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Bros I need some actual help


New member
Nov 11, 2023
Rate me pls 0-100, “5,10- 156pounds current” First of all bros, no homo (not that it matters). But I need some actual help. I’m accepting the hardest criticism don’t say I’m good please give me some perfection ideas cuz I know I’m not ugly but I’m not perfect. I recently lost 20 pounds so I look super fit, still planing on losing 10pds in fat so I have deeper indents on my cheeks, then rebuilding in pure muscle to a max of 160 pounds.
But I want to know what’s Somthing I should change with myself. Please even if it’s unchangeable let me know. I know surgery is a taboo but I’m pretty close to reaching my max potential and need some ideas of things to work on or even do surgery for.
For example I f*****g hate my nose, I have a small nose not the manly type, but it’s pugey aka kinda fat (prob from picking the hell out of it growing up)
A longer, flatter hairstyle will definitely suit you more. While your hairstyle by itself is a decent cut, most individuals who have this haircut don’t have the face for it, it makes their face look longer and actually brings out facial imperfections because it’s length doesn’t hide the things it needs to. I would lose the earrings in your case because you do look more feminine, and you should invest in clothing that is suited to your proportions. For example, your blue sweater(although fine at first glance) does drown out your figure, making you look smaller by comparison. The rest should be find, but be sure to have good hygiene every single day. A handsome man is nothing if every orifice smells like shit. You’re welcome.
Lol this guy is a chad and his earrings are one of his good features. If he is an incel then society is finished.

He doesn't really need any improvement and his haircut is good, the only thing is his mustache stubble detracts from his appearance. He doesn't have any beard stubble and his mustache stubble just makes his skin color look worse. Makeup would help but most brands have toxic chemicals, he could try electrolysis instead.

the only other criticism is his eyes don't seem wide enough but idk how to change that. that and the pencil neck, neck should be increased by at least 1cm diameter maybe 2

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