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Search results

  1. I

    Rate me(Honest opinion so that i can improve them)

    Yes, he should chew more on the left side to even his jaw. Sleeping on your back is more effective, in the long run especially so you get used to it. In using gua sha you will see a huge improvement, so maybe consider it.
  2. I

    Rate my looks 0/10 brutally honest I’m 5’4 16 is it over for me? And how can I improve everything

    Of course! And yes, I was going to add how you should invest in an ice roller, ice your face every morning after using your cleanser. It helps to reduce inflammation, puffiness, the appearance of large pores, and other skin imperfections like fine lines and wrinkles. As for losing fat face I can...
  3. I

    Rate my looks 0/10 brutally honest I’m 5’4 16 is it over for me? And how can I improve everything

    Use volufiline on your lips for plump lips. Jaw trainer, make sure to work your jaw equally to avoid asymmetry. Gua sha to carve out your features, and fix the asymmetry in your eyes (don’t eyepull that only stretches your skin and makes it worse). Make sure you apply a moisturizer before you...
  4. I

    Rate me(Honest opinion so that i can improve them)

    Volufiline for plump lips, jawline trainer (make sure to train both sides equally, though maybe train the left more at first to fix asymmetry), sleep on your back (for symmetry *I can tell you sleep on your left no more of that), clean up your eyebrows, hit the gym, find your face shape and...