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Guide The MOST anti-aging food/supplement in existence


a guy doing his thing
Jan 1, 2024
Buenos Aires
Eat more gelatin if you wanna reverse aging.


It's anti-stress due to the protein content without the three inflammatory amino acids:

1. Cysteine: 0
2. Tryptophan: 0
3. Methionine: trace amounts

"The amino acids cysteine and tryptophan, released in large quantities during stress, have antimetabolic (thyroid-suppressing) and, eventually, toxic effects."

"Using gelatin as a major dietary protein is an easy way to restrict the amino acids that are associated with many of the problems of aging."

- Ray Peat

Gelatin is considered an "incomplete protein" because it's missing tryptophan

But we know tryptophan increases serotonin and serotonin... not good

Gelatin also has no fat which minimizes the free fatty acids (FFA) in circulation which are known to poison your metabolism and make you insulin resistant.

Gelatin is as pro-metabolic as it gets.

So how do you get more into your diet?
- Gelatin gummies
- Nose-to-tail eating
- Adding gelatin to soups
- Adding collagen to coffee
- Adding gelatin to frozen fruit

Less muscle meat. More gelatinous soups and collagen coffees.

Eat more gelatin if you wanna reverse aging.

View attachment 28528

It's anti-stress due to the protein content without the three inflammatory amino acids:

1. Cysteine: 0
2. Tryptophan: 0
3. Methionine: trace amounts

"The amino acids cysteine and tryptophan, released in large quantities during stress, have antimetabolic (thyroid-suppressing) and, eventually, toxic effects."

"Using gelatin as a major dietary protein is an easy way to restrict the amino acids that are associated with many of the problems of aging."

- Ray Peat

Gelatin is considered an "incomplete protein" because it's missing tryptophan

But we know tryptophan increases serotonin and serotonin... not good

Gelatin also has no fat which minimizes the free fatty acids (FFA) in circulation which are known to poison your metabolism and make you insulin resistant.

Gelatin is as pro-metabolic as it gets.

So how do you get more into your diet?
- Gelatin gummies
- Nose-to-tail eating
- Adding gelatin to soups
- Adding collagen to coffee
- Adding gelatin to frozen fruit

Less muscle meat. More gelatinous soups and collagen coffees.

View attachment 28529
good thread
Tbh sounds good
Would Jello work lmao
He'll yeah. Eat all the bits on the bone and all the connective tissue! Nose to tail = collagen
Seems logical, except, why do i get an aversion response to eating cartilage, what's the catch?
