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Search results

  1. S

    rate me and give me some advice i feel ugly,hated,depressed,everyone records me,i have anxiety, i dont know what to do anymore

    Hello little friend, I have gone through what you are thinking and the truth is there are many reasons and things to live for, you do not care what others think of you, just try to improve as much as you can, you will always be the only one that can be valued, you know how much you're worth and...
  2. S

    14M rate me

    Your face is thin but you can improve it and as for your eyes i think you have a neutral canthal tilt which is good
  3. S

    How do i mew with a severe underbite?

    Hi, I also have a crossbite and to be able to mewing I had to have my teeth slightly open without touching, this is a problem due to crossbite or overbite, I recommend that you do not continue doing it since you can end up with asymmetries, you could continue after you get your bite fixed with...