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19M black


Wannabe YSL Model
Jun 24, 2024
New York, NY
Hey there! I’m a new member.
My goal is to look and seem like a male model. Preferably a YSL male model. (Think Dominic Fike, Evan Mock, Fernando Lindez, etc.) I want to be unapproachable, mysterious, and beautiful. I am 180lbs and 5’9. I struggle with acne and acne scars, I have fat in my stomach area, thigh area, chest area, and back area. I have body acne, face fat, and an overall outgoing and bubbly personality. What should I do? What do I start with?
Hey there! I’m a new member.
My goal is to look and seem like a male model. Preferably a YSL male model. (Think Dominic Fike, Evan Mock, Fernando Lindez, etc.) I want to be unapproachable, mysterious, and beautiful. I am 180lbs and 5’9. I struggle with acne and acne scars, I have fat in my stomach area, thigh area, chest area, and back area. I have body acne, face fat, and an overall outgoing and bubbly personality. What should I do? What do I start with?
For fat, calorie deficit, high protein intake, low fat foods only, 4L water daily, and exercise a few times a week
What would you recommend I eat?
Seafood (especially oysters , shrimp & salmon/tuna )thrice a week with as little fried/fast food as possible especially if ur an adult. If ur under 20 be getting a-lot of healthy fats especially fat from avocados etc. if ur palate is narrow get an expander. If ur teeth are misaligned either get braces or Invisalign. By 20 fillers and botox will be a must but don't overdo it. Luckily its not permanent and u can see how u would look with implants in the same area
for acne: skincare
there are a lot of threads here for skincare
for physique: hit the gym, eat healthy, get leaner
boost testosterone
there are plenty of threads here so you can go to must read sections or search button
What exercises would you recommend? Should my workouts be cardio heavy?
"it destroys testosterone" so no. But the studies on that are stupid. testosterone plummets due to cortisol levels being "too high" for long periods of time right? but did u ever stop and realize that testosterone would be produced and released post workout as-well as the fact that our ancestors with triple our testosterone levels would run all day and all night just to survive. so yes run a-lot because its extremely unlikely you will experience any downsides of high intensity running.
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