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Info πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† Jordan and Sean got mogged by Lachowski in Bar. Jordan and Sean cope by bonesmashing πŸ—Ώ πŸ€«πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ Full story (AI) BROOOTAL HEIGHT PILL BY AI πŸ§‘πŸΏ


Oct 2, 2023
Francisco Lachowski (190cm), Jordan Barret (182cm) and Sean o Pry (181cm) Walk into a bar to test their luck picking up women before they go to Paris for a catwalk. What happens next is brutal

"Are you guys ready to do this?" Francisco, the tallest of the trio, asked with a confident grin. His height, along with his easy charm, often made him the center of attention.

"Absolutely," Jordan replied, his surfer-blond hair catching the light. He exuded a laid-back coolness that drew people in. "Let's see what the night brings."

Sean adjusted his jacket, his chiseled features highlighted under the street lamps. "Yeah, but let's keep it fun. No competition, right?"

They exchanged nods of agreement and headed inside. The club was packed, the music pulsing through the air as lights flashed in sync with the beat. The three friends made their way to the bar, attracting glances and whispers from the moment they entered.

As they ordered drinks, a group of women nearby noticed them. Francisco, Jordan, and Sean chatted casually, scanning the room and enjoying their drinks.

"Hey, I think those girls over there are looking at us," Sean said, nodding discreetly toward a group of women who were whispering and glancing their way.

Jordan turned to look, giving them a friendly smile. "Why don't we go say hi?"

The women giggled and smiled as the three approached. Francisco led the way, his height making him an immediate standout.

"Hi, I'm Francisco," he said with a warm smile. "These are my friends, Jordan and Sean."

One of the women, a brunette with striking blue eyes, responded first. "Hi, Francisco. I'm Emma. These are my friends, Lily and Sarah."

Introductions were exchanged, and soon they were all engaged in light conversation. Francisco's charm and height continued to draw the women's attention, but Jordan and Sean were holding their own with their wit and good looks.

"So, Francisco," Emma said, clearly interested, "what brings you guys here tonight?"

"Just out for a good time," Francisco replied smoothly. "And you?"

Emma smiled. "Same. We heard this place was fun and thought we'd check it out."

As the conversation flowed, it became clear that the women were gravitating more towards Francisco. His height gave him a commanding presence, and his natural charisma kept them engaged.

Lily turned to Jordan and Sean, noticing they were a bit quieter. "So, what do you guys do?" she asked, trying to include them.

Jordan chuckled. "We're all in the modeling industry, actually."

"Really? That’s so cool!" Sarah exclaimed, glancing at Francisco. "But Francisco, you must be the tallest model we've ever seen."

Francisco laughed. "Well, I guess I have that advantage."

Sean, sensing the shift, leaned in and added, "Height isn't everything, you know. Jordan and I have our own unique qualities."

Jordan nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's not just about being tall. It's about personality, right?"

Emma, still focused on Francisco, gave a polite smile. "Of course, but Francisco definitely stands out."

As the night went on, it became evident that Francisco was the favorite. He didn't seem to mind, though, and made sure to include Jordan and Sean in the conversation as much as possible.

Lily and Sarah, however, seemed less interested in Jordan and Sean as time passed. They were polite but kept glancing back at Francisco and Emma, who were clearly hitting it off.

After a few hours, they all returned to the bar, sweaty and exhilarated from dancing.

"That was fun," Francisco said, wiping his brow. "We should do this more often."

"Definitely," Emma agreed, looking up at him with a smile. "It was great meeting you guys."

Jordan and Sean exchanged glances, feeling a bit deflated. They hadn't managed to capture the attention of any of the women the way Francisco had.

As they left the club, Francisco turned to his friends. "Sorry if I stole the spotlight tonight, guys. It wasn’t intentional."

Sean laughed, but there was a hint of frustration in his voice. "Don’t worry about it, man. You can't help being tall."

Jordan nodded, but his smile was tight. "Yeah, it was a good night. We all had fun."

As the weeks went by, Jordan and Sean found themselves repeatedly in Francisco's shadow during their nights out. Despite their good looks and charm, they couldn't match Francisco's towering presence. Frustration began to build.

One evening, after yet another night of feeling overlooked, Jordan and Sean sat in Sean's apartment, nursing beers and talking about their frustrations.

"Man, I don't get it," Jordan said, shaking his head. "We have everything going for us, but Francisco always gets the girls."

Sean sighed. "It's the height, dude. It's just how it is. And it's not like we can change that."

Jordan stared at his beer, a thought forming. "You ever heard of bonesmashing?"

Sean frowned. "What the hell is that?"

"It's this technique to enhance your bone structure. Some people say it can make your face more angular, more attractive."

Sean raised an eyebrow. "And you think that will help us compete with Francisco?"

Jordan shrugged. "It might. I mean, we have to try something, right?"

Sean considered this for a moment before nodding. "Alright, let's give it a shot. Can't hurt to try."

They spent the next few weeks researching and attempting bonesmashing techniques, hoping to see some improvement. They followed various online tutorials, using tools and methods that promised to enhance their features. It was a strange and sometimes painful process, but they were determined.

Despite their efforts, the results were minimal at best. Jordan and Sean couldn't help but feel disheartened. They realized that while physical appearance could be altered to some extent, it wasn't a guaranteed solution to their problems.

One night, as they sat in a quiet bar, away from the usual club scene, Jordan sighed. "Maybe we were going about this all wrong. Trying to change ourselves to compete with Francisco... it's not the answer."

Sean nodded, taking a sip of his drink. "Yeah, you're right. We should just focus on being the best versions of ourselves. Francisco is our friend, and we shouldn't let this come between us."

As they clinked their glasses, they made a pact to embrace their own strengths and qualities, understanding that true confidence and attraction came from within. They realized that their friendship was more important than any fleeting attention from strangers.

In the end, they learned to appreciate their individuality and the unique qualities they brought to the table. And while Francisco's height and charm might always make him stand out, Jordan and Sean found contentment in being themselves, knowing that true connection went beyond surface-level attraction.
Francisco Lachowski (190cm), Jordan Barret (182cm) and Sean o Pry (181cm) Walk into a bar to test their luck picking up women before they go to Paris for a catwalk. What happens next is brutal

"Are you guys ready to do this?" Francisco, the tallest of the trio, asked with a confident grin. His height, along with his easy charm, often made him the center of attention.

"Absolutely," Jordan replied, his surfer-blond hair catching the light. He exuded a laid-back coolness that drew people in. "Let's see what the night brings."

Sean adjusted his jacket, his chiseled features highlighted under the street lamps. "Yeah, but let's keep it fun. No competition, right?"

They exchanged nods of agreement and headed inside. The club was packed, the music pulsing through the air as lights flashed in sync with the beat. The three friends made their way to the bar, attracting glances and whispers from the moment they entered.

As they ordered drinks, a group of women nearby noticed them. Francisco, Jordan, and Sean chatted casually, scanning the room and enjoying their drinks.

"Hey, I think those girls over there are looking at us," Sean said, nodding discreetly toward a group of women who were whispering and glancing their way.

Jordan turned to look, giving them a friendly smile. "Why don't we go say hi?"

The women giggled and smiled as the three approached. Francisco led the way, his height making him an immediate standout.

"Hi, I'm Francisco," he said with a warm smile. "These are my friends, Jordan and Sean."

One of the women, a brunette with striking blue eyes, responded first. "Hi, Francisco. I'm Emma. These are my friends, Lily and Sarah."

Introductions were exchanged, and soon they were all engaged in light conversation. Francisco's charm and height continued to draw the women's attention, but Jordan and Sean were holding their own with their wit and good looks.

"So, Francisco," Emma said, clearly interested, "what brings you guys here tonight?"

"Just out for a good time," Francisco replied smoothly. "And you?"

Emma smiled. "Same. We heard this place was fun and thought we'd check it out."

As the conversation flowed, it became clear that the women were gravitating more towards Francisco. His height gave him a commanding presence, and his natural charisma kept them engaged.

Lily turned to Jordan and Sean, noticing they were a bit quieter. "So, what do you guys do?" she asked, trying to include them.

Jordan chuckled. "We're all in the modeling industry, actually."

"Really? That’s so cool!" Sarah exclaimed, glancing at Francisco. "But Francisco, you must be the tallest model we've ever seen."

Francisco laughed. "Well, I guess I have that advantage."

Sean, sensing the shift, leaned in and added, "Height isn't everything, you know. Jordan and I have our own unique qualities."

Jordan nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's not just about being tall. It's about personality, right?"

Emma, still focused on Francisco, gave a polite smile. "Of course, but Francisco definitely stands out."

As the night went on, it became evident that Francisco was the favorite. He didn't seem to mind, though, and made sure to include Jordan and Sean in the conversation as much as possible.

Lily and Sarah, however, seemed less interested in Jordan and Sean as time passed. They were polite but kept glancing back at Francisco and Emma, who were clearly hitting it off.

After a few hours, they all returned to the bar, sweaty and exhilarated from dancing.

"That was fun," Francisco said, wiping his brow. "We should do this more often."

"Definitely," Emma agreed, looking up at him with a smile. "It was great meeting you guys."

Jordan and Sean exchanged glances, feeling a bit deflated. They hadn't managed to capture the attention of any of the women the way Francisco had.

As they left the club, Francisco turned to his friends. "Sorry if I stole the spotlight tonight, guys. It wasn’t intentional."

Sean laughed, but there was a hint of frustration in his voice. "Don’t worry about it, man. You can't help being tall."

Jordan nodded, but his smile was tight. "Yeah, it was a good night. We all had fun."

As the weeks went by, Jordan and Sean found themselves repeatedly in Francisco's shadow during their nights out. Despite their good looks and charm, they couldn't match Francisco's towering presence. Frustration began to build.

One evening, after yet another night of feeling overlooked, Jordan and Sean sat in Sean's apartment, nursing beers and talking about their frustrations.

"Man, I don't get it," Jordan said, shaking his head. "We have everything going for us, but Francisco always gets the girls."

Sean sighed. "It's the height, dude. It's just how it is. And it's not like we can change that."

Jordan stared at his beer, a thought forming. "You ever heard of bonesmashing?"

Sean frowned. "What the hell is that?"

"It's this technique to enhance your bone structure. Some people say it can make your face more angular, more attractive."

Sean raised an eyebrow. "And you think that will help us compete with Francisco?"

Jordan shrugged. "It might. I mean, we have to try something, right?"

Sean considered this for a moment before nodding. "Alright, let's give it a shot. Can't hurt to try."

They spent the next few weeks researching and attempting bonesmashing techniques, hoping to see some improvement. They followed various online tutorials, using tools and methods that promised to enhance their features. It was a strange and sometimes painful process, but they were determined.

Despite their efforts, the results were minimal at best. Jordan and Sean couldn't help but feel disheartened. They realized that while physical appearance could be altered to some extent, it wasn't a guaranteed solution to their problems.

One night, as they sat in a quiet bar, away from the usual club scene, Jordan sighed. "Maybe we were going about this all wrong. Trying to change ourselves to compete with Francisco... it's not the answer."

Sean nodded, taking a sip of his drink. "Yeah, you're right. We should just focus on being the best versions of ourselves. Francisco is our friend, and we shouldn't let this come between us."

As they clinked their glasses, they made a pact to embrace their own strengths and qualities, understanding that true confidence and attraction came from within. They realized that their friendship was more important than any fleeting attention from strangers.

In the end, they learned to appreciate their individuality and the unique qualities they brought to the table. And while Francisco's height and charm might always make him stand out, Jordan and Sean found contentment in being themselves, knowing that true connection went beyond surface-level attraction.
didn't read
Francisco Lachowski (190cm), Jordan Barret (182cm) and Sean o Pry (181cm) Walk into a bar to test their luck picking up women before they go to Paris for a catwalk. What happens next is brutal

"Are you guys ready to do this?" Francisco, the tallest of the trio, asked with a confident grin. His height, along with his easy charm, often made him the center of attention.

"Absolutely," Jordan replied, his surfer-blond hair catching the light. He exuded a laid-back coolness that drew people in. "Let's see what the night brings."

Sean adjusted his jacket, his chiseled features highlighted under the street lamps. "Yeah, but let's keep it fun. No competition, right?"

They exchanged nods of agreement and headed inside. The club was packed, the music pulsing through the air as lights flashed in sync with the beat. The three friends made their way to the bar, attracting glances and whispers from the moment they entered.

As they ordered drinks, a group of women nearby noticed them. Francisco, Jordan, and Sean chatted casually, scanning the room and enjoying their drinks.

"Hey, I think those girls over there are looking at us," Sean said, nodding discreetly toward a group of women who were whispering and glancing their way.

Jordan turned to look, giving them a friendly smile. "Why don't we go say hi?"

The women giggled and smiled as the three approached. Francisco led the way, his height making him an immediate standout.

"Hi, I'm Francisco," he said with a warm smile. "These are my friends, Jordan and Sean."

One of the women, a brunette with striking blue eyes, responded first. "Hi, Francisco. I'm Emma. These are my friends, Lily and Sarah."

Introductions were exchanged, and soon they were all engaged in light conversation. Francisco's charm and height continued to draw the women's attention, but Jordan and Sean were holding their own with their wit and good looks.

"So, Francisco," Emma said, clearly interested, "what brings you guys here tonight?"

"Just out for a good time," Francisco replied smoothly. "And you?"

Emma smiled. "Same. We heard this place was fun and thought we'd check it out."

As the conversation flowed, it became clear that the women were gravitating more towards Francisco. His height gave him a commanding presence, and his natural charisma kept them engaged.

Lily turned to Jordan and Sean, noticing they were a bit quieter. "So, what do you guys do?" she asked, trying to include them.

Jordan chuckled. "We're all in the modeling industry, actually."

"Really? That’s so cool!" Sarah exclaimed, glancing at Francisco. "But Francisco, you must be the tallest model we've ever seen."

Francisco laughed. "Well, I guess I have that advantage."

Sean, sensing the shift, leaned in and added, "Height isn't everything, you know. Jordan and I have our own unique qualities."

Jordan nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's not just about being tall. It's about personality, right?"

Emma, still focused on Francisco, gave a polite smile. "Of course, but Francisco definitely stands out."

As the night went on, it became evident that Francisco was the favorite. He didn't seem to mind, though, and made sure to include Jordan and Sean in the conversation as much as possible.

Lily and Sarah, however, seemed less interested in Jordan and Sean as time passed. They were polite but kept glancing back at Francisco and Emma, who were clearly hitting it off.

After a few hours, they all returned to the bar, sweaty and exhilarated from dancing.

"That was fun," Francisco said, wiping his brow. "We should do this more often."

"Definitely," Emma agreed, looking up at him with a smile. "It was great meeting you guys."

Jordan and Sean exchanged glances, feeling a bit deflated. They hadn't managed to capture the attention of any of the women the way Francisco had.

As they left the club, Francisco turned to his friends. "Sorry if I stole the spotlight tonight, guys. It wasn’t intentional."

Sean laughed, but there was a hint of frustration in his voice. "Don’t worry about it, man. You can't help being tall."

Jordan nodded, but his smile was tight. "Yeah, it was a good night. We all had fun."

As the weeks went by, Jordan and Sean found themselves repeatedly in Francisco's shadow during their nights out. Despite their good looks and charm, they couldn't match Francisco's towering presence. Frustration began to build.

One evening, after yet another night of feeling overlooked, Jordan and Sean sat in Sean's apartment, nursing beers and talking about their frustrations.

"Man, I don't get it," Jordan said, shaking his head. "We have everything going for us, but Francisco always gets the girls."

Sean sighed. "It's the height, dude. It's just how it is. And it's not like we can change that."

Jordan stared at his beer, a thought forming. "You ever heard of bonesmashing?"

Sean frowned. "What the hell is that?"

"It's this technique to enhance your bone structure. Some people say it can make your face more angular, more attractive."

Sean raised an eyebrow. "And you think that will help us compete with Francisco?"

Jordan shrugged. "It might. I mean, we have to try something, right?"

Sean considered this for a moment before nodding. "Alright, let's give it a shot. Can't hurt to try."

They spent the next few weeks researching and attempting bonesmashing techniques, hoping to see some improvement. They followed various online tutorials, using tools and methods that promised to enhance their features. It was a strange and sometimes painful process, but they were determined.

Despite their efforts, the results were minimal at best. Jordan and Sean couldn't help but feel disheartened. They realized that while physical appearance could be altered to some extent, it wasn't a guaranteed solution to their problems.

One night, as they sat in a quiet bar, away from the usual club scene, Jordan sighed. "Maybe we were going about this all wrong. Trying to change ourselves to compete with Francisco... it's not the answer."

Sean nodded, taking a sip of his drink. "Yeah, you're right. We should just focus on being the best versions of ourselves. Francisco is our friend, and we shouldn't let this come between us."

As they clinked their glasses, they made a pact to embrace their own strengths and qualities, understanding that true confidence and attraction came from within. They realized that their friendship was more important than any fleeting attention from strangers.

In the end, they learned to appreciate their individuality and the unique qualities they brought to the table. And while Francisco's height and charm might always make him stand out, Jordan and Sean found contentment in being themselves, knowing that true connection went beyond surface-level attraction.
Francisco Lachowski (190cm), Jordan Barret (182cm) and Sean o Pry (181cm) Walk into a bar to test their luck picking up women before they go to Paris for a catwalk. What happens next is brutal

"Are you guys ready to do this?" Francisco, the tallest of the trio, asked with a confident grin. His height, along with his easy charm, often made him the center of attention.

"Absolutely," Jordan replied, his surfer-blond hair catching the light. He exuded a laid-back coolness that drew people in. "Let's see what the night brings."

Sean adjusted his jacket, his chiseled features highlighted under the street lamps. "Yeah, but let's keep it fun. No competition, right?"

They exchanged nods of agreement and headed inside. The club was packed, the music pulsing through the air as lights flashed in sync with the beat. The three friends made their way to the bar, attracting glances and whispers from the moment they entered.

As they ordered drinks, a group of women nearby noticed them. Francisco, Jordan, and Sean chatted casually, scanning the room and enjoying their drinks.

"Hey, I think those girls over there are looking at us," Sean said, nodding discreetly toward a group of women who were whispering and glancing their way.

Jordan turned to look, giving them a friendly smile. "Why don't we go say hi?"

The women giggled and smiled as the three approached. Francisco led the way, his height making him an immediate standout.

"Hi, I'm Francisco," he said with a warm smile. "These are my friends, Jordan and Sean."

One of the women, a brunette with striking blue eyes, responded first. "Hi, Francisco. I'm Emma. These are my friends, Lily and Sarah."

Introductions were exchanged, and soon they were all engaged in light conversation. Francisco's charm and height continued to draw the women's attention, but Jordan and Sean were holding their own with their wit and good looks.

"So, Francisco," Emma said, clearly interested, "what brings you guys here tonight?"

"Just out for a good time," Francisco replied smoothly. "And you?"

Emma smiled. "Same. We heard this place was fun and thought we'd check it out."

As the conversation flowed, it became clear that the women were gravitating more towards Francisco. His height gave him a commanding presence, and his natural charisma kept them engaged.

Lily turned to Jordan and Sean, noticing they were a bit quieter. "So, what do you guys do?" she asked, trying to include them.

Jordan chuckled. "We're all in the modeling industry, actually."

"Really? That’s so cool!" Sarah exclaimed, glancing at Francisco. "But Francisco, you must be the tallest model we've ever seen."

Francisco laughed. "Well, I guess I have that advantage."

Sean, sensing the shift, leaned in and added, "Height isn't everything, you know. Jordan and I have our own unique qualities."

Jordan nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's not just about being tall. It's about personality, right?"

Emma, still focused on Francisco, gave a polite smile. "Of course, but Francisco definitely stands out."

As the night went on, it became evident that Francisco was the favorite. He didn't seem to mind, though, and made sure to include Jordan and Sean in the conversation as much as possible.

Lily and Sarah, however, seemed less interested in Jordan and Sean as time passed. They were polite but kept glancing back at Francisco and Emma, who were clearly hitting it off.

After a few hours, they all returned to the bar, sweaty and exhilarated from dancing.

"That was fun," Francisco said, wiping his brow. "We should do this more often."

"Definitely," Emma agreed, looking up at him with a smile. "It was great meeting you guys."

Jordan and Sean exchanged glances, feeling a bit deflated. They hadn't managed to capture the attention of any of the women the way Francisco had.

As they left the club, Francisco turned to his friends. "Sorry if I stole the spotlight tonight, guys. It wasn’t intentional."

Sean laughed, but there was a hint of frustration in his voice. "Don’t worry about it, man. You can't help being tall."

Jordan nodded, but his smile was tight. "Yeah, it was a good night. We all had fun."

As the weeks went by, Jordan and Sean found themselves repeatedly in Francisco's shadow during their nights out. Despite their good looks and charm, they couldn't match Francisco's towering presence. Frustration began to build.

One evening, after yet another night of feeling overlooked, Jordan and Sean sat in Sean's apartment, nursing beers and talking about their frustrations.

"Man, I don't get it," Jordan said, shaking his head. "We have everything going for us, but Francisco always gets the girls."

Sean sighed. "It's the height, dude. It's just how it is. And it's not like we can change that."

Jordan stared at his beer, a thought forming. "You ever heard of bonesmashing?"

Sean frowned. "What the hell is that?"

"It's this technique to enhance your bone structure. Some people say it can make your face more angular, more attractive."

Sean raised an eyebrow. "And you think that will help us compete with Francisco?"

Jordan shrugged. "It might. I mean, we have to try something, right?"

Sean considered this for a moment before nodding. "Alright, let's give it a shot. Can't hurt to try."

They spent the next few weeks researching and attempting bonesmashing techniques, hoping to see some improvement. They followed various online tutorials, using tools and methods that promised to enhance their features. It was a strange and sometimes painful process, but they were determined.

Despite their efforts, the results were minimal at best. Jordan and Sean couldn't help but feel disheartened. They realized that while physical appearance could be altered to some extent, it wasn't a guaranteed solution to their problems.

One night, as they sat in a quiet bar, away from the usual club scene, Jordan sighed. "Maybe we were going about this all wrong. Trying to change ourselves to compete with Francisco... it's not the answer."

Sean nodded, taking a sip of his drink. "Yeah, you're right. We should just focus on being the best versions of ourselves. Francisco is our friend, and we shouldn't let this come between us."

As they clinked their glasses, they made a pact to embrace their own strengths and qualities, understanding that true confidence and attraction came from within. They realized that their friendship was more important than any fleeting attention from strangers.

In the end, they learned to appreciate their individuality and the unique qualities they brought to the table. And while Francisco's height and charm might always make him stand out, Jordan and Sean found contentment in being themselves, knowing that true connection went beyond surface-level attraction.
Did this actually happen or tales
Francisco Lachowski (190cm), Jordan Barret (182cm) and Sean o Pry (181cm) Walk into a bar to test their luck picking up women before they go to Paris for a catwalk. What happens next is brutal

"Are you guys ready to do this?" Francisco, the tallest of the trio, asked with a confident grin. His height, along with his easy charm, often made him the center of attention.

"Absolutely," Jordan replied, his surfer-blond hair catching the light. He exuded a laid-back coolness that drew people in. "Let's see what the night brings."

Sean adjusted his jacket, his chiseled features highlighted under the street lamps. "Yeah, but let's keep it fun. No competition, right?"

They exchanged nods of agreement and headed inside. The club was packed, the music pulsing through the air as lights flashed in sync with the beat. The three friends made their way to the bar, attracting glances and whispers from the moment they entered.

As they ordered drinks, a group of women nearby noticed them. Francisco, Jordan, and Sean chatted casually, scanning the room and enjoying their drinks.

"Hey, I think those girls over there are looking at us," Sean said, nodding discreetly toward a group of women who were whispering and glancing their way.

Jordan turned to look, giving them a friendly smile. "Why don't we go say hi?"

The women giggled and smiled as the three approached. Francisco led the way, his height making him an immediate standout.

"Hi, I'm Francisco," he said with a warm smile. "These are my friends, Jordan and Sean."

One of the women, a brunette with striking blue eyes, responded first. "Hi, Francisco. I'm Emma. These are my friends, Lily and Sarah."

Introductions were exchanged, and soon they were all engaged in light conversation. Francisco's charm and height continued to draw the women's attention, but Jordan and Sean were holding their own with their wit and good looks.

"So, Francisco," Emma said, clearly interested, "what brings you guys here tonight?"

"Just out for a good time," Francisco replied smoothly. "And you?"

Emma smiled. "Same. We heard this place was fun and thought we'd check it out."

As the conversation flowed, it became clear that the women were gravitating more towards Francisco. His height gave him a commanding presence, and his natural charisma kept them engaged.

Lily turned to Jordan and Sean, noticing they were a bit quieter. "So, what do you guys do?" she asked, trying to include them.

Jordan chuckled. "We're all in the modeling industry, actually."

"Really? That’s so cool!" Sarah exclaimed, glancing at Francisco. "But Francisco, you must be the tallest model we've ever seen."

Francisco laughed. "Well, I guess I have that advantage."

Sean, sensing the shift, leaned in and added, "Height isn't everything, you know. Jordan and I have our own unique qualities."

Jordan nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's not just about being tall. It's about personality, right?"

Emma, still focused on Francisco, gave a polite smile. "Of course, but Francisco definitely stands out."

As the night went on, it became evident that Francisco was the favorite. He didn't seem to mind, though, and made sure to include Jordan and Sean in the conversation as much as possible.

Lily and Sarah, however, seemed less interested in Jordan and Sean as time passed. They were polite but kept glancing back at Francisco and Emma, who were clearly hitting it off.

After a few hours, they all returned to the bar, sweaty and exhilarated from dancing.

"That was fun," Francisco said, wiping his brow. "We should do this more often."

"Definitely," Emma agreed, looking up at him with a smile. "It was great meeting you guys."

Jordan and Sean exchanged glances, feeling a bit deflated. They hadn't managed to capture the attention of any of the women the way Francisco had.

As they left the club, Francisco turned to his friends. "Sorry if I stole the spotlight tonight, guys. It wasn’t intentional."

Sean laughed, but there was a hint of frustration in his voice. "Don’t worry about it, man. You can't help being tall."

Jordan nodded, but his smile was tight. "Yeah, it was a good night. We all had fun."

As the weeks went by, Jordan and Sean found themselves repeatedly in Francisco's shadow during their nights out. Despite their good looks and charm, they couldn't match Francisco's towering presence. Frustration began to build.

One evening, after yet another night of feeling overlooked, Jordan and Sean sat in Sean's apartment, nursing beers and talking about their frustrations.

"Man, I don't get it," Jordan said, shaking his head. "We have everything going for us, but Francisco always gets the girls."

Sean sighed. "It's the height, dude. It's just how it is. And it's not like we can change that."

Jordan stared at his beer, a thought forming. "You ever heard of bonesmashing?"

Sean frowned. "What the hell is that?"

"It's this technique to enhance your bone structure. Some people say it can make your face more angular, more attractive."

Sean raised an eyebrow. "And you think that will help us compete with Francisco?"

Jordan shrugged. "It might. I mean, we have to try something, right?"

Sean considered this for a moment before nodding. "Alright, let's give it a shot. Can't hurt to try."

They spent the next few weeks researching and attempting bonesmashing techniques, hoping to see some improvement. They followed various online tutorials, using tools and methods that promised to enhance their features. It was a strange and sometimes painful process, but they were determined.

Despite their efforts, the results were minimal at best. Jordan and Sean couldn't help but feel disheartened. They realized that while physical appearance could be altered to some extent, it wasn't a guaranteed solution to their problems.

One night, as they sat in a quiet bar, away from the usual club scene, Jordan sighed. "Maybe we were going about this all wrong. Trying to change ourselves to compete with Francisco... it's not the answer."

Sean nodded, taking a sip of his drink. "Yeah, you're right. We should just focus on being the best versions of ourselves. Francisco is our friend, and we shouldn't let this come between us."

As they clinked their glasses, they made a pact to embrace their own strengths and qualities, understanding that true confidence and attraction came from within. They realized that their friendship was more important than any fleeting attention from strangers.

In the end, they learned to appreciate their individuality and the unique qualities they brought to the table. And while Francisco's height and charm might always make him stand out, Jordan and Sean found contentment in being themselves, knowing that true connection went beyond surface-level attraction.
didnt u put this in org too?
Francisco Lachowski (190cm), Jordan Barret (182cm) and Sean o Pry (181cm) Walk into a bar to test their luck picking up women before they go to Paris for a catwalk. What happens next is brutal

"Are you guys ready to do this?" Francisco, the tallest of the trio, asked with a confident grin. His height, along with his easy charm, often made him the center of attention.

"Absolutely," Jordan replied, his surfer-blond hair catching the light. He exuded a laid-back coolness that drew people in. "Let's see what the night brings."

Sean adjusted his jacket, his chiseled features highlighted under the street lamps. "Yeah, but let's keep it fun. No competition, right?"

They exchanged nods of agreement and headed inside. The club was packed, the music pulsing through the air as lights flashed in sync with the beat. The three friends made their way to the bar, attracting glances and whispers from the moment they entered.

As they ordered drinks, a group of women nearby noticed them. Francisco, Jordan, and Sean chatted casually, scanning the room and enjoying their drinks.

"Hey, I think those girls over there are looking at us," Sean said, nodding discreetly toward a group of women who were whispering and glancing their way.

Jordan turned to look, giving them a friendly smile. "Why don't we go say hi?"

The women giggled and smiled as the three approached. Francisco led the way, his height making him an immediate standout.

"Hi, I'm Francisco," he said with a warm smile. "These are my friends, Jordan and Sean."

One of the women, a brunette with striking blue eyes, responded first. "Hi, Francisco. I'm Emma. These are my friends, Lily and Sarah."

Introductions were exchanged, and soon they were all engaged in light conversation. Francisco's charm and height continued to draw the women's attention, but Jordan and Sean were holding their own with their wit and good looks.

"So, Francisco," Emma said, clearly interested, "what brings you guys here tonight?"

"Just out for a good time," Francisco replied smoothly. "And you?"

Emma smiled. "Same. We heard this place was fun and thought we'd check it out."

As the conversation flowed, it became clear that the women were gravitating more towards Francisco. His height gave him a commanding presence, and his natural charisma kept them engaged.

Lily turned to Jordan and Sean, noticing they were a bit quieter. "So, what do you guys do?" she asked, trying to include them.

Jordan chuckled. "We're all in the modeling industry, actually."

"Really? That’s so cool!" Sarah exclaimed, glancing at Francisco. "But Francisco, you must be the tallest model we've ever seen."

Francisco laughed. "Well, I guess I have that advantage."

Sean, sensing the shift, leaned in and added, "Height isn't everything, you know. Jordan and I have our own unique qualities."

Jordan nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's not just about being tall. It's about personality, right?"

Emma, still focused on Francisco, gave a polite smile. "Of course, but Francisco definitely stands out."

As the night went on, it became evident that Francisco was the favorite. He didn't seem to mind, though, and made sure to include Jordan and Sean in the conversation as much as possible.

Lily and Sarah, however, seemed less interested in Jordan and Sean as time passed. They were polite but kept glancing back at Francisco and Emma, who were clearly hitting it off.

After a few hours, they all returned to the bar, sweaty and exhilarated from dancing.

"That was fun," Francisco said, wiping his brow. "We should do this more often."

"Definitely," Emma agreed, looking up at him with a smile. "It was great meeting you guys."

Jordan and Sean exchanged glances, feeling a bit deflated. They hadn't managed to capture the attention of any of the women the way Francisco had.

As they left the club, Francisco turned to his friends. "Sorry if I stole the spotlight tonight, guys. It wasn’t intentional."

Sean laughed, but there was a hint of frustration in his voice. "Don’t worry about it, man. You can't help being tall."

Jordan nodded, but his smile was tight. "Yeah, it was a good night. We all had fun."

As the weeks went by, Jordan and Sean found themselves repeatedly in Francisco's shadow during their nights out. Despite their good looks and charm, they couldn't match Francisco's towering presence. Frustration began to build.

One evening, after yet another night of feeling overlooked, Jordan and Sean sat in Sean's apartment, nursing beers and talking about their frustrations.

"Man, I don't get it," Jordan said, shaking his head. "We have everything going for us, but Francisco always gets the girls."

Sean sighed. "It's the height, dude. It's just how it is. And it's not like we can change that."

Jordan stared at his beer, a thought forming. "You ever heard of bonesmashing?"

Sean frowned. "What the hell is that?"

"It's this technique to enhance your bone structure. Some people say it can make your face more angular, more attractive."

Sean raised an eyebrow. "And you think that will help us compete with Francisco?"

Jordan shrugged. "It might. I mean, we have to try something, right?"

Sean considered this for a moment before nodding. "Alright, let's give it a shot. Can't hurt to try."

They spent the next few weeks researching and attempting bonesmashing techniques, hoping to see some improvement. They followed various online tutorials, using tools and methods that promised to enhance their features. It was a strange and sometimes painful process, but they were determined.

Despite their efforts, the results were minimal at best. Jordan and Sean couldn't help but feel disheartened. They realized that while physical appearance could be altered to some extent, it wasn't a guaranteed solution to their problems.

One night, as they sat in a quiet bar, away from the usual club scene, Jordan sighed. "Maybe we were going about this all wrong. Trying to change ourselves to compete with Francisco... it's not the answer."

Sean nodded, taking a sip of his drink. "Yeah, you're right. We should just focus on being the best versions of ourselves. Francisco is our friend, and we shouldn't let this come between us."

As they clinked their glasses, they made a pact to embrace their own strengths and qualities, understanding that true confidence and attraction came from within. They realized that their friendship was more important than any fleeting attention from strangers.

In the end, they learned to appreciate their individuality and the unique qualities they brought to the table. And while Francisco's height and charm might always make him stand out, Jordan and Sean found contentment in being themselves, knowing that true connection went beyond surface-level attraction.
i loved when it said the end( I didn't read this yap)
Banned though for farming apparently
Still best ratio on the forum. I better start posting tbh or imma get banned for js using profile posts lol
He gives rep but the problem is no one else reads his threads because he responds with utter bullshit
Which makes people not want to engage with his strange threads
Did Pei like the story
