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Info Nose Size Indicated Maximum Penile Length


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Established Member
Jul 4, 2019
Japanese researchers studied the corpses of 126 middle-aged men ( 30s-50s) within 3 days of their death.
BMI: Body mass index
CT: Computed tomography
FPL: Flaccid penile length
PC: Penile circumference
PSA: Prostate-specific antigen
SPL: Stretched penile length
As expected, a significant correlation was found between SPL and FPL. This finding is attributed to the fact that a person with a longer FPL may naturally have a longer SPL given the flexibility of penile tissue. Contrary to our data, showing that FPL was negatively correlated with penile stretched rate would suggest that the individual had a different penile extension rate. The same result was also noted in another report. The elasticity of a small, flaccid penis may be greater than that of a large, flaccid penis.

Statistical analysis revealed nose length was correlated to the size of a person's engorged member.
They found men with noses smaller than 1.8 inches had a penis size of up to 4.1 inches.
However, for people with a nose that is 22 per cent bigger and measures 2.2 inches long, their penises were larger, measuring 5.3 inches long.
In previous reports, embryonic androgens and androgen receptors were associated with penile growth.
However, there was no connection between the size of a man's nose and the length of his penis when soft.
The researchers did not look into why nose size and penis size had a direct correlation.

They also measured their nose size which was documented by measuring the distance from between a person's eyes to where the nostril starts near the tip of the olfactory organ.

Graph showing the relationship between penis size and nose length. It reveals that, on average, penis size increases with nose size.

Relationship between nose size and stretched penile


  • Researchers measured the size of the male reproductive organs of 126 corpses
  • They found a link between nose size and a cadaver's 'stretched penile length', nose size was highly related to stretched penile length in Japanese male cadavers
  • Men with biggest noses have a penis 1.2 inches (29%) longer than those with the smallest noses
  • The fact that nose size is related to SPL indicates that penile length may not be determined by age, height or body weight but has already been determined before birth
Japanese researchers studied the corpses of 126 middle-aged men ( 30s-50s) within 3 days of their death.
BMI: Body mass index
CT: Computed tomography
FPL: Flaccid penile length
PC: Penile circumference
PSA: Prostate-specific antigen
SPL: Stretched penile length

They also measured their nose size which was documented by measuring the distance from between a person's eyes to where the nostril starts near the tip of the olfactory organ.
View attachment 20000

Graph showing the relationship between penis size and nose length. It reveals that, on average, penis size increases with nose size.
View attachment 20001

Relationship between nose size and stretched penile

View attachment 20002

  • Researchers measured the size of the male reproductive organs of 126 corpses
  • They found a link between nose size and a cadaver's 'stretched penile length', nose size was highly related to stretched penile length in Japanese male cadavers
  • Men with biggest noses have a penis 1.2 inches (29%) longer than those with the smallest noses
  • The fact that nose size is related to SPL indicates that penile length may not be determined by age, height or body weight but has already been determined before birth

Androgenic noses are short and wide, with a small nosetip but broad nostrils
Don't worry if you are small, jelqing works and will give you at least 1 inch of permanent length. It just takes a lot of time (maybe 2 years).
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