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Search results

  1. Uglyblackpiller

    Are you from tt?

    Are you from tt?
  2. Uglyblackpiller

    Prey or almond eyes

    Also I can tell that you chew on one side because one of your eyes is ever so slightly higher/lower than the other so find which ever massater muscle is larger and start chewing on the opposite side and it should put it back as the cheek bones are both connected to the massater muscle and eye...
  3. Uglyblackpiller

    Prey or almond eyes

  4. Uglyblackpiller

    Guide Newbie guide to understanding body language ( EVERYONE GTFIN )

    I got it good though because unlike most people with it I’m in a few ap and honors classes and I don’t have a learning disability
  5. Uglyblackpiller

    Guide Newbie guide to understanding body language ( EVERYONE GTFIN )

    As a person with Asperger’s thanks 🙏
  6. Uglyblackpiller

    Discussion MEWING RESULTS

    This is false
  7. Uglyblackpiller

    Just want some honest rating

    If only you had a better fhwr you would be Chad (not trying to put you down, or discourage you just saying)
  8. Uglyblackpiller

    Food Nightmare

    Dawg that’s called f*****g eating disorder 💀
  9. Uglyblackpiller

    mewing streak lost?

    Now this is sigma đź—żđź—żđź—ż
  10. Uglyblackpiller

    I Have Wide Set eyes, So i cant look good

  11. Uglyblackpiller

    why are women attracted to wide shoulders

    It’s a evolutionary thing women have always liked it sense the Stone Ages literally, it defines dominance
  12. Uglyblackpiller

    I Have Wide Set eyes, So i cant look good

    So yes you can and most likely will depending on how “bad” it is you’ll look attractive, just as long as your other features are on point
  13. Uglyblackpiller

    I Have Wide Set eyes, So i cant look good

    If you’re not looking to get an obo making you cheek bones larger thus making your fwhr larger will make your eyes closer appearing, hope this helps
  14. Uglyblackpiller

    Rate my looks, be brutally honest. I’m 16 and 6’1

    Stop sucking/biting your cheeks and get a bimax at this point, lets just be honest your lower 3rd is screwed (sorry that I’m a little harsh, been having a bad day not that that’s an excuse to be an asshole but yeah)
  15. Uglyblackpiller

    Stats so far

    Very cool hope to see some progress in the future
  16. Uglyblackpiller

    how did you get into black pill

    Honestly early summer saw all those nct videos on TikTok and now I’ve fell down the entire rabbit hole
  17. Uglyblackpiller

    .org vs .com

    Just wondering, what’s the difference between this forum and .org?
  18. Uglyblackpiller

    JFL if you are an incel you get mogged

    I would’ve ropped at that point tbh
  19. Uglyblackpiller

    JFL if you are an incel you get mogged

    Yea made an edit with this clip