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Discussion waist and hips


Well-known member
Section Moderator
Apr 23, 2024
the earth's core
any way to 'snatch' waist/ making it smaller and removing hip dips without surgery?
(the waist thing is esp important !!)
abs atrophy and losing weight
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abs atrophy and losing weight
thats the issue if i lose weight I'm closer to underweight and have no meat any where I'm but I have thin waist,is there any way to spot reduce fat in waist and shape the waist
Hip dips are impossible to get rid of as far as I know, they’re part of female anatomy, I really wouldn’t worry about it

You should see about exercises that target the glutes and ass area, all those fitness models spam lower body and it makes their waist thin in comparison
since youre underweight idk
for hip dips, i think theres an exercise for it, to grow a muscle and fill in the dip
Isn’t it tendons rather than muscle?
I don’t think these things are super controllable
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Hip dips are impossible to get rid of as far as I know, they’re part of female anatomy, I really wouldn’t worry about it

You should see about exercises that target the glutes and ass area, all those fitness models spam lower body and it makes their waist thin in comparison
Atrophy middle abs and for the hips train legs
any way to 'snatch' waist/ making it smaller and removing hip dips without surgery?
(the waist thing is esp important !!)
Might be controversial but waist training works focus on being in a calorie deficit and wearing clothes that gives that illusion or small tops baggy pants
corsetting but its unhealthy

lotta mtfs do corsetting because estrogen doesnt do enough of what they want. estrogen can shrink the waist though because having belly fat is a male pattern hormonal thing and estrogen can put more fat on the hips. but if u have no waist already, then estrogen will do nothing
clickbait so i didnt watch
dat booty dough, makes me so thirsty

sucks so much to be a westerner where women dress like this in public
I’m fine with it tbh
either a chad or low t if u are ok with women dressin like that in public

even sux for normies, prolly not only an incel issue cause most normies gf dont be lookin like dat
yea but its cucked to be bombared by women sexually its like being molested by women yet the women dont want u and u cant have em

makes me feel like a barbarian tbh
idk I feel attracted to them like that but I wouldn’t even want them
either a chad or low t if u are ok with women dressin like that in public

even sux for normies, prolly not only an incel issue cause most normies gf dont be lookin like dat
yeah its hot but i wouldnt date a girl like that cuz you know she aint worth it if she displays herself like that in public. people are allowed to dress this way and im not saying they cant but its difficult to respect or like them when they do that. they are showing off in a sus manner. says a lot about inward personality.
yeah its hot but i wouldnt date a girl like that cuz you know she aint worth it if she displays herself like that in public. people are allowed to dress this way and im not saying they cant but its difficult to respect or like them when they do that. they are showing off in a sus manner. says a lot about inward personality.
What the chit is an inward personality

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