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Search results

  1. G

    Discussion Mewing ruined my face?

    I've been mewing for months now , at first my face was poor structured but lean and average looking , now after mewing I noticed my face looks swollen, hard and kinda buffy , why is that? And what is happening to my face?
  2. G

    Discussion Hooded eyes - aka "Hunter eyes"!

    Hey guys! I've been looking for ways to make my eyes more hooded to achieve the hunter eyes looks , I've searched on web but unfortunately couldn't find anything , do you guys know any possible ways? I think its easy just to have some fat above the eye lid I think... So
  3. G

    How do I?

    I've been mewing for 6 months now and I'm seeing results but my face is not defined at all and still wondering how long it gonna take to see noticeable changes.. I can really use some advice I also wondering is it possible to get hollow cheeks and other cool features? 😢