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Search results

  1. steece

    rate me and suggest things that I can improve I'm 18 and 5"10

    damn you noticed my hairline; the little slab is not really that noticeable and concerning because my hair is thick, my father and grandfather has it and they have thick hair...but thanks for your concern I really appreciate it
  2. steece

    rate me and suggest things that I can improve I'm 18 and 5"10

    using Vaseline for my eyebrows after a week I posted this, so far I haven't noticed any for Ortho... I need extra money for me to be able to see one (I'm currently applying for a job)...
  3. steece

    rate me and suggest things that I can improve I'm 18 and 5"10

    thanks I'll keep those in mind; I've been shaving my beard and mustache once a week now they don't grow that much thick, as for the weight loss getting into 175lbs would be a long way but I'll do it... I've been on a calorie deficit for 2 years(I weighed 264lbs back then) and walking for 5km a...
  4. steece

    rate me and suggest things that I can improve I'm 18 and 5"10

    thank you ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
  5. steece

    rate me and suggest things that I can improve I'm 18 and 5"10

    thanks... I've been mewing and doing some jaw exercises since last year and I can say that it did kind of help my jaw bcz it was a bit receding before...