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Discussion 17(M) should i do enclo+ mk cycle?(already did an mk mini cycle)


Mar 30, 2024
enclomaphine lowers igf1 and boosts t. Mk677 increases hgh and igf1 production as well as other things, but i wanted to know if theres a way to make sure it wont cause anxiety , depression, etc
enclomaphine lowers igf1 and boosts t. Mk677 increases hgh and igf1 production as well as other things, but i wanted to know if theres a way to make sure it wont cause anxiety , depression, etc
Mk overall isnt good because of the risk of developing t2 diabetes. It loses efficacy 6 weeks in. Overall you'd want either HGH or use peptides. HGH can still create problems with the brain as your brain develops til 25, depression and anxiety is unlikely but patients have reported it. As for enclomaphine you will get hormone fluctuation which can lead to mood swings and maybe depression + anxiety. Overall just remember you're messing with hormones which means it affects your whole body. I think using enmph at a lower dosage and building up is good, and also monitor. That's pretty much it apart from a better diet(y)
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  • #7
Mk overall isnt good because of the risk of developing t2 diabetes. It loses efficacy 6 weeks in. Overall you'd want either HGH or use peptides. HGH can still create problems with the brain as your brain develops til 25, depression and anxiety is unlikely but patients have reported it. As for enclomaphine you will get hormone fluctuation which can lead to mood swings and maybe depression + anxiety. Overall just remember you're messing with hormones which means it affects your whole body. I think using enmph at a lower dosage and building up is good, and also monitor. That's pretty much it apart from a better diet(y)
Can we have a pm sesh ?
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  • #8
Mk overall isnt good because of the risk of developing t2 diabetes. It loses efficacy 6 weeks in. Overall you'd want either HGH or use peptides. HGH can still create problems with the brain as your brain develops til 25, depression and anxiety is unlikely but patients have reported it. As for enclomaphine you will get hormone fluctuation which can lead to mood swings and maybe depression + anxiety. Overall just remember you're messing with hormones which means it affects your whole body. I think using enmph at a lower dosage and building up is good, and also monitor. That's pretty much it apart from a better diet(y)
aromasin+hgh+enclo at low dosage sound worth it? Or am i horribly wrong

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