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Discussion Thoughts on Fred again..?

id be sharing some technical death metal
you just cant admit true art.. w/ each note he utters, he casts a spell, drawing listeners into a realm of pure enchantment, his voice, a symphony of emotion, guides hearts through the ebb and flow of life's melody w/ every verse, he paints vivid landscapes of emotion, leaving an indelible mark on those who are fortunate enough to hear him sing. n him, there lies a talent unmatched, a gift that promises to carve a path toward greatness.
you just cant admit true art.. w/ each note he utters, he casts a spell, drawing listeners into a realm of pure enchantment, his voice, a symphony of emotion, guides hearts through the ebb and flow of life's melody w/ every verse, he paints vivid landscapes of emotion, leaving an indelible mark on those who are fortunate enough to hear him sing. n him, there lies a talent unmatched, a gift that promises to carve a path toward greatness.
besides its a romance song
song of the month, skip to 2:11 if you want to bust a fat one
i listen to classical music, videogame music, rock music and og rap

unsure if youtube compression degrades the audio or not, probably is highest quality direct from the game

the only audio degradation i like is vinyl or tape
Not my favorite by far tho

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