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Established Member
Jul 8, 2019


I am john of

I have been part of the PSL/blackpill community since July 2019.

Currently 18 years old. I am 186 cm tall, atm. Studying in university.

I'm a South-Asian Christian who resides in Australia.

The blackpill hit me hard, ngl. I've been rated 4/8 PSL frequently by PSL.

Speaking about looksmaxxing goals... I am looking forward to be a solid 4.5/8 PSL (high tier normie) at least.

My favorite color is green (especially a darker shade).
I'm a lover of western classical music. My favorite emoji/emoticon to use on this forum is this ogre/Shrek one :- :shreg: .

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  • #4
Btw, I forgot something...

I'm proud to be a MILF lover :bloat:.
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  • #10
How's uni life?
Pretty balanced and relaxed compared to school. Much better. But I don't like the subjects I'm doing atm. So I will be changing them sometime.
Pretty balanced and relaxed compared to school. Much better. But I don't like the subjects I'm doing atm. So I will be changing them sometime.
What about in terms of social maxing ?
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #12
What about in terms of social maxing ?
Atm literally nothing I can do about it due to covid.
The virus made it impossible to be in uni and socialize.
I only have one class at campus and there's all reserved people. I even can't make friends online through the online classes, so yeah. Maybe after the virus, things will get much better. It was actually very normal and easy to find friends at the campus, before the lock-down, I would say.
Atm literally nothing I can do about it due to covid.
The virus made it impossible to be in uni and socialize.
I only have one class at campus and there's all reserved people. I even can't make friends online through the online classes, so yeah. Maybe after the virus, things will get much better. It was actually very normal and easy to find friends at the campus, before the lock-down, I would say.
Covid really f****d up everything, wat r u studying?


I am john of

I have been part of the PSL/blackpill community since July 2019.

Currently 18 years old. I am 186 cm tall, atm. Studying in university.

I'm a South-Asian Christian who resides in Australia.

The blackpill hit me hard, ngl. I've been rated 4/8 PSL frequently by PSL.

Speaking about looksmaxxing goals... I am looking forward to be a solid 4.5/8 PSL (high tier normie) at least.

My favorite color is green (especially a darker shade).
I'm a lover of western classical music. My favorite emoji/emoticon to use on this forum is this ogre/Shrek one :- :shreg: .

Due to astrosky and 'le mewing' community.

What about yourself?
I just looked up "Incel forum" one day, stumbled upon, then, and the rest is history.
JFL I thought I'd see you here son. Oh boy, I can't wait for -100 IQ posts from a 2.5 PSL ethnic.