidious where it decreases happiness overall, but seems to make one happy in bursts. Or there could some other thing about puberty that causes unhappiness that isn't testosterone, maybe its HGH. I just know I was a lot happier before puberty
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  • #169

My theory is puberty causes unhappiness.

I was gonna say that Testosterone causes unhappiness, but that sounds dumb because testosterone could increase the height of gaming excitement (back when gaming was good, doesn't apply to modern AAA trash.) But the way it works could be insidious where it decreases happiness overall, but seems to make one happy in bursts. Or there could some other thing about puberty that causes unhappiness that isn't testosterone, maybe its HGH. I just know I was a lot happier before puberty
1. brain development: you become smarter, understand the cruelty of the world around you, also you become more self conscious to boost your looks bc hormones telling you to reproduce and you wanna be suitable, also to fit in. you also start getting hella nihilistic and self righteous+absorbed
2. expectations: you look more mature, and you are older in middle school so expectations rise, tests, family burdens
3. changing body, sudden changes in hormone change mood, different physical changes can be a lot

My theory is puberty causes unhappiness.

I was gonna say that Testosterone causes unhappiness, but that sounds dumb because testosterone could increase the height of gaming excitement (back when gaming was good, doesn't apply to modern AAA trash.) But the way it works could be insidious where it decreases happiness overall, but seems to make one happy in bursts. Or there could some other thing about puberty that causes unhappiness that isn't testosterone, maybe its HGH. I just know I was a lot happier before puberty
Might be true but awareness and knowledge is behind all of sorrow
i see you are religious, so it feels kind of pointless to have this argument, sorry for taking up your time
Nah bro i won't deny the truth just because of a convintion, also because i think that the bible can be related to science so it doesnt really matter to me, also having these kind of arguments is going to make my science knowledge pop
energy causes the particles to go into higher states, such as a photon to a elementary particle
then where did the original mass come from?
I was wrong there i actually got intrested into these kind of things and i realised that mass and energy are related and can be switched from one to another.

before the universe, so in the "nothing" there are no photons, photons have been created 10 seconds after the Big Bang, and thats why i believe all the energy was already there, and its hard to believe that a quantum fluctuation could've originated such enormous quanity of energy to make so much mass
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  • #179
no, i dont use chat gpt lol, its so unreliable, when i first found out about it i tested it out and it gave me falsified info. i just compile ideas onto a google doc. this took me around a week to make and brainstorm and write
no, i dont use chat gpt lol, its so unreliable, when i first found out about it i tested it out and it gave me falsified info. i just compile ideas onto a google doc. this took me around a week to make and brainstorm and write
gpt is getting smarter and says some very high iq stuff now. But if u ask it a question thats too high iq for it it will just say a bunch of stupid bullshit.
Mutations that experience continuous happiness got eaten by jaguars. Therefore the mutation for continual happiness was not able to propogate. If u do pot everyday how are you supposed to fight a jaguar and win? And this applies to organisms long before humans, this must have occurred much earlier in evolution, maybe even from the jurassic period, although of course there were no jaguars back then that I know of.

therefore the point of modern society is not having to fight jaguars, therefore there should be more happiness in society. if someone rots as an incel and is less happy than in a stone age society then it defeats the entire purpose of modern society.
No one is happy and no one can be no feelings last

Happiness is just a moment and so is death so kys bluepilled copers

Dantes said you can't achieve happiness in life , you can only achieve fulfillment

No one is happy in life not a single person
we are designed to not be happy if we became happy we would have never progressed the driving force of improvement is discomfort and the reason behind discomfort is awareness
brother is od on the blackpill
Mutations that experience continuous happiness got eaten by jaguars. Therefore the mutation for continual happiness was not able to propogate. If u do pot everyday how are you supposed to fight a jaguar and win? And this applies to organisms long before humans, this must have occurred much earlier in evolution, maybe even from the jurassic period, although of course there were no jaguars back then that I know of.

therefore the point of modern society is not having to fight jaguars, therefore there should be more happiness in society. if someone rots as an incel and is less happy than in a stone age society then it defeats the entire purpose of modern society.
I realize this post I made is incorrect.

Through exercise it is possible to have continuous positivity. You won't be as happy as pot, but you will overall feel more positive than neutral.

What robs us of this is society. For example, I load up my xbox and I'm in a good mood, then I have this f*****g trash retarded teammate that is a bottomfrag yet is constantly being toxic on the mic to everybody even though nobody had a mic. Then later in the day I hear the f*****g retarded subhuman icetream man again playing his music at 150 dB. And its the same f*****g 2 songs every time. How is that shit even legal it probably violates city, state and federal ordnances. I go on reddit and some based redditors are complaining about it, yet the majority of posters are subhumans defending the ice cream trucks rights, i hope they all get ran over brutally by ice cream trucks. Putting on ear plugs dont block it, closing my windows dont block it, this is assault.

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