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Search results

  1. Y

    13 and need glow up tips

    grow out the sides of your hair, and start icing your face every morning.
  2. Y

    I can’t lose fat bro 😭🙏🏼

    Working out isnt going to loose you fat just gain you muscle, stop eating like a pig find a diet that works and start running every day. START RUNNING ALOT
  3. Y

    Do I look better with a beard or a goatee?

    The beard helps make your face structure look better, and also your brows look really nice they just need to be shaped up. Ask your barber to line them up for you.
  4. Y

    How to get rid of red cheeks?

    Start icing your face every morning and use a moisturizer, also change up your hairstyle man its terrible, grow it out first.
  5. Y

    21 looking to improve

    find a hair style that suits you better, you have a good face structure and also shape up your eyebrows, stop going to a salon and start going to a good barber no matter how much they charge you.
  6. Y

    Please help

    Just change up your hair style, I dont think the middle part suits you or anyone in my opinion. Get a burst fade or a taper and do a fringe in the front
  7. Y

    Overall look

    Change the hair up man, that style has be out since 2016. Grow it out get a perm if needed