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Guide optimize endocrine system biohavk


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2024
watch this for proof that u need to optimize ur estrogen etc as woman and test,dht etc as a man in order to looksmax
annoying bot voice and cope.

again again as i said before. u make this sound so easy like all people have to do is take testosterone and then magically they will turn into chads like the picture you posted.

u gloss over genetics, the guy in that picture has certain genetics, the girl in there also has certain genetics and she doesn't even mog other girls, other girls jawmog her, that girl isn't even a female ideal, at most she is a 6 but maybe 5.

if testosterone magically causes chaddom, why is it that many people masturbate and have high libidos yet are incels, high libido is a sign of testosterone. and we see a lot of these low libido normies and cucks they end up getting married and reproducing.

testosterone does nothing without dht receptors, if u dont have dht receptors then boosting dht wont even do anything and all the testosterone will just turn into estrogen anyway.

if testosterone magically made chads then 8000 years ago there would have been 0 incels during the wealth divide.
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  • #3
annoying bot voice and cope.

again again as i said before. u make this sound so easy like all people have to do is take testosterone and then magically they will turn into chads like the picture you posted.

u gloss over genetics, the guy in that picture has certain genetics, the girl in there also has certain genetics and she doesn't even mog other girls, other girls jawmog her, that girl isn't even a female ideal, at most she is a 6 but maybe 5.

if testosterone magically causes chaddom, why is it that many people masturbate and have high libidos yet are incels, high libido is a sign of testosterone. and we see a lot of these low libido normies and cucks they end up getting married and reproducing.

testosterone does nothing without dht receptors, if u dont have dht receptors then boosting dht wont even do anything and all the testosterone will just turn into estrogen anyway.

if testosterone magically made chads then 8000 years ago there would have been 0 incels during the wealth divide.
u can doubt as much as u like but if u want to be superior your body has to be ready to ascend
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  • #4
annoying bot voice and cope.

again again as i said before. u make this sound so easy like all people have to do is take testosterone and then magically they will turn into chads like the picture you posted.

u gloss over genetics, the guy in that picture has certain genetics, the girl in there also has certain genetics and she doesn't even mog other girls, other girls jawmog her, that girl isn't even a female ideal, at most she is a 6 but maybe 5.

if testosterone magically causes chaddom, why is it that many people masturbate and have high libidos yet are incels, high libido is a sign of testosterone. and we see a lot of these low libido normies and cucks they end up getting married and reproducing.

testosterone does nothing without dht receptors, if u dont have dht receptors then boosting dht wont even do anything and all the testosterone will just turn into estrogen anyway.

if testosterone magically made chads then 8000 years ago there would have been 0 incels during the wealth divide.
also testosterone/dht conversion to estrogen is very minimal and not fully supported by facts especially if h take precausions. also not everything j post is meant to be taken as 100% viable. work in progress
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  • #5
also testosterone/dht conversion to estrogen is very minimal and not fully supported by facts especially if h take precausions. also not everything j post is meant to be taken as 100% viable. work in progress
u are nitpicking things that are pretty much just wrong
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  • #6
u are nitpicking things that are pretty much just wrong
most of the videos he posts dont work as well if ur not in a certain period of development wich i criticize heavily. and yes genetic optimization is what im working on. and yes genetics are the main thing for looksmaxxing or just biohacking in general
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  • #7
most of the videos he posts dont work as well if ur not in a certain period of development wich i criticize heavily. and yes genetic optimization is what im working on. and yes genetics are the main thing for looksmaxxing or just biohacking in general
most recent video has his real voice
upload a video that's not a low effort bot vid to convince me
alright this video seems far less annoying of a bot voice, watched 10 minutes so far then got bored.

To be perfectly clear, my views on testosterone and estrogen are not as clear as people assume.

I have been accused of praising estrogen. They're not wrong, but I have a far more nuanced take that is more than just 1 dimensional.

Since my take is so complicated, its difficult for me to express in words what I believe. I guess you could summarize that I dislike both testosterone and estrogen, and have disdain for both of those hormones. It would be easier if I just create a pros and cons list to explain why.

First, what I dislike about testosterone (in no particular order.)
1. Testosterone creates criminals and wars, this is not up for debate. 90% of criminals are men, this can only be explained by testosterone.
2. You assume testosterone will make people turn into this, and not this:

That is just wishful thinking, of a genetic coin flip
3. Testosterone causes people to be addicted to lust, the best comparison I can find is the Flood in Halo, always hungry and aggressive.
4. Testosterone causes too much competition, it is not fun to compete against people who cheat at videogames, greedy capitalists who have a wealth advantage, or sports experts that have a genetic advantage.
5. Personal anecdote, but testosterone may have been the cause of my unhappiness, before puberty I was a lot happier than now. This is an unproven anecdote though, there are other confounding factors, I am not 100% it was testosterone, it may have been HGH.
6. Testosterone causes males to be distant from each other. Before testosterone, you would probably be happy in a gay marriage, but after testosterone you are offended just by a male touching you non-sexually. Contrast this to other humanoid species, such as chimpanzees, where the males groom each other regularly, human males are love-deprived and touch-deprived, and in my opinion its due to testosterone. However, one might argue its not 100% proven that testosterone is the cause, perhaps it is culture and environmental training?
7. For some reason males have shit-tier jaws and hyoid placements on average compared to women, could this be due to Testosterone?

Now what I like about testosterone:
1. Testosterone causes competition. This makes life better and more fun, a lot of women don't even try at games or play videogames. If there was no competition life would be boring.
2. Its scientifically proven that increasing T increases the quality of art.
3. Males that never go through puberty get a lower iq for some reason.
4. Some males seem to aesthetically benefit from testosterone (or perhaps HGH?) at puberty.
5. Testosterone increases muscle mass
6. Testosterone increases sex drive (but this is bad if you are incel. Inceldom is a litteral death sentence because scientists say that high libido is correlated with being healthy.)
7. Low T males online can be insufferable, for example low t discord mods. However, IRL, low t males might be better to be around than high T males.

Another thing I want to mention, testosterone seems to be a con or something, because you only need testosterone if you already have testosterone. Let me explain it like this, before testosterone you weren't addicted to porn and needing a girlfriend, only after testosterone do you feel the need to procreate, and you are only looking to increase your testosterone in order to fulfill your need for a girlfriend. Before testosterone, you may have wanted a girlfriend, but you didn't really need a girlfriend, you would be happy just living with another boy or having a wife instead. And if she didn't give you sex after a month of dating, you would be fine with that, but as a high testosterone man you would be stressed and insecure not getting laid after months of dating.

Now estrogen's turn.
What I dislike about estrogen
1. It only feminizes chads and teens well. If you are an adult human ogre you will just look like an ogre still, you wont pass as a woman.
2. It promotes wuss behavoir and avoids all risk taking
3. For some reason, males have different ass geometry than women do. (I looked at a lot of femboy porn, and due to my low sex drive, did not ever cum, so I was able to assess a wide variety of geometries, and then I looked at cis female porns to compare the geometries.) So estrogen probably won't entirely fix the suboptimal male ass geometry that is on average not as aesthetic as female asses.
4. Makes getting an erection take more effort to do

What I like about estrogen
1. It makes people enjoy domination more
2. Feeling more connected to the earth
3. Transfers fat from lower jaw and puts it into the upper zygos, reducing incel features
4. Transfers belly fat into the thighs, reducing belly fat
5. Provides a better sexual experience, multiple erections, more erogenous zones, more sensitivity
6. Makes people enjoy reading books more, ever since I became an adult I started to lose interest in books
7. Estrogen increases muscle stamina
8. Causes people to be hot and cute

Now here are some things I am unsure about
1. Immersion... its complicated. Both estrogen and testosterone seem to increase the amount of immersion while decreasing it in other ways
2. Mental toughness and resilience, some claim estrogen can cure mental illness and testosterone causes neurotic behavoir (90% of criminals are male.) Yet there are other ways that seem testosterone can cause mental toughness and resilience.
3. Some claim testosterone ages you, other say it is anti-aging, others say estrogen is anti-aging, others say estrogen makes u fat, its all unclear to me
4. Estrogen fuses bones, this could be good if you look good and want a snapshot of that, but could be bad if you are short and ugly and want to be a cis man. Also if you are an ugly adult it means estrogen wont do much to enhance your ugly bones

This list is not complete yet and I may update it later
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6. Testosterone causes males to be distant from each other. Before testosterone, you would probably be happy in a gay marriage, but after testosterone you are offended just by a male touching you non-sexually. Contrast this to other humanoid species, such as chimpanzees, where the males groom each other regularly, human males are love-deprived and touch-deprived, and in my opinion its due to testosterone. However, one might argue its not 100% proven that testosterone is the cause, perhaps it is culture and environmental training?
7. For some reason males have shit-tier jaws and hyoid placements on average compared to women, could this be due to Testosterone?
6. nah me and my friends are always touching each other 💀 i think that some people are scared of being seen as gay bc theyre insecure or bc the media tells us about sexual criminals +groomers and people are more wary of touch
7. mouth breathing, bad diet, shitty lifestyle overall
3. For some reason, males have different ass geometry than women do. (I looked at a lot of femboy porn, and due to my low sex drive, did not ever cum, so I was able to assess a wide variety of geometries, and then I looked at cis female porns to compare the geometries.) So estrogen probably won't entirely fix the suboptimal male ass geometry that is on average not as aesthetic as female asses.
6. Makes people enjoy reading books more, ever since I became an adult I started to lose interest in books
3. the ass geometries are different because of the hips. the wider the hips (common female trait), the more pear shaped the ass is. estrogen also increases ass size (i think, but ive seen men with fat asses)
6. nah, i think that everybody stopped reading books, everyone is on their phones all the time regardless of gender

some of these things are societal and not necessarily only hormonal
6. nah me and my friends are always touching each other 💀 i think that some people are scared of being seen as gay bc theyre insecure or bc the media tells us about sexual criminals +groomers and people are more wary of touch
i think its testosterone. before puberty a boy touched me and i felt aroused, i was raised conservative though so i didnt tell him and i felt embarassed. i also didnt like his personality which was another factor of why i didnt go gay. but after puberty males touching me made me feel angry and annoyed. puberty also made me feel more stressed out too.

and they co-opted the word "groomer" and "predator" because of reasons, possibly to domesticate people. The word groomer, scientifically speaking, has nothing to do with the modern normie drama definition of the word. And to make people sheeple because now the word "predator" has a negative connotation instead of being an alpha hunter gatherer that has pride.

7. mouth breathing, bad diet, shitty lifestyle overall
yeah but im not super convinced yet, i think its testosterone

3. the ass geometries are different because of the hips. the wider the hips (common female trait), the more pear shaped the ass is. estrogen also increases ass size (i think, but ive seen men with fat asses)
yeah, but it only adds fat to asses instead of rotating the hips, i dont think estrogen rotates hips but im not sure

6. nah, i think that everybody stopped reading books, everyone is on their phones all the time regardless of gender
books are girly. men are more visual.

some of these things are societal and not necessarily only hormonal
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  • #13
To be perfectly clear, my views on testosterone and estrogen are not as clear as people assume.

I have been accused of praising estrogen. They're not wrong, but I have a far more nuanced take that is more than just 1 dimensional.

Since my take is so complicated, its difficult for me to express in words what I believe. I guess you could summarize that I dislike both testosterone and estrogen, and have disdain for both of those hormones. It would be easier if I just create a pros and cons list to explain why.

First, what I dislike about testosterone (in no particular order.)
1. Testosterone creates criminals and wars, this is not up for debate. 90% of criminals are men, this can only be explained by testosterone.
2. You assume testosterone will make people turn into this, and not this:

View attachment 28578View attachment 28577
That is just wishful thinking, of a genetic coin flip
3. Testosterone causes people to be addicted to lust, the best comparison I can find is the Flood in Halo, always hungry and aggressive.
4. Testosterone causes too much competition, it is not fun to compete against people who cheat at videogames, greedy capitalists who have a wealth advantage, or sports experts that have a genetic advantage.
5. Personal anecdote, but testosterone may have been the cause of my unhappiness, before puberty I was a lot happier than now. This is an unproven anecdote though, there are other confounding factors, I am not 100% it was testosterone, it may have been HGH.
6. Testosterone causes males to be distant from each other. Before testosterone, you would probably be happy in a gay marriage, but after testosterone you are offended just by a male touching you non-sexually. Contrast this to other humanoid species, such as chimpanzees, where the males groom each other regularly, human males are love-deprived and touch-deprived, and in my opinion its due to testosterone. However, one might argue its not 100% proven that testosterone is the cause, perhaps it is culture and environmental training?
7. For some reason males have shit-tier jaws and hyoid placements on average compared to women, could this be due to Testosterone?

Now what I like about testosterone:
1. Testosterone causes competition. This makes life better and more fun, a lot of women don't even try at games or play videogames. If there was no competition life would be boring.
2. Its scientifically proven that increasing T increases the quality of art.
3. Males that never go through puberty get a lower iq for some reason.
4. Some males seem to aesthetically benefit from testosterone (or perhaps HGH?) at puberty.
5. Testosterone increases muscle mass
6. Testosterone increases sex drive (but this is bad if you are incel. Inceldom is a litteral death sentence because scientists say that high libido is correlated with being healthy.)
7. Low T males online can be insufferable, for example low t discord mods. However, IRL, low t males might be better to be around than high T males.

Another thing I want to mention, testosterone seems to be a con or something, because you only need testosterone if you already have testosterone. Let me explain it like this, before testosterone you weren't addicted to porn and needing a girlfriend, only after testosterone do you feel the need to procreate, and you are only looking to increase your testosterone in order to fulfill your need for a girlfriend. Before testosterone, you may have wanted a girlfriend, but you didn't really need a girlfriend, you would be happy just living with another boy or having a wife instead. And if she didn't give you sex after a month of dating, you would be fine with that, but as a high testosterone man you would be stressed and insecure not getting laid after months of dating.

Now estrogen's turn.
What I dislike about estrogen
1. It only feminizes chads and teens well. If you are an adult human ogre you will just look like an ogre still, you wont pass as a woman.
2. It promotes wuss behavoir and avoids all risk taking
3. For some reason, males have different ass geometry than women do. (I looked at a lot of femboy porn, and due to my low sex drive, did not ever cum, so I was able to assess a wide variety of geometries, and then I looked at cis female porns to compare the geometries.) So estrogen probably won't entirely fix the suboptimal male ass geometry that is on average not as aesthetic as female asses.
4. Makes getting an erection take more effort to do

What I like about estrogen
1. It makes people enjoy domination more
2. Feeling more connected to the earth
3. Transfers fat from lower jaw and puts it into the upper zygos, reducing incel features
4. Transfers belly fat into the thighs, reducing belly fat
5. Provides a better sexual experience, multiple erections, more erogenous zones, more sensitivity
6. Makes people enjoy reading books more, ever since I became an adult I started to lose interest in books
7. Estrogen increases muscle stamina
8. Causes people to be hot and cute

Now here are some things I am unsure about
1. Immersion... its complicated. Both estrogen and testosterone seem to increase the amount of immersion while decreasing it in other ways
2. Mental toughness and resilience, some claim estrogen can cure mental illness and testosterone causes neurotic behavoir (90% of criminals are male.) Yet there are other ways that seem testosterone can cause mental toughness and resilience.
3. Some claim testosterone ages you, other say it is anti-aging, others say estrogen is anti-aging, others say estrogen makes u fat, its all unclear to me
4. Estrogen fuses bones, this could be good if you look good and want a snapshot of that, but could be bad if you are short and ugly and want to be a cis man. Also if you are an ugly adult it means estrogen wont do much to enhance your ugly

This list is not complete yet and I may update it later
never ssud only tedt is honna fo that bro so u kindof judt waisted ur time typing that. it dimorphism not only effected by test, dht ect. also i wont argue anymore and i respect that your correct in some ways ( especially the bot voice) i kind of enjoy it though. the war thing is preposterous tho. please quit with they soyboy u need estrogen crap. love u pookie
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