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Rate me, what should i do??

Since you asked I will be honest, we have a lot of work to do here. We will start with your hair, its gotta go. The current mushroom like style is frankly repulsive, and a buzz cut would be the only solution given the seriousness of that “hairstyle”. Secondly, your nose is rather large, to be polite. Outside of rhinoplasty there’s not too much you can do here, but trying some anti-acne cream to reduce swelling and eating large amounts of potassium(from bananas) can reduce fat tissue around cartilage such as the nose. Then of course, there’s the big one, your jawline. Mewing simply will not be enough to fix this, you would have to do the equivalent of chewing bricks to make any progress towards correction. My honest best advice is to try plastic surgery or weak a mask. Hope this helps.
Since you asked I will be honest, we have a lot of work to do here. We will start with your hair, its gotta go. The current mushroom like style is frankly repulsive, and a buzz cut would be the only solution given the seriousness of that “hairstyle”. Secondly, your nose is rather large, to be polite. Outside of rhinoplasty there’s not too much you can do here, but trying some anti-acne cream to reduce swelling and eating large amounts of potassium(from bananas) can reduce fat tissue around cartilage such as the nose. Then of course, there’s the big one, your jawline. Mewing simply will not be enough to fix this, you would have to do the equivalent of chewing bricks to make any progress towards correction. My honest best advice is to try plastic surgery or weak a mask. Hope this helps.
Can you rate me🙏
