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Recent content by croonprince

  1. C

    Holistic Author and Filmmaker Here

  2. C

    Holistic Author and Filmmaker Here

    I’ve already been very clear and concise in what I have said. You simply aren’t able to process it. There is no argument as far as I’m concerned - though you are free to argue if you like. Humans are physiological herbivores. The fact that humans came to eating animal flesh, lactation, meneses...
  3. C

    Holistic Author and Filmmaker Here

    I know all too well what I’m talking to. And you have my pity. Buy no one deserves or desires to suffer and be exploited for your profound ignorance.
  4. C

    Holistic Author and Filmmaker Here

    Please get out a little more.
  5. C

    Holistic Author and Filmmaker Here

    Nature intended for humans to eat vegetation which is why we are physiologically designed to be herbivores. And when is the last time you were stranded in the wilderness (for any length of time) and were forced to run down a fleeing animal on foot, catch them with you bare hands, rip into them...
  6. C

    Holistic Author and Filmmaker Here

    Oy... Nice to meet you too. OK let’s break this down for you a little bit for you. Humans are not lions. Lions are obligate carnivores. They have no choice but to eat other animals. We are humans. We do have a choice – and We are designed to be herbivores. Beyond that humans are supposed to...
  7. C

    Holistic Author and Filmmaker Here

    When I was a kid I remember making the connection that what we call "meat" is actually pieces of a dead animals. I had a dog then and the thought of someone deciding to hurt him in any way - let alone kill him and chop him up, sell him and eat him - was beyond awful. So I really didn't want to...
  8. C

    Holistic Author and Filmmaker Here

    Hi Everyone, Great to find this site! I've been a vegan since 1996 (raw since 2001) and it has certainly been an amazing and wonderful trip in so many ways. Yes, my health is through the roof but also going vegan inspired me to really look at certain things much more deeply related to...