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Search results

  1. A

    I need help.

    You can post your picture on imgur. Upload it here (copy and past here) and delete if at any time. Nobody can help you without picture.
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    Thanks to allah I was born chad. Porn is bad, for my religion is a sin, so end of the story.
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    It doesn't, your testosteron goes back to normal after 7th day. And @sexlesstosexles I don't agree with you about nofap but about dopamine detox I do, because those are 2 different things. Dopamine detox has no point. But porn really f up your brain (weird fetishes just to turn you on after some...
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    Rate me

    You are still young don't worry about ratings, your puberty is not done yet. Mewing and sleeping your back can fix your asymmetry. Train your neck and change haircut. You need to see what face shape you have, then search haircut that suits you or ask your barber for suggestions. Use lipstick or...
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    can i reverse eye pulling?

    Eyelid pulling works but that can lead to saggy skin after some time. I didn't do it at all during my looksmaxxing journey. Because it has side effects. But mewing can help you out with those hunter eyes. You can't remove any progress that you have made. You can just stop right away and maybe it...
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    mouth breather

    You can tape your mouth every time you go to sleep. You can buy this surgical tape for that. Side effects: skin irritation or allergic reaction from the tape, if you get any of these side effects please stop using the tape.
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    Discussion is it over for me

    Is never over for anyone. You need to get fresh and new haircut man. Your jawline and skin are decent as I can see. Mewing, drinking more water, better posture and gym can help you a lot. You have potential king 👑
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    mew hard

    Soft mew (regular) this is a most basic standard one. When your face is resting, tongue should be touching on the palate. This suction between the palate and the tongue, the suction level I it's a regular mew and according to Dr. Mew. And that should be done all the time. Hard mewing you...
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    Rate me and HELP⁉️

    Tbh you are cute af. How to make your face more symmetrical well is not possible to make is symmetrical as with surgery. Everybody has asymmetrical face a little (others don't see that your face is asymmetrical irl so don't worry). But you can fix it a lot by sleeping on your back, and when you...
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    How effective is mewing and what is the best age for it?

    Is really effective during puberty. I started doing it very late, at age 19.
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    Water Pulling

    That's a joke where one guy made thread on called pneumo debloat. Where guy used neadle to get hollow cheeks. Please don't do it, that can ruin your face, is all a joke or meme if I can say. If you try that thing you are dumb af and you deserve every side effect that thing brings.
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    Eye problems

    Sometimes you get lazy eye for few minutes or more. But if is always like that then glasses or contact lenses can correct problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism that result in lazy eye.
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    Should i do Bonesmahsing

    I tried doing it for 3 months. It works but not that much. It gave me some acne on my cheekbones. And it can lead to asymmetry.
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    Rating and suggestions what should I work on ?