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19F hello

Lossus and sexless were right all along tbh
No lossus said exercise is same as cutting urself

And sexless doesn't know about bulking

And lean bulking is good but bulking and dirty bulking are very bad
No lossus said exercise is same as cutting urself

And sexless doesn't know about bulking

And lean bulking is good but bulking and dirty bulking are very bad
I’m sure they would agree and tell u not to bulk though
Cute, above-average
Jaw isn’t recessed but it looks like too defined almost

Yeah I know my weight isn't ideal, but this is actually normal for me, Ive been the same weight since I was 12.
really? it sounds really unhealthy like i’m 5’1 but 115 pounds atm 😭😭 i’ve never heard of someone 5’7 with that weight
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  • #74
but damn... you have a nice smile, id let you molest me if i was good looking enough :peeposhy: :peeposhy: :peeposhy:
dont straighten your hair, it looks better curlier
Thanks ill try to take that as a compliment lol
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  • #76
try victoria secret bombshell makeup. there are a lot of tutorials online
Im not sure if it would suit me. I think I look okay with makeup on, but Im definitely naturally average looking-below average and I feel like you need to be naturally pretty for that makeup style?
Im not sure if it would suit me. I think I look okay with makeup on, but Im definitely naturally average looking-below average and I feel like you need to be naturally pretty for that makeup style?
Ur naturally pretty. That dark lip is not doing u justice. Try a Nude color and gloss. Eyelash extensions and concealer and a little bit of blush would also do the job
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  • #80
What do u guys think of this photo? I scribbled out background ppl


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I feel like if I didnt wear any makeup at all id just end up looking super androgynous
i think the dark lipstick just doesnt do you justice
i always do korean-ish and very feminine looking makeup and i use a slightly reddish lip tint, first i put it all over my lips and then i make it darker at the top (a gradient look if you know what i mean) then i put on aquaphor/vaseline/lip gloss and it looks sooo cute i think you should try it and it would suit you really well
i feel like dark lipstick is not a daily look
they have to match with the event and the outfit specifically
everything else about your makeup looks good and suits you really well especially the eye makeup it looks really good
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  • #96
Im starting my weight gain journey one peanut at a time


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  • #97
i think the dark lipstick just doesnt do you justice
i always do korean-ish and very feminine looking makeup and i use a slightly reddish lip tint, first i put it all over my lips and then i make it darker at the top (a gradient look if you know what i mean) then i put on aquaphor/vaseline/lip gloss and it looks sooo cute i think you should try it and it would suit you really well
I would like to do makeup like that, my philtrum is super naturally long & I only wear dark lipstick cause I overline my lips and I think it makes it look less noticeable. But once i get filler or a lip lift I’ll probably try to wear different lipstick
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