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Info How to know if gymcelling is going to make you ascend and some advice on gymcelling.

Jan 6, 2021
Buddyboyo's house
The first part of this guide is to let you know if gymcelling alone will make you ascend.
  • Clavicle Shape. A straight clavicle shape is a dimorphic trait that not only affects the shape of your chest, but how your delts project.
    as you can see Jon Skywalker doesn't have a god tiered frame or width, but he has a athletic looking appearance because his clavicle shape is straight and makes his delts insert lower. Straight clavicles are also more likely to have Square chests. Its a well known Dimorphic trait that adds to your masculinity. Almost every action movie actor has this type of shape and it's a large reason they are cast for the roles they are. Look at Stallone in this image. Straight clavicles and a Square androgenic barrel chest chest.
  • Now let's compare them to this.
    Even after blasting tons of gear(think 3 grams of test, he looks nowhere near as aesthetic as Jon or Stallone. This is a very common Gymcel trait like wide hips except worse. Sloped clavicles make you look much narrower than you are. He has a passable chest, but it's not nearly as androgenic as the above guys. If you don't have the above traits than a enormous scapula saves your life. Look at the rock at 15 and he has curved clavicles, but a gigantic scapula width.
  • Hips. Wide hips are a huge deal breaker in a physique unless the rest of you is also wide as in the case of Kim Freire who has broader shoulders than most gym goers even on gear. You need the rest of you to make up for it. This isn't impossible if the rest of your body isn't a walking dumpsterfire like this
    Arnold's son Joseph for example has relatively wide and blocky hips just like what he had but looks great.
  • Face and height are crucial for this to work. Guys like David Laid and Zyzz have amazing faces and are 6 2 +. Even before zyzz had a god tiered face and I dont think he had surgery Jeff seid isn't tall but has top tier facial features especially his cheekbones and eye area,
Now onto drugs you would need to ascend if you go that route and have legit sources.
  • Now looking at guys like zyzz who have ascended you already know their physiques aren't naturally achievable. Steroids, aromasin, and hgh or even mk-677 are huge because they greatly alter the structure of your muscles and androgen receptors. There are plenty of studies that suggest that performance enhancing effects of testosterone therapy or steroid cycles last for life. Superphysiological amounts of test not only alters the structure and density of your muscles, but it adds a lot more androgen receptors to the body and greatly increases the sensitivity of the ones you already have. Aromasin unlike other estrogen blockers or AI's destroys the enzymes in the body instead of blocking them and this is permanent. Finally mk-677 and hgh burn body fat much more effectively than the above 2 drugs and add new cells to the body because they heavily elevate IGF levels. MK-677 gives over a 70% boost while pharmaceutical grade hgh can shoot you up well over double the normal range on only 3 IUs. Both also increase bone density and skeletal thickness which lets your frame carry more muscle. Rich Piana said his wrist grew 3 quarters of an inch using hgh, and it even increase the size of your ribcage even after your plates close. Because pharma igf and hgh are expensive as f**k, rich said he got his off aids patients or it was over $7,000, your best bet is mk-677
  • What drugs would you need to get a look like Zyzz? Preferably dht derivative drugs like proviron and masteron. If you can acquire them anavar and primobolan then that's very solid, but they tend to be a bit pricy. You don't need to take a ton though, truth be told even like 200 mgs of primobolan + 200 test puts you far beyond even the high end of the range. Men produce 50 mgs of test and 200 mg of test and primobolan is enough to put you over 4 times the natural range. Masteron and proviron don't really boost test by injecting superphysiological boosts, but they greatly lower shbg greatly, do not aromatize, and DHT based steroids have anti estrogen effects. As a result make free testosterone much more bioavailable moretolerate the insanely androgenic steroid halotestin then that works well too. Taking mk-677 further helps for the reasons I mentioned and burns fat very well.
  • Face and height: Your face and height matter a lot if you are going to ascend via gymcelling. A f**k me now physique is great, but you also need at least need to be 5'9 or 5'10 preferably taller and need to have a average, preferably very good face. Zyzz and David Laid are both 6'2 and they have excellent faces. Jeff Said is only like 5'9 to 5'10 max, but he has top tier facial features besides his lips. Amazing cheekbones, great jaw and chin, and a top grade eye area which really carries him hard imo.
If your natural and don't have amazing genes then the process is gonna be slow.

  1. Fix your diet. If your diet is dogshit then you'll look like shit unless your chad. Have primarily meats, fish, and eggs. No soy, no dairy as that increases aromatase and say f**k you to shit like beer and beans that can increase estrogen. Foods that decrease aromatase are like grapes, cruciferous vegetables, and Citrus fruits. Truffles, celery, and pine pollen all have phytoandrogensandrogens in them. Truffles contain small amounts of testosterone and androstenol and can actually stimulate testosterone production. Sleep also matters a lot.
  2. As for actual gymcelling, do cardio and lift weights nothing complex really. But old bodybuilders claim things like deep breathing squats, dumbbell pullovers and the deadlift where you grab the plates and not the bar expand your frame. Here's Steve Reeves frame before and afterScreenshot_20210110-135032~2.png1593380389903.pngsame person, but notice how much broader his frame got?
  3. Sleep. Sleep is very important for obvious reasons.
  4. For supplements take Vitamin E. Vitamin E lowers prolactin sharply which causes gynecomastia, but also lowers estrogen a bit and even lowers the sensitivity of your estrogen receptors. Forskolin is nice because it can aid in testosterone production and upregulates your androgen receptors.
  5. L Carnitine is also cool because, despite supposedly lowering test, it can greatly improve androgen receptor density and sensitivity. You can supplement with it or have a high meat diet. This is most likely why studies show vegans as a lot less masculine than meat eaters and in real life. However this and Forskolin won't alter your receptors as much as steroids.
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I think the main reason V-shaped clavicles are considered unappealing is because they give the illusion of a longer neck which makes your bideltoid appear narrower, also I think they might make your traps look disproportionate, but I am not really sure about this tbh.

@Buddy Boyo thoughts on what I said?

Also, height definitely matters, but what matters as much if not more is your proportions as they can affect your perceived height and determine how much you can fraud your height with lifts, you can read about it HERE if you are interested.
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  • #3
I think the main reason V-shaped clavicles are considered unappealing is because they give the illusion of a longer neck which makes your bideltoid appear narrower, also I think they might make your traps look disproportionate, but I am not really sure about this tbh.

@Buddy Boyo thoughts on what I said?

Also, height definitely matters, but what matters as much if not more is your proportions as they can affect your perceived height and determine how much you can fraud your height with lifts, you can read about it HERE if you are interested.

Thanks for the response. I think it looks like shit because it's super undimorphic looking and it makes you look pretty damn narrow even if you aren't. There was a morph here on gandy and he looked way more masculine with straight clavicles instead of curved ones.

However I l would like to hear buddy boyos thoughts. I've read a few of his threads on frame and they're very good.
There was a morph here on gandy and he looked way more masculine with straight clavicles instead of curved ones.
You are talking about the morphs that @Rkelly did for this is the thread, right?
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  • #7
I also forgot to mention that heavy lifting targets your type II muscle fibers. Besides his genes that's why Ian McCarthy looks so horrible. He trains like a f*****g b***h. Anyone who has met him says that. Doesn't entirely make up for not having god tier genes though but it helps a lot. Most individuals with God tiered muscle genetics tend to be black however.

Look at the bodybuilder Phil Heath in his college basketball days and his arms and shoulders look leagues better than chad football players. Compare his arms and shoulders to Jay Gould a football chad. Jay has height and frame though.

I also forgot to mention that heavy lifting targets your type II muscle fibers. Besides his genes that's why Ian McCarthy looks so horrible. He trains like a f*****g b***h. Anyone who has met him says that. Doesn't entirely make up for not having god tier genes though but it helps a lot. Most individuals with God tiered muscle genetics tend to be black however.

Look at the bodybuilder Phil Heath in his college basketball days and his arms and shoulders look leagues better than chad football players. Compare his arms and shoulders to Jay Gould a football chad. Jay has height and frame though.


As far as i remember, phil heath has a myostatin deficiency

Plus black genetics and thus way more type 2 fiber muscles than the average guy

Jay gould has a natural insanse androgen receptor density and a huge frame

A average man wont even come close to such a muscularity and frame
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  • #9
As far as i remember, phil heath has a myostatin deficiency

Plus black genetics and thus way more type 2 fiber muscles than the average guy

Jay gould has a natural insanse androgen receptor density and a huge frame

A average man wont even come close to such a muscularity and frame

I agree with your points on jay gould, but it's not Phil Heath who had the myostatin deficiency, it was Flex Wheeler who has it and he has the rarest , most potent variation of it. He had the extremely rare double GG variation of it instead of a more common single G.
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  • #10
@Buddy Boyo while your here I have 2 questions.

Do you agree with my statement that long straight clavicles are crucial for gymmaxxing to work? Most skinny lanky guys like David Laid and Zyzz have them. Plus most action movie actors like Sylvester Stallone and Mel Gibson have straight clavicles.

My others question was that if blacks have higher levels of testosterone, much more androgen receptors and almost no estrogen receptors, why do black men tend to have much worse chins than whites on average?
@Buddy Boyo while your here I have 2 questions.

Do you agree with my statement that long straight clavicles are crucial for gymmaxxing to work? Most skinny lanky guys like David Laid and Zyzz have them. Plus most action movie actors like Sylvester Stallone and Mel Gibson have straight clavicles.

My others question was that if blacks have higher levels of testosterone, much more androgen receptors and almost no estrogen receptors, why do black men tend to have much worse chins than whites on average?

It is a negroid trait, blacks have much more forward grown mandibles but recessed chins due to bidental protrusion
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  • #12
It is a negroid trait, blacks have much more forward grown mandibles but recessed chins due to bidental protrusion

Thanks for the answer. Most black men I see tend to have a lot more androgenic traits than a white even, non Tyrone blacks I see tend to have excellent forward growth and long jawline along with good cheekbone areas, but I see white men and even some women with better chins.
Frame expansion is real. I promise you steeve reeves was right. Been following his method for months. It works so good
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  • #15
Frame expansion is real. I promise you steeve reeves was right. Been following his method for months. It works so good

Excellent progress my friend. I would say my frame also grew a ton from gymcelling, although it was also some puberty I had that also helped. From 18 to 21, I would say my frame grew a good bit. I used to be quite narrow, but I did catch up later. It's definitely worth the investment.
Thanks for the answer. Most black men I see tend to have a lot more androgenic traits than a white even, non Tyrone blacks I see tend to have excellent forward growth and long jawline along with good cheekbone areas, but I see white men and even some women with better chins.
Idk about cheekbones mate
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  • #19
Idk about cheekbones mate



Keep Coping.

Lying to him isnt good for him

Gymcelling and masculine maxxing clearly work if you have a okay base and decent height. I think AlphaDestiny would have been at least mid normie tier if he was like >5'9 and didn't focus on bear mode. He's pretty average looking by himself, but his height massively weighs him down to trucel tier.


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Keep Coping.

Gymcelling and masculine maxxing clearly work if you have a okay base and decent height. I think AlphaDestiny would have been at least mid normie tier if he was like >5'9 and didn't focus on bear mode. He's pretty average looking by himself, but his height massively weighs him down to trucel tier.


Examples you used are cherry picking
It's like me using Alessandro Dellisola as an example to say all white guys have a good eye area
I am Black firstly and i live in a city that is 15% black, and even with the low bf black guys very few have good cheekbones
Generally speaking of men where i live i rarely see good zygos, blacks dont have more than other races this is just cope
Also Meeks cheekbones arent even that good lol
I am 5'11. My face halos me and with a good body I will be solid. My arms are growing the most. I'm no longer the twink you guys once saw. I'm 180 lbs. Aiming to be 210.

This face plus a massive gym maxxed body while being lean will make me Chad to high chadlight
If you enjoy the gymcelling then go for it, personally speaking i dont think the effort is worth it

Idk what ur face looks like currently
If you enjoy the gymcelling then go for it, personally speaking i dont think the effort is worth it

Idk what ur face looks like currently
Dude gyming ascends anyone plus it's healthy for you. Even doing bodyweight only is good for you and better than never working out. Working out is just a no brainier for health and looking your best. It's the easiest thing one can do to work on being the best version of you
Dude gyming ascends anyone plus it's healthy for you. Even doing bodyweight only is good for you and better than never working out.
its not natural tho
and all my gyms are shut

body cant ascend you, ascend means face going from bad to good. No amount of muscles can make up for bad face, frame and height
The first part of this guide is to let you know if gymcelling alone will make you ascend.
  • Clavicle Shape. A straight clavicle shape is a dimorphic trait that not only affects the shape of your chest, but how your delts project.
    as you can see Jon Skywalker doesn't have a god tiered frame or width, but he has a athletic looking appearance because his clavicle shape is straight and makes his delts insert lower. Straight clavicles are also more likely to have Square chests. Its a well known Dimorphic trait that adds to your masculinity. Almost every action movie actor has this type of shape and it's a large reason they are cast for the roles they are. Look at Stallone in this image. Straight clavicles and a Square androgenic barrel chest chest.
  • Now let's compare them to this.
    Even after blasting tons of gear(think 3 grams of test, he looks nowhere near as aesthetic as Jon or Stallone. This is a very common Gymcel trait like wide hips except worse. Sloped clavicles make you look much narrower than you are. He has a passable chest, but it's not nearly as androgenic as the above guys. If you don't have the above traits than a enormous scapula saves your life. Look at the rock at 15 and he has curved clavicles, but a gigantic scapula width.
  • Hips. Wide hips are a huge deal breaker in a physique unless the rest of you is also wide as in the case of Kim Freire who has broader shoulders than most gym goers even on gear. You need the rest of you to make up for it. This isn't impossible if the rest of your body isn't a walking dumpsterfire like this
    Arnold's son Joseph for example has relatively wide and blocky hips just like what he had but looks great.
  • Face and height are crucial for this to work. Guys like David Laid and Zyzz have amazing faces and are 6 2 +. Even before zyzz had a god tiered face and I dont think he had surgery Jeff seid isn't tall but has top tier facial features especially his cheekbones and eye area,
Now onto drugs you would need to ascend if you go that route and have legit sources.
  • Now looking at guys like zyzz who have ascended you already know their physiques aren't naturally achievable. Steroids, aromasin, and hgh or even mk-677 are huge because they greatly alter the structure of your muscles and androgen receptors. There are plenty of studies that suggest that performance enhancing effects of testosterone therapy or steroid cycles last for life. Superphysiological amounts of test not only alters the structure and density of your muscles, but it adds a lot more androgen receptors to the body and greatly increases the sensitivity of the ones you already have. Aromasin unlike other estrogen blockers or AI's destroys the enzymes in the body instead of blocking them and this is permanent. Finally mk-677 and hgh burn body fat much more effectively than the above 2 drugs and add new cells to the body because they heavily elevate IGF levels. MK-677 gives over a 70% boost while pharmaceutical grade hgh can shoot you up well over double the normal range on only 3 IUs. Both also increase bone density and skeletal thickness which lets your frame carry more muscle. Rich Piana said his wrist grew 3 quarters of an inch using hgh, and it even increase the size of your ribcage even after your plates close. Because pharma igf and hgh are expensive as f**k, rich said he got his off aids patients or it was over $7,000, your best bet is mk-677
  • What drugs would you need to get a look like Zyzz? Preferably dht derivative drugs like proviron and masteron. If you can acquire them anavar and primobolan then that's very solid, but they tend to be a bit pricy. You don't need to take a ton though, truth be told even like 200 mgs of primobolan + 200 test puts you far beyond even the high end of the range. Men produce 50 mgs of test and 200 mg of test and primobolan is enough to put you over 4 times the natural range. Masteron and proviron don't really boost test by injecting superphysiological boosts, but they greatly lower shbg greatly, do not aromatize, and DHT based steroids have anti estrogen effects. As a result make free testosterone much more bioavailable moretolerate the insanely androgenic steroid halotestin then that works well too. Taking mk-677 further helps for the reasons I mentioned and burns fat very well.
  • Face and height: Your face and height matter a lot if you are going to ascend via gymcelling. A f**k me now physique is great, but you also need at least need to be 5'9 or 5'10 preferably taller and need to have a average, preferably very good face. Zyzz and David Laid are both 6'2 and they have excellent faces. Jeff Said is only like 5'9 to 5'10 max, but he has top tier facial features besides his lips. Amazing cheekbones, great jaw and chin, and a top grade eye area which really carries him hard imo.
If your natural and don't have amazing genes then the process is gonna be slow.

  1. Fix your diet. If your diet is dogshit then you'll look like shit unless your chad. Have primarily meats, fish, and eggs. No soy, no dairy as that increases aromatase and say f**k you to shit like beer and beans that can increase estrogen. Foods that decrease aromatase are like grapes, cruciferous vegetables, and Citrus fruits. Truffles, celery, and pine pollen all have phytoandrogensandrogens in them. Truffles contain small amounts of testosterone and androstenol and can actually stimulate testosterone production. Sleep also matters a lot.
  2. As for actual gymcelling, do cardio and lift weights nothing complex really. But old bodybuilders claim things like deep breathing squats, dumbbell pullovers and the deadlift where you grab the plates and not the bar expand your frame. Here's Steve Reeves frame before and afterView attachment 18395View attachment 18396same person, but notice how much broader his frame got?
  3. Sleep. Sleep is very important for obvious reasons.
  4. For supplements take Vitamin E. Vitamin E lowers prolactin sharply which causes gynecomastia, but also lowers estrogen a bit and even lowers the sensitivity of your estrogen receptors. Forskolin is nice because it can aid in testosterone production and upregulates your androgen receptors.
  5. L Carnitine is also cool because, despite supposedly lowering test, it can greatly improve androgen receptor density and sensitivity. You can supplement with it or have a high meat diet. This is most likely why studies show vegans as a lot less masculine than meat eaters and in real life. However this and Forskolin won't alter your receptors as much as steroids.
kim freirekim.jpg
Dude gyming ascends anyone plus it's healthy for you. Even doing bodyweight only is good for you and better than never working out. Working out is just a no brainier for health and looking your best. It's the easiest thing one can do to work on being the best version of you
yea no doubt about that just im very skeptical that any changes in frame can be made at 21 years old i mean in terms of bone. how old were you when you started gymcelling? is 21 fine old enough to increase frame?
yea no doubt about that just im very skeptical that any changes in frame can be made at 21 years old i mean in terms of bone. how old were you when you started gymcelling? is 21 fine old enough to increase frame?
Yes it grows untill 25.
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  • #28
ascend means face going from bad to good.

You need a shit ton of sexual dimorphism to get girls to be honest. A girl would probably date a ugly guy over a unmanly one past their teen years. Past 18, pretty boys lose a lot of their appeal. Just look at these examples. Denis Cyplenkov with prime 7+ women. The last one is with a prime JB Stacy who was his girlfriend.




yea no doubt about that just im very skeptical that any changes in frame can be made at 21 years old i mean in terms of bone. how old were you when you started gymcelling? is 21 fine old enough to increase frame?

Read my post and check out the part about the Reeves Deadlift. Look at Steve Reeves when he was starting out to much later on and you can clearly see his frame grew a ton.
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  • #30
Well thanks to buddy boyo, I learned of yet 2 more important bones that factors in how broad your shoulders can and will look. Your humerus insertion and shape plus your acromion insertion How would that look in person. Well I'm gonna use this comparison from .co between a gymcel with a technically small frame vs a guy with a technically larger build.

Let's look at this curry for example.

Objectively his frame is small, but if you look closely, the shape and structure of his upper body is top tier. Not only does he have a extremely Square clavicle shape, but also super straight humerus base and a extremely low set Acromion insertion. They make his frame look far broader than it actually is.

Here's guy 2.

His frame is a lot larger, but it's not just his clavicles are more sloped. It's also hid humerus is far more sloped, while his acromion insertion is a lot higher than the Indian's, which makes him look narrower than he actually is.

That's why even though Jason Momoa objectively has a very large frame(6'4 with a fairly large bone structure), he looks framecelish in certain pics.
Well thanks to buddy boyo, I learned of yet 2 more important bones that factors in how broad your shoulders can and will look. Your humerus insertion and shape plus your acromion insertion How would that look in person. Well I'm gonna use this comparison from .co between a gymcel with a technically small frame vs a guy with a technically larger build.

Let's look at this curry for example.

Objectively his frame is small, but if you look closely, the shape and structure of his upper body is top tier. Not only does he have a extremely Square clavicle shape, but also super straight humerus base and a extremely low set Acromion insertion. They make his frame look far broader than it actually is.

Here's guy 2.

His frame is a lot larger, but it's not just his clavicles are more sloped. It's also hid humerus is far more sloped, while his acromion insertion is a lot higher than the Indian's, which makes him look narrower than he actually is.

That's why even though Jason Momoa objectively has a very large frame(6'4 with a fairly large bone structure), he looks framecelish in certain pics.
so do you still think that the steeve reaves method will actually do anything? also how come we dont see any other gymcel transformations like his where the frame has gotten wider not just the delts?
Well thanks to buddy boyo, I learned of yet 2 more important bones that factors in how broad your shoulders can and will look. Your humerus insertion and shape plus your acromion insertion How would that look in person. Well I'm gonna use this comparison from .co between a gymcel with a technically small frame vs a guy with a technically larger build.

Let's look at this curry for example.

Objectively his frame is small, but if you look closely, the shape and structure of his upper body is top tier. Not only does he have a extremely Square clavicle shape, but also super straight humerus base and a extremely low set Acromion insertion. They make his frame look far broader than it actually is.

Here's guy 2.

His frame is a lot larger, but it's not just his clavicles are more sloped. It's also hid humerus is far more sloped, while his acromion insertion is a lot higher than the Indian's, which makes him look narrower than he actually is.

That's why even though Jason Momoa objectively has a very large frame(6'4 with a fairly large bone structure), he looks framecelish in certain pics.
also acromion insertion is the same thing as clavicle shape. if the clavicles are bent (v shaped) then obv the acromion will be high set whereas if clavicles are straight then acromion will be low set
its not natural tho
and all my gyms are shut

body cant ascend you, ascend means face going from bad to good. No amount of muscles can make up for bad face, frame and height
Most guys have shit frames anyways. Muscle can only help you.
You need a shit ton of sexual dimorphism to get girls to be honest. A girl would probably date a ugly guy over a unmanly one past their teen years. Past 18, pretty boys lose a lot of their appeal. Just look at these examples. Denis Cyplenkov with prime 7+ women. The last one is with a prime JB Stacy who was his girlfriend.




Read my post and check out the part about the Reeves Deadlift. Look at Steve Reeves when he was starting out to much later on and you can clearly see his frame grew a ton.
Dudes that are that big are the female version of porn stars; their bodies are “dimorphic”, but they look like shit.
Most guys have shit frames anyways. Muscle can only help you.
Yes but my body shape so feminine below my shoulders, its acc disgusting to look at
No point in me gymcelling, im 5’9 and have big hips, only hope for me is to go as low bodyfat as possible
No point in me gymcelling, im 5’9 and have big hips, only hope for me is to go as low bodyfat as possible
Losing body fat will probably exacerbate your wide hips by making your waist smaller and giving you an hourglass body, you will only benefit from it if you store a significant amount of fat in your hips.

Just stop making excuses and start lifting, you need to grow your upper body as much as possible so your wide hips look less disproportionate.
Losing body fat will probably exacerbate your wide hips by making your waist smaller and giving you an hourglass body, you will only benefit from it if you store a significant amount of fat in your hips.
He benefited from it because he has an estrogenic body fat distribution that made him store fat in his hips.

His ribcage is so tiny...
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  • #39
He benefited from it because he has an estrogenic body fat distribution that made him store fat in his hips.

His ribcage is so tiny...

You know your frame is shit when you get framemogged by f*****g Chestbrah.



How the hell do you even get framemogged by chestbrah of all people? Even Toth has less estrogen than him.

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