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Info MK677


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2024
MK677 is a new drug in the bodybuilding world. Its benefits have not been officially confirmed yet, but most people who take it, swear by it. Even though it’s mainly associated with bodybuilders, people with disabilities and hormone deficiencies benefit from it as well.

Many people often mistake Ibutamoren for a SARM, which it is not. It is not a typical growth stimulator either.

Ibutamoren (MK677) is a potent, long-acting, orally-active, selective, and non-peptide agonist of the ghrelin receptor and a growth hormone secretagogue, mimicking the growth hormone-stimulating action of the endogenous hormone ghrelin.
Growth hormone is needed for the body to perform optimally. It plays a crucial role in the development of muscles and tissue.

It’s a quite complicated process but what you should know is that Ibutamoren does not interfere with other biological processes such as natural hormone production. This means that you will experience a boost in growth hormone levels without side effects.

Benefits Of Ibutamoren (MK-677)

  • Increases muscle mass and strength
  • Improves tissue regeneration
  • Increases growth hormone levels
  • Clinically proven GH elevator
  • Enhanced vitality and faster recovery
  • Reduces body fat
  • Increases sleep quality and Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep
  • Increases insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1)
  • Improves basal metabolic rate
  • Heals bones, tendons, and ligaments
  • Improves the sense of well being
  • Skin & Complexion greatly improved
MK677 Half-life

24 hours

Cycle Length

MK-677 is normally used 8-20 weeks. 15-25mg dosage, don't buy underground

-18yo : MK677 is a growth hormone secretagogue which means it stimulates natural growth hormone secretion and is non suppressive. It has no known effect on testosterone but may increase prolactin which could lead to estrogenic effects but simple vitamin e and p5p supplementation would eliminate this completely and it wont be a problem with most. MK isn't usually used for its anabolic effect but in teens very much for height, facial growth, penile growth, and injury recovery. Also improved sleep quality and easier time getting down lots of food if bulking. However if you eat a high carb diet and don't exercise a lot or have naturally high blood sugar or are already close to prediabetic it could lead to diabetes, however, dispursing carb intake throughout the day and lowering it while supplementing with 500 mg of berberine 3 times a day. Also lethargy is common, just take it at night. If you are prone to nightmares that could be a problem because it makes dreams much more vibrant. Water retention is common but like hunger is transient and will eventually go away with consistent use. Id recommend trialling it at 10 mg for a week and if nothing seems off then immediately just bump up to 25 mg a day because if you want height you might as well get started ASAP before your growth plates close. Id recommend taking it for at least 6 months potentially closer to like 12 months straight depending on how effectively you seem to respond. Also its not immediately important but you don't want your blood sugar to be elevated consistently so id recommend getting a blood sugar monitor throughout the cycle just to make sure. If your blood sugar never goes above 100 (fasting) feel safe to take it for as long as you want, but there is a slight tolerance that could be developed after 12 months. If your growth plates are open you could expect to gain 2–4 inches during your cycle depending on how long you cycle. Now listen DONT TAKE SARMS. SARMS SHUT DOWN YOUR NATURAL TEST PRODUCTION (MK is not a sarm btw). if you do want to get big just lift and mk should help u a bit as it has a slight anabolic effect but its not much nor is it guaranteed. If you want to look better just let it make your hair face skin and height better and just naturally lift. If it helps as predicted with height and you continue to lift naturally and COUNT CALORIES on this substance and don't get fat you'll look great.
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they say it may be good for forward growth

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