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Normies start to hate my ass after looksmaxxing


New member
Jan 29, 2024
After taking care of my looks, and ascend as a guy, I gained more attention from women, especially hot and pretty women, and receive a lot of stares and glances. At the same time, some people also start to hate my ass, and called me F word, and gay, and also talk shit behind my back 24/7. f*****g cancer.

How to deal?
just ignore it n***a, not that deep

besides, they're talking about you, that means you're worthy of their attention and time
Get off the website its for your own good. People here also talk shit about you, like "I mog you" and this and that. Go focus on yourself and not try reaching for others' approval.
Get off the website its for your own good. People here also talk shit about you, like "I mog you" and this and that. Go focus on yourself and not try reaching for others' approval.
lol what ?
After taking care of my looks, and ascend as a guy, I gained more attention from women, especially hot and pretty women, and receive a lot of stares and glances. At the same time, some people also start to hate my ass, and called me F word, and gay, and also talk shit behind my back 24/7. f*****g cancer.

How to deal?
they are troglodytes that want to looksmin u

women fap to yaoi and lesbian porn

after playing around with opry's image he looks better with makeup, the algorithm thinks he is wearing makeup to begin with, so there is a setting to remove the makeup, and when u remove his makeup he looks worse
women fap to yaoi and lesbian porn

after playing around with opry's image he looks better with makeup, the algorithm thinks he is wearing makeup to begin with, so there is a setting to remove the makeup, and when u remove his makeup he looks worse
Wha the f**k is this shit for
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Get off the website its for your own good. People here also talk shit about you, like "I mog you" and this and that. Go focus on yourself and not try reaching for others' approval.
I'm talking about my workplace, and IRL shits, not some online forum tf?
Yeah but i really dont see the reason why would you f*****g talk about women fapping to lesbian porn and about you playing with oprys face and adding make up to it
jfc he was talking about being called gay in the OP HOW DO YOU NOT SEE THE CONNECTION

boost your creatine immediately
stop promoting mass shootings u f*****g incel.

jfc when did shooting people become men's first resort to action. Whatever happened to just breaking somebody's nose
Its a joke bro
stop promoting mass shootings u f*****g incel.

jfc when did shooting people become men's first resort to action. Whatever happened to just breaking somebody's nose
And fighting causes shootings u punch they shoot
After taking care of my looks, and ascend as a guy, I gained more attention from women, especially hot and pretty women, and receive a lot of stares and glances. At the same time, some people also start to hate my ass, and called me F word, and gay, and also talk shit behind my back 24/7. f*****g cancer.

How to deal?
youre a mogger, stay that way
doesn't matter what they say if you are succeeding
