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Recent content by zamas

  1. zamas

    How to do a calorie deficit?

    thanks bro it means a lot ❤️
  2. zamas

    How to do a calorie deficit?

    17, i hit puberty SO late and i thought i would be super short, i think i got the genetics from my grandmother as she was 5’10 and her grandad was 6’6 in a time when the average height was 5’7, sorry for the late reply )
  3. zamas

    Discussion Eye Area (Tips?)

    what should i do to make my eyes better? theyre not symmetrical and the eyelids are different shapes to each other, should i do anything to my eyebrows and any tips in general? thanks
  4. zamas

    How to do a calorie deficit?

    how is it good genetics if my mum is 5’5 and my dad is 5’8??? i was expected to reach 5’10 at my full adult height but i’m 6’1 and still growing. btw do you know any ways i could possibly reach 6’3? i was a very late puberty kid and i just had an insane increase of testosterone because i changed...
  5. zamas

    How to do a calorie deficit?

    but i was high asf body fat and i grew from 5’6 to 6’1 in 2 years?