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Rate me and point out my flaws


New member
Jun 11, 2023
So idk I just want to know what I can work on to look better so please point out any flaws and give me ways to fix them thank tou. 16, 5 ft 7, 165 lbs


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So idk I just want to know what I can work on to look better so please point out any flaws and give me ways to fix them thank tou. 16, 5 ft 7, 165 lbs
im not gonna rate u but i look very cutie patootie
So idk I just want to know what I can work on to look better so please point out any flaws and give me ways to fix them thank tou. 16, 5 ft 7, 165 lbs
Mid mtn

You have assymetrycal lips so to make sure to stop sleeping on your side, sleep on your back
Work on your cheeks (they make you look like a cutie patootie😻), debloat, mew, chew
Shape your eyebrows
Work on undereye support
You have a neutal canthal tilt and if you wanna change that get a canthoplasty
Work on your jaw
Mid mtn

You have assymetrycal lips so to make sure to stop sleeping on your side, sleep on your back
Work on your cheeks (they make you look like a cutie patootie😻), debloat, mew, chew
Shape your eyebrows
Work on undereye support
You have a neutal canthal tilt and if you wanna change that get a canthoplasty
Work on your jaw
don't forget orbital decompression and eye focus practice
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  • #7
Mid mtn

You have assymetrycal lips so to make sure to stop sleeping on your side, sleep on your back
Work on your cheeks (they make you look like a cutie patootie😻), debloat, mew, chew
Shape your eyebrows
Work on undereye support
You have a neutal canthal tilt and if you wanna change that get a canthoplasty
Work on your jaw
how do I work on my under eyes?? I’ve heard bonesmashing can increase my bone density in that area but idk😭😭
Narrow skull
So idk I just want to know what I can work on to look better so please point out any flaws and give me ways to fix them thank tou. 16, 5 ft 7, 165 lbs
Yeah you’ve got pretty good cheekbones from what I can see, you should debloat to find that ogee curve. You Have good harmony imo, your face’s features work well together; just lose that bloat, get buff, and mew.

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