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18m skinnyfat Indian guy how bad is my appearance?

Yeah, call it quits. You’ll need a boat load of discipline.
Idk if it’s even possible to improve, I’ve already gained weight since I took that
You’re cooked. But remember that if the world hates you, just remember that it hated me first. You need to be in a moderate deficit for like 6-9 months to escape this, althoguh trust me fat loss becomes easy after 1 month of discipline.
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  • #17
You’re cooked. But remember that if the world hates you, just remember that it hated me first. You need to be in a moderate deficit for like 6-9 months to escape this, althoguh trust me fat loss becomes easy after 1 month of discipline.
The world rly hates Indian guys lol. I’ll probs just give up and accept the gut is here to stay
The world rly hates Indian guys lol. I’ll probs just give up and accept the gut is here to stay
what no

don’t give up man go on DNP or ozempic or something if you don’t want to put in the work but do NOT give up
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  • #23
Dude, you are not skinny fat. You are fat.

what is your height?

And how tf you think we will spoke of your appearance if you hide your face? Thats stupid
I’m 5 ft 9

And I just wanted advice on my body not face
yk its bad when Dandelions jfls your post

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