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Search results

  1. alan777

    Hello everyone

    Of course all sports are good, but swimming has an unique thing that is how to use strength with limited oxygen. Improves cardio and lungs way better than others, and also lifting your body in water improves muscles. Martial arts and contact sports are good for muscles and trains cardio aswell...
  2. alan777

    Hello everyone

    Yeah he's goated. Do you know someone similar or he's like unique?
  3. alan777

    Hello everyone

    Yeah swimming is so complete but so expensive as well. Also finding good teachers is hard. Gym is cheaper and easier, so I prefer it. I think the difference is more In how you train and if you do steroids. If you do it like a bodybuilder or a powerlifter you are destroying your body. If you dont...
  4. alan777

    Hello everyone

    Ohh I get it. Well of course physical looks is just an area to improve. Also for health swimming is much better, but gym can be cheaper if you know how to search. Sadly the famous part of the gym goers are the drug addicted people that pretend that steroids are different from crack so yeah, I...
  5. alan777

    Hello everyone

    Didn't knew that. Why is it considered cope? I could understand if you separate face improvement from physical improvement or overall health, but cope?
  6. alan777

    Hello everyone

    I know the posture things and chewing and bones mashing. I only do the posture things because it seems that there are some health risks in doing the other two. I don't know if gym counts as looksmaxxing but I have been doing it for a while before even know what looksmaxxing is.
  7. alan777

    Hello everyone

    Thanks man
  8. alan777

    Hello everyone

    Hi, I'm not English speaker, I have been into personal improvement for some time and I recently started investigating about looks. I watch QOVES studio but I realized that it would be much easier if I got into a forum where I can interact with other people about this. I would like to upload a...