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Search results

  1. BigBoyKyle

    Info Legend

    you'd look even better with thicker neck and bidelt like my pfp
  2. BigBoyKyle

    Info Legend

    keep looksmaxxing and grinding bhai srs)
  3. BigBoyKyle

    Info Legend

    are you under the influence? what's wrong brother
  4. BigBoyKyle

    Info I'd go to war to have them

    are u under the infuence?
  5. BigBoyKyle

    How much i have bodyfat?

    upper end of 15-21 take non blurry pictures next time
  6. BigBoyKyle

    The worst surgery you can get

    doomer to bloomer ascension
  7. BigBoyKyle

    The worst surgery you can get

    To use Connor as a specific example, he flares his lats everytime there's a photoshoot, compare these two pictures, to this in both angles he is flexing lats hard, only differnce is lighting and fraudmaxxing angle I have the exact same insertions and hips as him just different bicep/tricep...
  8. BigBoyKyle

    Even f*****g Henry Cavill gets ridiculed for having small wrists/hands.

    Nobody cares about wrists irl, only bidelt Only ones clowning him about wrists are twitter roasties
  9. BigBoyKyle

    The worst surgery you can get

    have a nice lunch no hard feelings bhai:)
  10. BigBoyKyle

    The worst surgery you can get

    Also someone that went under the radar all this time yet is the face of mogging is Connor Murphy (before he turned schizo) Frauded his way through life, you won't see another pic of him not flaring his lats Andrey Smaev as well roided to get a better delt to waist ratio Tom Haviland...
  11. BigBoyKyle

    The worst surgery you can get

    yes true, he had mr.olympia muscle building genetics. the thing he was always grilled for was his hips bones by other bodybuilders, let me give u another example Mike Thurston Same situation as Arnold, wide hip bones small clavicles, yet compensates with big arms and big chest, is called a...
  12. BigBoyKyle


  13. BigBoyKyle

    The worst surgery you can get

    Clavicle lengthening I've seen a few looksmaxxers get clavicle lengthening instead of running a few cycles.... "B-But I already ran a few cycles" "What are your lifts?" "235 bench, 345 squat, 405 deadlift, 135 lb OHP, 1RM and 3 pull ups":unsure: Retards risk their upper body structure not...
  14. BigBoyKyle

    Rate before and after of this .org user

    Just imagine if he had dark limbal rings like o'pry, he would look even better
  15. BigBoyKyle

    Discussion Gym maxxing made me half an inch taller!

    Have you tried glucamosine for keeping morning height? I lose like 2 cm in the afternoon i swear, don't have the money for it tho