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Search results

  1. hucksuckrt

    Why i don't trust any of yall

    telling the truth seems crazy in a world full of lies - ye
  2. hucksuckrt

    Why i don't trust any of yall

    yea im a scared b***h is what im gathering from the responses lmaoo
  3. hucksuckrt

    Why i don't trust any of yall

    not theory, offtopic
  4. hucksuckrt

    Why i don't trust any of yall

    imo, posting your full face pictures is downright half retarded if you have a career, for example if my modeling agency saw i was telling people about negroidal traits i would be f****d, although you will receive loads of advice, posting pictures when anybody can easily creat an acc and see them...
  5. hucksuckrt

    why can’t people accept not everyone was made equal

    f**k i hope not, you have a 90% chance to be born a sandman pajeet or east asian, wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy, rather sell my soul to baphomet honestly
  6. hucksuckrt

    Got letrozole whats the best frequency and dosage

    usually 1,5x - 2x the suggested dosage for your weight is fine Good luck
  7. hucksuckrt

    Discussion Aspirin

    im not worried, i dont scare high t men or women, so it's fine, i don't look fully dark triad either, its mostly my eyes cheeks and side profile. i'd say i have a good harmony, but yknow, hard to judge yourself in that matter
  8. hucksuckrt

    Discussion Can Mk-677 help me heigthmaxx?

    yes, can give you gyno, so nofap it is for you, dont f**k women either (prolly wouldn't anyways tho), get enclomiphene too, it'll help with prolactin and progesterone levels, zinc and basic supplements too, ask to help you with making a full supplement stack
  9. hucksuckrt

    Discussion Aspirin

    are you brahmin? i found that its not the eyes that look soulless, but the person behind them, and since some parts of the world have both mostly brown eyes and barely human int. , it creates a non causal corelation, i have the same problem as you raj i scare full grown men sometimes even, not...
  10. hucksuckrt

    Discussion Aspirin

    i need it for my pain of constant erections
  11. hucksuckrt

    What should my next hair cut be?

    what does a bee sound like?
  12. hucksuckrt

    Info Does it look gay to tuck in your shirt?

    the real answer is that it depends if you make it look gay, it will look gay, but styled correctly it'll be fine
  13. hucksuckrt

    Best hairstyle in 2024

    wrong, buzz
  14. hucksuckrt

    need nihilus music recommendations

  15. hucksuckrt

    Discussion Aspirin

    but it does look good i give you that
  16. hucksuckrt

    Discussion Aspirin

    @sigma Nah, my eye area is really good, hooded and everything, its just that my "aura" is dark and it's a negative
  17. hucksuckrt

    Discussion Aspirin

    homeless fear me and im told that i look like im broken already :shreg:
  18. hucksuckrt

    Discussion Aspirin

    green looks better lighter, in dark lighting my eyes just look black, too dark triad, i already scare people
  19. hucksuckrt

    New member here

  20. hucksuckrt

    I started a fast.

    you're gonna stunt your growth, make your growthplates close faster, decimate your testosterone, this shit retarded, stop asap