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Search results

  1. quepasta

    Working out squats?

    when you go on a cut you inevitably lose some muscle mass/strength. Always prioritize good form, even if it means you have to squat less weight
  2. quepasta

    Does anyone know how to fix overbite?

    yeah and it makes you look like you have down syndrome idk some people swear by it though
  3. quepasta

    Does anyone know how to fix overbite?

    an orthodontist jutting idk
  4. quepasta

    is my hairline clapped

    thank you will do
  5. quepasta

    2 months of looksmaxxing

    will do thanks
  6. quepasta

    Discussion alternative heightmaxxing stack

    absolutely, your plates are msot likely still open
  7. quepasta

    Discussion alternative heightmaxxing stack

    no take this quiz, if you are past tanner stage 5 it won’t work
  8. quepasta

    physique 15y/o

    ngl I would go on a mini cut
  9. quepasta

    physique 15y/o

    what is your bodyfat% just give an estimate
  10. quepasta

    Socialy akward

    who you hang out with makes a huge difference, if you become more accepted with well liked people then you will start to take on the mannerisms of them It all compounds because as you become more similar to the well liked people, you will become a well liked person
  11. quepasta

    Guide HOW TO EXTEND PUBERTY (high iq)

    I appreciate it hope you ascend
  12. quepasta

    Guide HOW TO EXTEND PUBERTY (high iq)

    estrogen rebound won’t occur immediately, and also lestrozole is one of the most powerful aromatase inhibitors so I don’t think you have much to worry about DYOR stands for do your own research, I was advising people to find out for themselves what to do instead of blindly taking my advice
  13. quepasta

    Guide HOW TO EXTEND PUBERTY (high iq)

    aromatase inhibitors have risks associated with them but it depends on which one you take. Arimidex has been used in studies about height growth in humans. Theoretically you can extend puberty indefinitely, but in reality you can’t keep taking aromatase inhibitors forever
  14. quepasta

    physique 15y/o

  15. quepasta

    physique 15y/o

    what’s your protocol lookin like, I can help you out
  16. quepasta

    Guide Compilation of all my heightmaxxing threads
  17. quepasta

    physique 15y/o

    are you heightmaxxing
  18. quepasta

    Guide How to delay growth plate closure (HIGH EFFORT)
  19. quepasta

    Guide How to delay growth plate closure (HIGH EFFORT)

    When you are heightmaxxing, raising your HGH and IGF-1 is only half the battle. You also need to extend puberty for as long as possible to expand your window of growth. There are many ways to accomplish this. The traditional way is to use an aromatase inhibitor. There have been numerous studies...