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1500/cals + 1hr exercise = Still no weight loss


Dec 16, 2023
California, Bay Area
I'm male, 5'9, 16yrs, vegan since 12yrs and 215lbs. BMR
It's not because I'm vegan, I've been struggling with weight since I was 8yrs and was 220lbs when I was in 5th grade. Zero correlation, nor am I interested in converting from veganism.

I admit I don't get a lot of activity but 1hr biking per day minimum, I stopped last week because I was seeing zero progress. So now I'm trading that in with weight-training and 15 minute per day jump rope. I completely gave up on doctors because they're useless and ignore your concerns as a patient, and most of the time their end goal is putting you on psychiatric drugs.

Increase the exercise? Eat less? Do both?
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Vegan and exercise? Idk how your body can handle that much stress jfl
My entire life, I was never a big fan of diary or meat, only exception was like eggs and cheese when I was younger.

increase the deficit of calories I guess then and walk more
Okay, I'll bump it down to 1000cals.
What foods do you consume on your vegan diet and do you actually track the calories ?
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  • #7
What foods do you consume on your vegan diet and do you actually track the calories ?
So for today I cooked a meal of Noodle Teriyaki Stir-Fry + Thai Curry Veg Meat + 3oz Bella mushrooms and had a blue berry bagel when I came home from school. Which in total was 925 calories and 52g of protein for the meal I cooked and 280 calories and 10g of protein for the bagel.

On other days I eat stuff like seitan, chickpeas, firm tofu, rice, mixed veggies, black beans, sour dough bread, etc etc and general supplements for vitamin D and B12.

I need to start professionally tracking my calories with my calorie tracker apps though, but I usually keep mental notes of what I eat instead.
Yeah well what other choice so I have? My doctors abandoned me and I want to take initiative over my health so the only choice I have is to do it alone.
nothing beats starvemaxxing in terms of efficiency.
Do some ketosis, aka stop being a vegan and dont eat carbs at all, go full carnivore with only leafs and sault.
you clearly aren’t tracking right, weighing urself at the wrong times (should always be morning time before water or food), or overestimating your activity levels. if you genuinely are eating in a caloric deficit then weight loss would 100% happen. nobody goes against the laws of thermodynamics. get a food scale to be more precise. i don’t recommend starving, you just need to be more honest and precise with yourself. tracking calories takes at most 20 minutes each day and is completely worth it.
you clearly aren’t tracking right, weighing urself at the wrong times (should always be morning time before water or food), or overestimating your activity levels. if you genuinely are eating in a caloric deficit then weight loss would 100% happen. nobody goes against the laws of thermodynamics. get a food scale to be more precise. i don’t recommend starving, you just need to be more honest and precise with yourself. tracking calories takes at most 20 minutes each day and is completely worth it.
also ur tdee is where you get your maintenance calories from and where you decrease calories from, not BMR.
So for today I cooked a meal of Noodle Teriyaki Stir-Fry + Thai Curry Veg Meat + 3oz Bella mushrooms and had a blue berry bagel when I came home from school. Which in total was 925 calories and 52g of protein for the meal I cooked and 280 calories and 10g of protein for the bagel.

On other days I eat stuff like seitan, chickpeas, firm tofu, rice, mixed veggies, black beans, sour dough bread, etc etc and general supplements for vitamin D and B12.

I need to start professionally tracking my calories with my calorie tracker apps though, but I usually keep mental notes of what I eat instead.
there’s your issue, eyeballing calories is stupid. people always underestimate what they eat, many studies show that. track and weigh your food.
How long have you been doing it for? Also you NEED to track it. There’s so many things that may seem like “a little bit” but in reality are packed with calories.
nothing beats starvemaxxing in terms of efficiency.
Do some ketosis, aka stop being a vegan and dont eat carbs at all, go full carnivore with only leafs and sault.
In theory being vegan should make him lose weight
I'm male, 5'9, 16yrs, vegan since 12yrs and 215lbs. BMR
It's not because I'm vegan, I've been struggling with weight since I was 8yrs and was 220lbs when I was in 5th grade. Zero correlation, nor am I interested in converting from veganism.

I admit I don't get a lot of activity but 1hr biking per day minimum, I stopped last week because I was seeing zero progress. So now I'm trading that in with weight-training and 15 minute per day jump rope. I completely gave up on doctors because they're useless and ignore your concerns as a patient, and most of the time their end goal is putting you on psychiatric drugs.

Increase the exercise? Eat less? Do both?
If you have a poor attitude and weak discipline, you'll never see results. You have to stick and keep yourself disciplined if you are going to cut calories.

Also, you probably shouldn't exercise while on a caloric deficit. You should choose between either a larger caloric deficit amount or eat more healthily and exercise in high intensity more.

Probably not the best advice but I used to just starve for a day, if I got hunger carvings, I would force myself to watch mukbangs or eat half an banana. Whenever, I couldn't control myself around food, I used to be retarded and throw it on the floor or smash it with my hands lol.
If you have a poor attitude and weak discipline, you'll never see results. You have to stick and keep yourself disciplined if you are going to cut calories.

Also, you probably shouldn't exercise while on a caloric deficit. You should choose between either a larger caloric deficit amount or eat more healthily and exercise in high intensity more.

Probably not the best advice but I used to just starve for a day, if I got hunger carvings, I would force myself to watch mukbangs or eat half a banana. Whenever, I couldn't control myself around food, I used to be retarded and throw it on the floor or smash it with my hands lol.
Terrible fucking advice. I went against practically all of what you said and I’m down 30 pounds in 4 months and i’m still continuing easily.
If you have a poor attitude and weak discipline, you'll never see results. You have to stick and keep yourself disciplined if you are going to cut calories.

Also, you probably shouldn't exercise while on a caloric deficit. You should choose between either a larger caloric deficit amount or eat more healthily and exercise in high intensity more.

Probably not the best advice but I used to just starve for a day, if I got hunger carvings, I would force myself to watch mukbangs or eat half a banana. Whenever, I couldn't control myself around food, I used to be retarded and throw it on the floor or smash it with my hands lol.
Its probably because of the veganism ngl that makes it hard to lose weight
I know it's not the best. It's just what worked for me when I was in my anorexic phase. Now, I just exercise really intensely and eat more.
Cope, first off OP doesn’t track his food so he’s already completely inaccurate. Secondly, it’s not the calories or the exercise that’s the issue.
This is going to be a really retarded response, but my friends are all a lot skinner than me and I have always been a much bigger size when I was a little kid. They all cry about being fat while BMI 17 and I'm fucking BMI 21, but I have more noticeable muscles and is fit.
Intense exercise just stresses the body and you are at a healthy body weight
You could try diet maxx for health indicators and shit but that’s all you really should do
This is going to be a really retarded response, but my friends are all a lot skinner than me and I have always been a much bigger size when I was a little kid. They all cry about being fat while BMI 17 and I'm fucking BMI 21, but I have more noticeable muscles and is fit.
i hate twig bitches they always do that shit😭
most of them do look flabby tho so id be mad asl too but whenever they ask for my advice and i give it, they continue undereating and eating a laughable amount of protein. so they just stay the same lol
i hate twig bitches they always do that shit😭
most of them do look flabby tho so id be mad asl too but whenever they ask for my advice and i give it, they continue undereating and eating a laughable amount of protein. so they just stay the same lol
They are infertility maxxing
i hate twig bitches they always do that shit😭
most of them do look flabby tho so id be mad asl too but whenever they ask for my advice and i give it, they continue undereating and eating a laughable amount of protein. so they just stay the same lol
Same, they fucking piss me off. "OMG, I'M SO FAT.." your body is literally rotting away with your ribcage showing..
its cuz youre vegan
ik you said that you dont want to convert, but im ded srs saying that vegan is what is causing lack of change
eat meat dairy and fruits
by meat i also mean poultry and fish

also you may have hormonal problems, related or unrelated to the veganism, it may be halting your progress
also track your stuff better
its cuz youre vegan
ik you said that you dont want to convert, but im ded srs saying that vegan is what is causing lack of change
eat meat dairy and fruits
by meat i also mean poultry and fish

also you may have hormonal problems, related or unrelated to the veganism, it may be halting your progress
also track your stuff better
Liver bone marrow and organs as well. My life was hell wen I was eating 90% toxic greens
But they are also starving themselves at the same time. Maybe a raw vegan
Vegans are not starving: they eat as much as they want, but animal. So industrialized bullshit comes into play Pluss the never ending dissatisfaction of not eating meat that is coped with eating more carbs.
Vegans are not starving: they eat as much as they want, but animal. So industrialized bullshit comes into play Pluss the never ending dissatisfaction of not eating meat that is coped with eating more carbs.
They are starving, their body doesn’t receive enough nutrients and their hunger is never satiated
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there’s your issue, eyeballing calories is stupid. people always underestimate what they eat, many studies show that. track and weigh your food.
I didn't even eyeball that, those were all calories from the packaging.
I could try tracking again with a scale, but I promise you there will be no difference.

Today I had to go to the hospital because a panic attack induced physical symptoms that were similar to that of a heart attack. So I'll start tomorrow.
I'm male, 5'9, 16yrs, vegan since 12yrs and 215lbs. BMR
It's not because I'm vegan, I've been struggling with weight since I was 8yrs and was 220lbs when I was in 5th grade. Zero correlation, nor am I interested in converting from veganism.

I admit I don't get a lot of activity but 1hr biking per day minimum, I stopped last week because I was seeing zero progress. So now I'm trading that in with weight-training and 15 minute per day jump rope. I completely gave up on doctors because they're useless and ignore your concerns as a patient, and most of the time their end goal is putting you on psychiatric drugs.

Increase the exercise? Eat less? Do both?
You are slowly killing yourself.

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