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JFL Megathread about cold approaching total strangers


Well-known member
Established Member
Aug 15, 2023
Today I seen a stranger who had an attractive and fashionable outfit. I started thinking about the philosophy of sex (sex as in male and female, not sex as in coitus.) I realized humans have some role reversal where Human Females wear colourful attractive outfits and males wear camouflaged, drab outfits that blend in. This is the opposite of usual natural animal males and females. Then I realized Humans are different from Animals, for instance Animals just casually approach each other for sex. Whereas cold approach by Humans is seen as Taboo.

The woman was in front of me but I would have had to exert a lot of energy to get in front of her then I would have had to awkwardly crane my neck backwards in order to see if she was hot or not. I am not shallow, I am not opposed to dating girls that are not hot, but I will not flirt to a girl unless she is above a 5, because why risk rejection by flirting to a sub5? Plus getting rejected by a sub5 would not make me feel good about myself. If a sub5 began flirting to me then that is a different story.

Anyway, I feel like I missed out. I didn't try flirting to her because I felt like I would be an ass. Modern society makes it feel like flirting to random girls is taboo. And I am not confident about my looks. And I have not had enough training on how to flirt. By the way the pickup line I would have used was dumb. And if I got rejected I would be miserable also.

So I felt sad and alone. I just want a gf. I feel that Leonard from TBBT has better odds of getting a gf than me. Because Leonard has a social life. I do not want a social life I just want a gf that doesn't have a messy room. I do not want to know most of her friends probably either. Probably half her friends want to get in her pants too. This spice girl song makes me feel like an incel:

Basically I been waiting for tech to turn us into cyborg lesbians. Then we will have utopia. But with the current tech leaders I lack confidence that this will happen soon. Elon Musk is a scamster, he is not a real genius such as Isaac Newton, Bill Gates, Einstein, KJ, or Raze. So I feel we will be stuck as males for a while. And have to be subject to female hypergamy for the time being.

And this is what the thread is about. Actual realistic training for how to cold approach total strangers. Its not going to be easy. They already did an experiment showing males are open to sexual cold approach from strangers but females are not open to sexual cold approach from most strangers (if the strangers are male. Probably if the strangers were females alot of them would just give them sex immediately).
Basically I been waiting for tech to turn us into cyborg lesbians. Then we will have utopia. But with the current tech leaders I lack confidence that this will happen soon. Elon Musk is a scamster, he is not a real genius such as Isaac Newton, Bill Gates, Einstein, KJ, or Raze. So I feel we will be stuck as males for a while. And have to be subject to female hypergamy for the time being.
what is blud yapping about 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Tailes from the basement of sexless
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  • #10
got a genius idea. A good way to flirt to chicks is by not flirting to chicks. Then you cannot embarrass yourself.

Hear me out on this. I think this is genius. Say you see a random girl in public, you think you might be interested in her. The straightforward approach is walking up to her and saying some cheesy pickup line to try to get in her pants. This is often a failo unless you are HTN, chad, or you are her type, etc. The better way is to pick some random topic you think she might be interested in. Then you can get to know her and see her personality, without coming off as too much of a beta male. This is not as easy is it sounds though, for this approach to have better success, you must first correctly guess what topics she is interested in.
got a genius idea. A good way to flirt to chicks is by not flirting to chicks. Then you cannot embarrass yourself.

Hear me out on this. I think this is genius. Say you see a random girl in public, you think you might be interested in her. The straightforward approach is walking up to her and saying some cheesy pickup line to try to get in her pants. This is often a failo unless you are HTN, chad, or you are her type, etc. The better way is to pick some random topic you think she might be interested in. Then you can get to know her and see her personality, without coming off as too much of a beta male. This is not as easy is it sounds though, for this approach to have better success, you must first correctly guess what topics she is interested in.

try choppin it up with girls that are already around you at your job, gym, school etc.

unless ur in a bar or club keep to urself PLEASE
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  • #12

try choppin it up with girls that are already around you at your job, gym, school etc.

unless ur in a bar or club keep to urself PLEASE
Who the hell are you? I can talk to whoever the hell I want

And this post wasn't for only for me otherwise I'd keep such advice to myself. So you are telling everybody that?
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  • #13

try choppin it up with girls that are already around you at your job, gym, school etc.
I work at home, and I don't go to gym or school. So you are trying to make some tyrannical dystopian absurdity/incel hell

and why the hell would anyone living in an incel hellscape flirt with their coworkers or at university, when they could lose their job for that

unless ur in a bar or club keep to urself PLEASE
I dont drink alcohol often, its a toxin with minimal health benefits, and Clubs have loud music so its not easy to flirt there, you ignorant normie
Who the hell are you? I can talk to whoever the hell I want

And this post wasn't for only for me otherwise I'd keep such advice to myself. So you are telling everybody that?
nope just you, wasnt tryna be rude btw

i was jus sayin ur idea isnt good bro

I work at home, and I don't go to gym or school. So you are trying to make some tyrannical dystopian absurdity/incel hell
i get that, unfortunately being around people is step one

step two is approaching 100s of people over time when it makes sense. it's impossible to get that at a grocery store

JFL at the end of what u said cuz wtf

and why the hell would anyone living in an incel hellscape flirt with their coworkers or at university, when they could lose their job for that
because pulling chicks that are already around you has little to do with flirting and much more to do with getting to know then a.k.a "choppin it up" which, as long as you aren't visibly drooling from the mouth, won't get you fired

I dont drink alcohol often, its a toxin with minimal health benefits, and Clubs have loud music so its not easy to flirt there, you ignorant normie
fair enough, though i would rather be an "ignorant" normie than and isolated incel :akkoShrug:
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  • #15
nope just you, wasnt tryna be rude btw

i was jus sayin ur idea isnt good bro

i get that, unfortunately being around people is step one

step two is approaching 100s of people over time when it makes sense. it's impossible to get that at a grocery store

JFL at the end of what u said cuz wtf

because pulling chicks that are already around you has little to do with flirting and much more to do with getting to know then a.k.a "choppin it up" which, as long as you aren't visibly drooling from the mouth, won't get you fired

fair enough, though i would rather be an "ignorant" normie than and isolated incel :akkoShrug:
women are attracted to mystery

flirting with coworkers is like already being in the friendzone and also having no mystery.
If you go up to a girl make sure shes not busy or trying to go somewhere quick asf, if she looks like she has time then talk to her quick for her socials but dont be creepy
If you go up to a girl make sure shes not busy or trying to go somewhere quick asf, if she looks like she has time then talk to her quick for her socials but dont be creepy
ummm , i think sexless is a truecel
you need to be atleast htn to approach girls in public
ummm , i think sexless is a truecel
you need to be atleast htn to approach girls in public
Nvm us girls are mean asf everytime a ugly boy approaches my homegirls they deadass make fun of them when they leave. Bro does not wanna end up in a groupchat
Nvm us girls are mean asf everytime a ugly boy approaches my homegirls they deadass make fun of them when they leave. Bro does not wanna end up in a groupchat
would be a dreadful end
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  • #21
unless ur in a bar or club keep to urself PLEASE
this is impractical and disadvantageous. By limiting yourself to bars and clubs you limit your available options to women that are generally promiscuous and uninterested in long term relationships, as well as a higher likelihoods of alcoholism
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  • #23
girls that are already around you at your job
You aren't really thinking this through. If she rejects you, then for the rest of your career you have to awkwardly be around a girl that rejected you and you will feel less self-worth than a cuck for every day of the rest of your career. And if she doesn't reject you... congrats because who tf wants to have to go to work with their wife or gf everyday.
women are attracted to mystery

flirting with coworkers is like already being in the friendzone and also having no mystery.
Respectfully, I'm not listening to what you think women find attractive

You don't need to be "mysterious" (JFL at whatever that even means IN REAL LIFE)

this is impractical and disadvantageous. By limiting yourself to bars and clubs you limit your available options to women that are generally promiscuous and uninterested in long term relationships, as well as a higher likelihoods of alcoholism
Maybe for you. It all depends on what you're looking for, also I didn't say limit your dating prospects to women in bars and clubs.

My advice was getting closer with women that are already around you. Possibly some that you haven't formally met yet.

I was just saying that bars or clubs are some of the only places approaching a woman you have never met or seen before will go well.

You aren't really thinking this through. If she rejects you, then for the rest of your career you have to awkwardly be around a girl that rejected you and you will feel less self-worth than a cuck for every day of the rest of your career. And if she doesn't reject you... congrats because who tf wants to have to go to work with their wife or gf everyday.
Personally, I refuse to live in shame. I have enough confidence to take rejection on the chin and understand that not every woman I want is going to want me too. And have done so multiple times with chicks I was had classes with or go to the same gym.

If getting rejected would make you feel worse than a cuck for the rest of your career then I would suggest growing a fkin pair because LOL ur ngmi

And if she doesn't reject you? Great, hopefully you have well adjusted judgement and didn't lock yourself in with someone you wouldn't want to be around.

tl;dr there is nothing wrong with trying to get closer to women around you as long as you're understanding of consent & boundaries and rejection is never that serious
Today I seen a stranger who had an attractive and fashionable outfit. I started thinking about the philosophy of sex (sex as in male and female, not sex as in coitus.) I realized humans have some role reversal where Human Females wear colourful attractive outfits and males wear camouflaged, drab outfits that blend in. This is the opposite of usual natural animal males and females. Then I realized Humans are different from Animals, for instance Animals just casually approach each other for sex. Whereas cold approach by Humans is seen as Taboo.

The woman was in front of me but I would have had to exert a lot of energy to get in front of her then I would have had to awkwardly crane my neck backwards in order to see if she was hot or not. I am not shallow, I am not opposed to dating girls that are not hot, but I will not flirt to a girl unless she is above a 5, because why risk rejection by flirting to a sub5? Plus getting rejected by a sub5 would not make me feel good about myself. If a sub5 began flirting to me then that is a different story.

Anyway, I feel like I missed out. I didn't try flirting to her because I felt like I would be an ass. Modern society makes it feel like flirting to random girls is taboo. And I am not confident about my looks. And I have not had enough training on how to flirt. By the way the pickup line I would have used was dumb. And if I got rejected I would be miserable also.

So I felt sad and alone. I just want a gf. I feel that Leonard from TBBT has better odds of getting a gf than me. Because Leonard has a social life. I do not want a social life I just want a gf that doesn't have a messy room. I do not want to know most of her friends probably either. Probably half her friends want to get in her pants too. This spice girl song makes me feel like an incel:

Basically I been waiting for tech to turn us into cyborg lesbians. Then we will have utopia. But with the current tech leaders I lack confidence that this will happen soon. Elon Musk is a scamster, he is not a real genius such as Isaac Newton, Bill Gates, Einstein, KJ, or Raze. So I feel we will be stuck as males for a while. And have to be subject to female hypergamy for the time being.

And this is what the thread is about. Actual realistic training for how to cold approach total strangers. Its not going to be easy. They already did an experiment showing males are open to sexual cold approach from strangers but females are not open to sexual cold approach from most strangers (if the strangers are male. Probably if the strangers were females alot of them would just give them sex immediately).
Dnr but you seem massively autistic can't think any text you regurgitated could be helpful tbh
Today I seen a stranger who had an attractive and fashionable outfit. I started thinking about the philosophy of sex (sex as in male and female, not sex as in coitus.) I realized humans have some role reversal where Human Females wear colourful attractive outfits and males wear camouflaged, drab outfits that blend in. This is the opposite of usual natural animal males and females. Then I realized Humans are different from Animals, for instance Animals just casually approach each other for sex. Whereas cold approach by Humans is seen as Taboo.

The woman was in front of me but I would have had to exert a lot of energy to get in front of her then I would have had to awkwardly crane my neck backwards in order to see if she was hot or not. I am not shallow, I am not opposed to dating girls that are not hot, but I will not flirt to a girl unless she is above a 5, because why risk rejection by flirting to a sub5? Plus getting rejected by a sub5 would not make me feel good about myself. If a sub5 began flirting to me then that is a different story.

Anyway, I feel like I missed out. I didn't try flirting to her because I felt like I would be an ass. Modern society makes it feel like flirting to random girls is taboo. And I am not confident about my looks. And I have not had enough training on how to flirt. By the way the pickup line I would have used was dumb. And if I got rejected I would be miserable also.

So I felt sad and alone. I just want a gf. I feel that Leonard from TBBT has better odds of getting a gf than me. Because Leonard has a social life. I do not want a social life I just want a gf that doesn't have a messy room. I do not want to know most of her friends probably either. Probably half her friends want to get in her pants too. This spice girl song makes me feel like an incel:

Basically I been waiting for tech to turn us into cyborg lesbians. Then we will have utopia. But with the current tech leaders I lack confidence that this will happen soon. Elon Musk is a scamster, he is not a real genius such as Isaac Newton, Bill Gates, Einstein, KJ, or Raze. So I feel we will be stuck as males for a while. And have to be subject to female hypergamy for the time being.

And this is what the thread is about. Actual realistic training for how to cold approach total strangers. Its not going to be easy. They already did an experiment showing males are open to sexual cold approach from strangers but females are not open to sexual cold approach from most strangers (if the strangers are male. Probably if the strangers were females alot of them would just give them sex immediately).
im gonna try cold approach at the daycare JFL 💀🙏😭😈
got a genius idea. A good way to flirt to chicks is by not flirting to chicks. Then you cannot embarrass yourself.

Hear me out on this. I think this is genius. Say you see a random girl in public, you think you might be interested in her. The straightforward approach is walking up to her and saying some cheesy pickup line to try to get in her pants. This is often a failo unless you are HTN, chad, or you are her type, etc. The better way is to pick some random topic you think she might be interested in. Then you can get to know her and see her personality, without coming off as too much of a beta male. This is not as easy is it sounds though, for this approach to have better success, you must first correctly guess what topics she is interested in.
Soooooo basically just speaking to a girl about her interests and not straight up making her uncomfortable with unwanted flirting? Listen if you want to talk to girls and get in their pants so bad start treating them like actual human beings; not some alien species where if you look like her type and push the right knobs her panties will fall. No diss bro truly but this behaviour is the opposite of what gets women, stop thinking so hard about this.
TLDR: be normal
Soooooo basically just speaking to a girl about her interests and not straight up making her uncomfortable with unwanted flirting? Listen if you want to talk to girls and get in their pants so bad start treating them like actual human beings; not some alien species where if you look like her type and push the right knobs her panties will fall. No diss bro truly but this behaviour is the opposite of what gets women, stop thinking so hard about this.
TLDR: be normal
Rejection is really normal and the reason all those chads can go out and flirt with girls so easily is partially because they don’t give a f**k about rejection or what anyone thinks of them, true confidence is just simply understanding that no one’s opinion on you really matters all that much.
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  • #33
Soooooo basically just speaking to a girl about her interests and not straight up making her uncomfortable with unwanted flirting? Listen if you want to talk to girls and get in their pants so bad start treating them like actual human beings; not some alien species where if you look like her type and push the right knobs her panties will fall. No diss bro truly but this behaviour is the opposite of what gets women, stop thinking so hard about this.
TLDR: be normal
go back to reddit u filthy cuck

i am probably the least misogynist person here

ever hear of the friendzone? Shit isn't as easy as you make it out to be
go back to reddit u filthy cuck

i am probably the least misogynist person here

ever hear of the friendzone? Shit isn't as easy as you make it out to be
Hey man do whatever you want, but all I’m doing is saying that this whole analysis of women isn’t helping; truly I think I’m correct in saying that women don’t need some chad who says the perfect thing to seduce them (sure if you are that it definitely helps) they just want a decent guy. And if a girl puts you in the friend-zone MOVE ON just because a girl can have sex with you, and even if she’s attracted to you, she doesn’t need to have sex with anyone at all, and if she doesn’t want to then that’s not necessarily anyone’s fault - just move on

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