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Search results

  1. RainbowDash

    Rate Shannyn Sossamon

  2. RainbowDash

    Rate Shannyn Sossamon

    Yeah I heard that.. originally I wanted to just cut it cause even when I have some length I always look better with my hair up than down. If short up ends up looking good on me it will such a blessing, less maintenance.
  3. RainbowDash

    Rate Shannyn Sossamon

    Feel like you would see her as even more of a Becky with longer hair, the more she cover her face the more unnoticeable she becomes I don't understand how
  4. RainbowDash

    Rate Shannyn Sossamon

    Such an inspo for me, I'm even thinking of cutting my hair. I don't see enough people talking about her, which I guess kinda makes sense since she dropped out of the industry quite quickly. I think her best feature is her smile she has a nice jaw.
  5. RainbowDash

    Discussion Should i use leave in everyday?

    I don't think conditioner will help with your scalp, if anything you shouldn't even apply it there, maybe look for pre shampoo scalp treatment oils or just try out different shampoos with moisturizing ingredients.
  6. RainbowDash

    Discussion My sperm had a weird texture today

    Prob testicular cancer
  7. RainbowDash

    Do you reach out to the gender you're interested in?

    You're both right.. But the last part is so off
  8. RainbowDash

    how attractive do you think Tati from Snow Strippers is?

    Just trying to pinkpill him
  9. RainbowDash

    Do you reach out to the gender you're interested in?

    Yeah that's the only practical way for me.
  10. RainbowDash

    It's okay you tried

    It's okay you tried
  11. RainbowDash

    who actually does here?

    who actually does here?
  12. RainbowDash

    how attractive do you think Tati from Snow Strippers is?

    deep down you want it I know
  13. RainbowDash

    of course you would like that bussy squirt

    of course you would like that bussy squirt
  14. RainbowDash

    you lost me now

    you lost me now
  15. RainbowDash

    how attractive do you think Tati from Snow Strippers is?

    you're just an egg i can sense it a few years you'll ask me for makeup tips
  16. RainbowDash

    how attractive do you think Tati from Snow Strippers is?

    aahh there you goo
  17. RainbowDash

    ahhahaha imagine being a mlp fan with a joystick

    ahhahaha imagine being a mlp fan with a joystick
  18. RainbowDash

    how attractive do you think Tati from Snow Strippers is?

    tf is he talking about extra genders?!