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    This is a public discussion forum. The owners, staff, and users of this website ARE NOT engaged in rendering professional services to the individual reader. DO NOT use the content of this website as an alternative to personal examination and advice from licenced healthcare providers. DO NOT begin, delay, or discontinue treatments and/or exercises without licenced medical supervision. Learn more

Search results

  1. StrumAmine

    Is it really over for me?

    You need a lot of hardmaxxing, It's over.
  2. StrumAmine

    Hello, im Gabriel and i need help to improve my physique

    Weight Lifting Routine: Frequency: 2-3 times per week, allowing at least one day of rest between sessions. Exercises: Focus on compound exercises that target multiple muscle groups. Use lighter weights and higher repetitions to ensure proper form and reduce the risk of injury. Bodyweight...
  3. StrumAmine

    Bros I need some actual help

    Good-looking enough to get pussy, that's it.
  4. StrumAmine

    bad nose

    Fixing a crooked nose through surgery typically involves a procedure known as rhinoplasty or a "nose job." Here are the steps involved in correcting a crooked nose surgically: Consultation with a Specialist: Start by consulting with a board-certified plastic surgeon or an otolaryngologist (ENT...
  5. StrumAmine

    bad nose

    Fixing a crooked nose without surgery is challenging because the nose's structure is primarily made of cartilage and bone, which often requires surgical intervention for significant adjustments. However, there are some non-surgical methods and techniques that might help improve the appearance of...