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Hello everyone


Well-known member
May 22, 2024
Hi, I'm not English speaker, I have been into personal improvement for some time and I recently started investigating about looks. I watch QOVES studio but I realized that it would be much easier if I got into a forum where I can interact with other people about this.
I would like to upload a picture in rating thread, but first I would like recommendations about how to take a honest picture of my face to get it rated.
Thanks for reading.
Hi, I'm not English speaker, I have been into personal improvement for some time and I recently started investigating about looks. I watch QOVES studio but I realized that it would be much easier if I got into a forum where I can interact with other people about this.
I would like to upload a picture in rating thread, but first I would like recommendations about how to take a honest picture of my face to get it rated.
Thanks for reading.
I don’t recommend pictures for rating it’s best to determine what you need to achieve yourself as posting your picture on a forum is not a good idea. However, if you would like to post a picture to the rating section the most accurate way is with another person taking a photo of you from around 6 feet away, and without any glare.
Hi, I'm not English speaker, I have been into personal improvement for some time and I recently started investigating about looks. I watch QOVES studio but I realized that it would be much easier if I got into a forum where I can interact with other people about this.
I would like to upload a picture in rating thread, but first I would like recommendations about how to take a honest picture of my face to get it rated.
Thanks for reading.
hey man, welcome to the forum

we have some guidelines here for how to take honest photos so you can get the most accurate rating / feedback:
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  • #6
Welcome bro
How educated would you say you are on the topic of looksmaxxing?
I know the posture things and chewing and bones mashing. I only do the posture things because it seems that there are some health risks in doing the other two. I don't know if gym counts as looksmaxxing but I have been doing it for a while before even know what looksmaxxing is.
I know the posture things and chewing and bones mashing. I only do the posture things because it seems that there are some health risks in doing the other two. I don't know if gym counts as looksmaxxing but I have been doing it for a while before even know what looksmaxxing is.
Some people consider gym seperate from looksmaxxing or cope, but sometimes it can genuinely help people. It’s heavily debated to say the least. It’s a good intro to looksmaxxing and self improvement though for sure
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  • #8
Some people consider gym seperate from looksmaxxing or cope, but sometimes it can genuinely help people. It’s heavily debated to say the least. It’s a good intro to looksmaxxing and self improvement though for sure
Didn't knew that. Why is it considered cope? I could understand if you separate face improvement from physical improvement or overall health, but cope?
Didn't knew that. Why is it considered cope? I could understand if you separate face improvement from physical improvement or overall health, but cope?
The cope refers to gymcels or people who go to the gym and get more muscles and strength for no more attention from girls then normal. They cope by saying they want to go to gym for themselves but they want to do it for girls and it doesn’t work
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  • #10
The cope refers to gymcels or people who go to the gym and get more muscles and strength for no more attention from girls then normal. They cope by saying they want to go to gym for themselves but they want to do it for girls and it doesn’t work
Ohh I get it. Well of course physical looks is just an area to improve. Also for health swimming is much better, but gym can be cheaper if you know how to search. Sadly the famous part of the gym goers are the drug addicted people that pretend that steroids are different from crack so yeah, I think I understand why gym is seen as cope.
Ohh I get it. Well of course physical looks is just an area to improve. Also for health swimming is much better, but gym can be cheaper if you know how to search. Sadly the famous part of the gym goers are the drug addicted people that pretend that steroids are different from crack so yeah, I think I understand why gym is seen as cope.
I feel like swimming is good, and if you do go to the gym it should be for improving at a sport. That is how to gym max without coping with strength/ muscles.
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  • #13
I feel like swimming is good, and if you do go to the gym it should be for improving at a sport. That is how to gym max without coping with strength/ muscles.
Yeah swimming is so complete but so expensive as well. Also finding good teachers is hard. Gym is cheaper and easier, so I prefer it. I think the difference is more In how you train and if you do steroids. If you do it like a bodybuilder or a powerlifter you are destroying your body. If you dont do steroids and train like a normal person you are taking care of overall health and you will have a normal and proportioned body. (Of course swimming would be better or even some contact sports and martial arts but at least is better than nothing and a way to have good health that is friendly with the wallet)
Yeah swimming is so complete but so expensive as well. Also finding good teachers is hard. Gym is cheaper and easier, so I prefer it. I think the difference is more In how you train and if you do steroids. If you do it like a bodybuilder or a powerlifter you are destroying your body. If you dont do steroids and train like a normal person you are taking care of overall health and you will have a normal and proportioned body. (Of course swimming would be better or even some contact sports and martial arts but at least is better than nothing and a way to have good health that is friendly with the wallet)
Running, sprinting, and other sports are also good options
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  • #17
These can also have benefits outside of physique unlike other options!
Of course all sports are good, but swimming has an unique thing that is how to use strength with limited oxygen. Improves cardio and lungs way better than others, and also lifting your body in water improves muscles. Martial arts and contact sports are good for muscles and trains cardio aswell almost as good as swimming. And gym has a lot of machines so you can sprint, bicycle, or lift weights. Of course the good thing about sports is that you can choose the more fun to you and have fun doing it while improving your health.

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