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Search results

  1. A

    rate me 1/10 and do I need to ropemaxx???

    im 16 years old weigh 80kg (just finished my bulk) im around 5,8 feet tall. also I know some of my features are munted im inbred btw. im going to lose 10-15kg but other than that what can I fix.
  2. A

    Someone plss rate me, Im only 15yo btw.

    n ah thats a generous 3 pls dont give these mfs false hope its time to ropemaxx buddy
  3. A

    Hello I'm Mika 16 year old. Help me with my looks on what I can improve and rate me outta 10 pls🙏

    y your eyes are very pretty but sadly u have a negative canthal tilt, eyebrows could be thicker, maybe change the haircut its kinda covering ur eyes which is kinda one of ur better features
  4. A

    do i ropemaxx?

    nah really look at it he has very low face fat and is that a positive cantal tilt?? yes I agree his hair is shit but this man can still be saved 🙌
  5. A

    rope max or salvageable ??

    pretty good looking u just have chubby cheeks and a weak jawline. try mewing or losing some face fat. also could use some chin and lip filler and grow out the bangs.
  6. A

    Is it time to rope max honest advice and help please

    top lip is very large compared to ur bottom lip, u do have very strong masculine features tho sharp jawline, thick eyebrows, ect. maybe get a haircut that suits ur facial features more and work on getting a thicker neck. hopefully ur still growing and aren't stuck at that height tho