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Recent content by poopface101011

  1. P

    RAD 140 Cycle Thoughts?

    Nice frame. Doesn't look based on the pictures like your bulk was that successful but I can't tell. It very well may have been. Don't even consider steroids at this point. I doubt that training for 1 year with that physique that youre training properly. Idk if I just have crazy good genetics...
  2. P

    Transformation (4 years)

    Weight loss, skin care, contact lenses, maturity. Age 16-20.
  3. P

    Why looks matter

    My face is pretty much like the guy you're idolizing and i got to tell you its not quite that simple. The general sentiment is right but its a bit more complicated. To put it simply, I was pretty fat my whole life and had to wear glasses. I had pimples and I did not look good. All the while I...
  4. P

    What more can I do?

    went from being fat, unkept hair, bad skin to looking ok. What more can I do face-wise according to this picture to increase my looks? Still on a fat-loss diet and going until I have abs, so more fat loss is already being done. Picture of side profile is from 2 months ago when I had longer hair...
  5. P


    I need to say no I don't think a megan fox esque chick would go out with me. Im too ugly and too fat right now. Obviously they would go out with Chad, a tall, popular jock type. so f**k i cant believe im so cringe i just want to end this thread here. goodbye.
  6. P


    I just got cringed out from this post. wish I could delete it......
  7. P


    Sup fellas, me in the pic. I was wondering whether you guys think I could get with a girl that looks like Megan Fox or not. Let's say height doesn't matter. Now hear me out, I'm dieting right now so i'll be 5-10 lbs lighter, with a more tapered face. You think girls with Megan Fox level faces...