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¡Ascension Plan!


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2023
I recently came across a thread on .org called How to Build a Framework for Ascension. In the thread, it had a link to a ratio measuring website that helps identify one’s failos. The thread explains to find your main failos, and use the forum as a resource to fix them.

failos: long philtrim, long midface, narrow lower third, short lower third, recessed chin, recessed maxilla, downswung mandible, short ramus, inverted gonions, narrow mouth, underdeveloped brow ridge, bloat, acne, narrow palate, premature aging, dark circles, unideal under eye support, pale complexion, 17 inch unfrauded bidelt

halos: hair, eye color, eyebrows, lateral projection of zygos, straight nose, full lips, FWHR, canthal tilt, height, narrow waist, physique, pp


mewing and thumb pulling first, chewing next, bonesmashing next, orthodontics next, HGH next, bimax next, implants next to address the recessed maxilla, recessed chin, downswung mandible, short ramus, narrow lower third, short lower third, inverted gonions, long midface, long philtrim, underdeveloped brow ridge, unideal under eye support

lip lift to address the long philtrim and long midface

mewing and thumbpulling first, lip widening appliance next, MSE next to address narrow mouth and narrow palate

good lifestyle, diet, water intake, skincare,
tazarotene and pantothenic acid pills next to address the acne

good diet and water intake first, potassium chloride pills next, eplerenone next to address bloat

sleep first, eye serum next, fat graft next to address dark circles

axtaxanthin and lycopene first, melanotan 2 next to address pale complexion

puberty, gym, HGH to address 17 inch unfruaded bidelt

Along with these i’ll eyelashmaxx and do some normie softmaxxes to help out things that are neither halos nor failos


sleep, good lifestyle and diet, puberty, aromasin, T4, HGH, microfractures, banded sleeping, hanging, stretching to further increase height

vacuum pumping, jelqing to further increase pp

good lifestyle and diet, gym to further increase physique

and of course I need to continue to look good after I ascend so Anti aging:

preventative measures:
sunscreen, skincare, red light therapy, glycine and other collagen supplements, ultrasound/RF device, vitamin d3 k2 zinc magnesium calcium etc to not lose bone mass, HGH

when I come to it: PDO threads for nasolabial folds, jaw contouring, TRT, more HGH

to do more research on:
bpc-157 and epiliton peptides, botox

please feel free to comment any useful tips or other info to help me looksmax
Ok bro

I'm not as recessed as him
You have his pheno, but you defintely mog him. Man I really want a physique like yours, i’m hoping you’re right that it’s achievable in 12 weeks. It’s crazy because 12 weeks doesn’t seem that much, but it’s 84 days of pure hell.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #10
You have his pheno, but you defintely mog him. Man I really want a physique like yours, i’m hoping you’re right that it’s achievable in 12 weeks. It’s crazy because 12 weeks doesn’t seem that much, but it’s 84 days of pure hell.
You absolutely can in 12 weeks of consistent effort. I am not big nor super lean
do not calculate yours metrics with photos, but rather with your real life reflection on a mirror using a ruler to metric it. Every camera will have lens distortion and you want to change your real life apearance instead of camera apearance.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #15
do not calculate yours metrics with photos, but rather with your real life reflection on a mirror using a ruler to metric it. Every camera will have lens distortion and you want to change your real life apearance instead of camera apearance.
I have for a few ratios, I used the website as a loose guideline, all of the points it made were valid though
Sounds legit but it seems like a lot of work

How do you plan to stay motivated to ascend?
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #24
Sounds legit but it seems like a lot of work

How do you plan to stay motivated to ascend?
By knowing that maybe one day I'll reach high htn or more
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #27
bro you sent pp pics to this site? hell nahh
thumbpulling cope :copium:
dont tweak over the under eye area, a lot of girls say they like it+ theres other ways to reduce without surgery
when did I send pp pics?

thumbpulling is to loosen up the palatal sutures and is supplementary to mewing

for the under eye area I subdivided it into 2 categories: unideal under eye support (bones), and dark circles (soft tissue)

which one of these do you mean? I think that having less than ideal under eye support is a big failo and comes from not having enough forward growth in the zygos and maxilla, so I will definitely be fixing that

as for the dark circles/soft tissue, I can see where you are coming from. It doesn’t matter too much. Also, a fat graft is a mid procedure. However, I think in my case it could be worth it.
Sounds good but banded sleeping is cope. I did that a bunch last year only to find mroe research now on the fact that cortical bone is really tough and hard, meaning that your bones wont stretch. Although you might get microfractrues and try to stretch it. The height you gain is temporary as you decompress but not actual bone gains. Instead of measuring height, measure the actual bone length; i.e. tibias, femurs and torso length. And for frame bideltoid isnt really that correlated to skeletal structure, at least in my case I have genes to pack on a lot of muscle without weight training especially in my chest and shoulder region, biacromial measurement is better.
Sounds good but banded sleeping is cope. I did that a bunch last year only to find mroe research now on the fact that cortical bone is really tough and hard, meaning that your bones wont stretch. Although you might get microfractrues and try to stretch it. The height you gain is temporary as you decompress but not actual bone gains. Instead of measuring height, measure the actual bone length; i.e. tibias, femurs and torso length. And for frame bideltoid isnt really that correlated to skeletal structure, at least in my case I have genes to pack on a lot of muscle without weight training especially in my chest and shoulder region, biacromial measurement is better.
Along with that don't do the microfracture bs that shit can lead to early or onset arthritis
I recently came across a thread on .org called How to Build a Framework for Ascension. In the thread, it had a link to a ratio measuring website that helps identify one’s failos. The thread explains to find your main failos, and use the forum as a resource to fix them.

failos: long philtrim, long midface, narrow lower third, short lower third, recessed chin, recessed maxilla, downswung mandible, short ramus, inverted gonions, narrow mouth, underdeveloped brow ridge, bloat, acne, narrow palate, premature aging, dark circles, unideal under eye support, pale complexion, 17 inch unfrauded bidelt

halos: hair, eye color, eyebrows, lateral projection of zygos, straight nose, full lips, FWHR, canthal tilt, height, narrow waist, physique, pp


mewing and thumb pulling first, chewing next, bonesmashing next, orthodontics next, HGH next, bimax next, implants next to address the recessed maxilla, recessed chin, downswung mandible, short ramus, narrow lower third, short lower third, inverted gonions, long midface, long philtrim, underdeveloped brow ridge, unideal under eye support

lip lift to address the long philtrim and long midface

mewing and thumbpulling first, lip widening appliance next, MSE next to address narrow mouth and narrow palate

good lifestyle, diet, water intake, skincare,
tazarotene and pantothenic acid pills next to address the acne

good diet and water intake first, potassium chloride pills next, eplerenone next to address bloat

sleep first, eye serum next, fat graft next to address dark circles

axtaxanthin and lycopene first, melanotan 2 next to address pale complexion

puberty, gym, HGH to address 17 inch unfruaded bidelt

Along with these i’ll eyelashmaxx and do some normie softmaxxes to help out things that are neither halos nor failos


sleep, good lifestyle and diet, puberty, aromasin, T4, HGH, microfractures, banded sleeping, hanging, stretching to further increase height

vacuum pumping, jelqing to further increase pp

good lifestyle and diet, gym to further increase physique

and of course I need to continue to look good after I ascend so Anti aging:

preventative measures:
sunscreen, skincare, red light therapy, glycine and other collagen supplements, ultrasound/RF device, vitamin d3 k2 zinc magnesium calcium etc to not lose bone mass, HGH

when I come to it: PDO threads for nasolabial folds, jaw contouring, TRT, more HGH

to do more research on:
bpc-157 and epiliton peptides, botox

please feel free to comment any useful tips or other info to help me looksmax
I dont think u have fwhr and cheekbone lateral projection halo

U are recessed too

Also not much androgenic face
I recently came across a thread on .org called How to Build a Framework for Ascension. In the thread, it had a link to a ratio measuring website that helps identify one’s failos. The thread explains to find your main failos, and use the forum as a resource to fix them.

failos: long philtrim, long midface, narrow lower third, short lower third, recessed chin, recessed maxilla, downswung mandible, short ramus, inverted gonions, narrow mouth, underdeveloped brow ridge, bloat, acne, narrow palate, premature aging, dark circles, unideal under eye support, pale complexion, 17 inch unfrauded bidelt

halos: hair, eye color, eyebrows, lateral projection of zygos, straight nose, full lips, FWHR, canthal tilt, height, narrow waist, physique, pp


mewing and thumb pulling first, chewing next, bonesmashing next, orthodontics next, HGH next, bimax next, implants next to address the recessed maxilla, recessed chin, downswung mandible, short ramus, narrow lower third, short lower third, inverted gonions, long midface, long philtrim, underdeveloped brow ridge, unideal under eye support

lip lift to address the long philtrim and long midface

mewing and thumbpulling first, lip widening appliance next, MSE next to address narrow mouth and narrow palate

good lifestyle, diet, water intake, skincare,
tazarotene and pantothenic acid pills next to address the acne

good diet and water intake first, potassium chloride pills next, eplerenone next to address bloat

sleep first, eye serum next, fat graft next to address dark circles

axtaxanthin and lycopene first, melanotan 2 next to address pale complexion

puberty, gym, HGH to address 17 inch unfruaded bidelt

Along with these i’ll eyelashmaxx and do some normie softmaxxes to help out things that are neither halos nor failos


sleep, good lifestyle and diet, puberty, aromasin, T4, HGH, microfractures, banded sleeping, hanging, stretching to further increase height

vacuum pumping, jelqing to further increase pp

good lifestyle and diet, gym to further increase physique

and of course I need to continue to look good after I ascend so Anti aging:

preventative measures:
sunscreen, skincare, red light therapy, glycine and other collagen supplements, ultrasound/RF device, vitamin d3 k2 zinc magnesium calcium etc to not lose bone mass, HGH

when I come to it: PDO threads for nasolabial folds, jaw contouring, TRT, more HGH

to do more research on:
bpc-157 and epiliton peptides, botox

please feel free to comment any useful tips or other info to help me looksmax
How did u measure bidelt
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #33
Sounds good but banded sleeping is cope. I did that a bunch last year only to find mroe research now on the fact that cortical bone is really tough and hard, meaning that your bones wont stretch. Although you might get microfractrues and try to stretch it. The height you gain is temporary as you decompress but not actual bone gains. Instead of measuring height, measure the actual bone length; i.e. tibias, femurs and torso length. And for frame bideltoid isnt really that correlated to skeletal structure, at least in my case I have genes to pack on a lot of muscle without weight training especially in my chest and shoulder region, biacromial measurement is better.
I mean at the very least it decompresses my spine so I'll keep it up
when did I send pp pics?
halos: hair, eye color, eyebrows, lateral projection of zygos, straight nose, full lips, FWHR, canthal tilt, height, narrow waist, physique, pp
you sent your pp pics to this site
thumbpulling is to loosen up the palatal sutures and is supplementary to mewing
you would need medical intervention to loosen them up.
sutures close by the time you started puberty, so yeah only orthodontics work. since you are 15, you probably already started puberty a while ago
for the under eye area I subdivided it into 2 categories: unideal under eye support (bones), and dark circles (soft tissue)

which one of these do you mean? I think that having less than ideal under eye support is a big failo and comes from not having enough forward growth in the zygos and maxilla, so I will definitely be fixing that

as for the dark circles/soft tissue, I can see where you are coming from. It doesn’t matter too much. Also, a fat graft is a mid procedure. However, I think in my case it could be worth it
yes i meant the tissue part, it does not look bad according to women
if you are tring to fix the bone then that is good
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #37
you sent your pp pics to this site

you would need medical intervention to loosen them up.
sutures close by the time you started puberty, so yeah only orthodontics work. since you are 15, you probably already started puberty a while ago

yes i meant the tissue part, it does not look bad according to women
if you are tring to fix the bone then that is good
are you trolling or did I actually send them at some point? I used to be active here like 6 or 7 months ago, then I left for a long while. Did I send them back then?

ok about the thumb pulling. Makes sense but i’ll keep coping

I think the dead eyes thing is niche and probably partly “virtue signaling” cause they say it makes you seem hardworking and like a good provider. I think that maybe some women like dark circles but for general appeal it is best to not have them.
are you trolling or did I actually send them at some point? I used to be active here like 6 or 7 months ago, then I left for a long while. Did I send them back then?
no you never sent your pp sites on to my knowledge
you said that there is a site, org or something, where you put pictures and falios
I recently came across a thread on .org called How to Build a Framework for Ascension. In the thread, it had a link to a ratio measuring website that helps identify one’s failos. The thread explains to find your main failos, and use the forum as a resource to fix them.
you also said that pp is a halo according to the site
so you sent pp pics to that site?
ok about the thumb pulling. Makes sense but i’ll keep coping
I think the dead eyes thing is niche and probably partly “virtue signaling” cause they say it makes you seem hardworking and like a good provider. I think that maybe some women like dark circles but for general appeal it is best to not have them.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #39
no you never sent your pp sites on to my knowledge
you said that there is a site, org or something, where you put pictures and falios

you also said that pp is a halo according to the site
so you sent pp pics to that site?


ohh I just didn’t articulate that well. I didn’t send pp pics to that site but it’s a halo.

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