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Looks matter, but they’re not the end all be all


Ϫ The Voice of the order of Nihil Ϫ
Dec 31, 2023
Order of Nihil
Looks matter. A lot. They just do

However it’s important that we understand how they matter

Imagine being beautiful is like having a master key to every door on the planet; in this case the doors are in the form of job opportunities, people, etc.
And with this key, you can open any door you want, you can effectively seduce anyone, people are more likely to treat you better, you find opportunities for success easier
As useful as this key can be, once you’ve “unlocked the door” it becomes relatively useless, you may be able to seduce someone but a long term relationship requires so much more than a pretty face. Expanding on that, you may be very sexually appealing, but without a personality to back up those looks, you’ll never form genuine connections, and always be boiled down to only your looks
Remember while looks may get your foot in the door, there’s so much more that goes into life
You may get career opportunities, but if you’re not competent at whatever the job is then there’s no real point
I.e. famous actors are very good looking but they’re also extremely talented actors, which is why they’re so famous

A good example being my ex-boyfriend (.org user) who is Chadlite (they rated him HTN) and he couldn’t get Tinder matches as they did not want to meet him because he had only 70 Instagram followers, no posts, and they speculated he could have been a serial killer.

A good example being my ex-boyfriend (.org user) who is Chadlite (they rated him HTN) and he couldn’t get Tinder matches as they did not want to meet him because he had only 70 Instagram followers, no posts, and they speculated he could have been a serial killer.
They allow females to post here?
Looks matter. A lot. They just do

However it’s important that we understand how they matter

Imagine being beautiful is like having a master key to every door on the planet; in this case the doors are in the form of job opportunities, people, etc.
And with this key, you can open any door you want, you can effectively seduce anyone, people are more likely to treat you better, you find opportunities for success easier
As useful as this key can be, once you’ve “unlocked the door” it becomes relatively useless, you may be able to seduce someone but a long term relationship requires so much more than a pretty face. Expanding on that, you may be very sexually appealing, but without a personality to back up those looks, you’ll never form genuine connections, and always be boiled down to only your looks
Remember while looks may get your foot in the door, there’s so much more that goes into life
You may get career opportunities, but if you’re not competent at whatever the job is then there’s no real point
I.e. famous actors are very good looking but they’re also extremely talented actors, which is why they’re so famous
I think one of the most important thing to understand is that on a side looks are very important, but on the another they dont matter at all
In life you are very advantaged if you are good looking, but people have to understand that if you aren't beautiful it's not the end of the world, both a beautiful and an incel are going to die once
Looks matter. A lot. They just do

However it’s important that we understand how they matter

Imagine being beautiful is like having a master key to every door on the planet; in this case the doors are in the form of job opportunities, people, etc.
And with this key, you can open any door you want, you can effectively seduce anyone, people are more likely to treat you better, you find opportunities for success easier
As useful as this key can be, once you’ve “unlocked the door” it becomes relatively useless, you may be able to seduce someone but a long term relationship requires so much more than a pretty face. Expanding on that, you may be very sexually appealing, but without a personality to back up those looks, you’ll never form genuine connections, and always be boiled down to only your looks
Remember while looks may get your foot in the door, there’s so much more that goes into life
You may get career opportunities, but if you’re not competent at whatever the job is then there’s no real point
I.e. famous actors are very good looking but they’re also extremely talented actors, which is why they’re so famous
high iq post
do people need instagram followers to get a girlfriend in India?? i dont even use that website

requiring to have zuck social media to get a girlfriend or laid is extremely dystopian
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