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Recent content by Tryzwy

  1. Tryzwy

    Too much npcs on social media

  2. Tryzwy

    unpopular opinion

    Yeah, well too much smack talk ruined him, but hey, that's the ufc
  3. Tryzwy

    Too much npcs on social media

    I was scrolling on youtube shorts for about 5 minutes, then I see a video about a cat "skinwalker" that killed his master. Yes, the photos get creepier the more you stare, but It's 100% fake. To my surprise, half the replies say "sKiNwAlKeRs ArE rEaL". I honestly can't believe the amount of bs...
  4. Tryzwy

    unpopular opinion

    I mean let's be honest, karate teaches graplling, kicking and puching, some variations maybe have knees too. Boxing only focuses on punches. That's why most mma fighters learn karate, like mcgregor, who was showcasing karate moves and stances
  5. Tryzwy

    NPC theory

    Aight, hear me out, I'm confused asf ;(
  6. Tryzwy

    Guide Diet to grow in height

    sugar is related to diabetes though…..
  7. Tryzwy

    unpopular opinion

    yeah, well someone that knows bjj would f**k you up on the ground, someone that trained punches for years would throw em at you before you react.
  8. Tryzwy

    unpopular opinion

    tell me why martial arts are bad or “gay” excactly?
  9. Tryzwy

    unpopular opinion

    If i said that on the org website, some replies would've have been "LTN" or "kys" lmao
  10. Tryzwy

    Guide Transbianism= Salvation, utopia on Earth

    For the first part, I could agree with you, but Elon being a female won't change the fact that the cybertruck is trash lmao
  11. Tryzwy

    Guide Diet to grow in height

    W thread coming from pessi
  12. Tryzwy

    unpopular opinion

  13. Tryzwy

    I'm 18 looking to work on my attractiveness overall

    You look good, maybe make your hair curly and shorter? A downside would be the nose, but you're good :)