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2 questions. What haircut should I get and What surgeries would be best for me? (someone definitely will say something nose related lol)

your nose is fine

get a middle part or fluffy hair

you are good looking, not deformed so you only need to softmaxx

train your neck, start working out, and use HGH to grow your bones

mewing and chewing for you
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your nose is fine

get a middle part or fluffy hair

you are good looking, not deformed so you only need to softmaxx

train your neck, start working out, and use HGH to grow your bones

mewing and chewing for you
thank you so much.
As quepasta have said, you look decent. Middle part is gonna suit you well

Chewing(tough gum or masseter trainers) is also gonna be beneficial for your jaw. If that doesn’t work - you may look into surgeries, but not rn

Never been a huge fan of neck training, but I believe it would be really great for you. Your neck looks very normie-like

Advice against HGH tho. Not the safest thing. IMO it’s more hardmaxxing than the most surgeries are
there is no problem with the nose
imo surgery is not needed
get a wavy perm and middle part
hit the gym and have a healthy lifestyle
Your nose is not a worry, so you really don't need any surgeries. The risk outweighs the benefits for you imo.

Your haircut is fine. If you want a change, try a low taper fade w/ a blowout and leave some bulk on the sides. What you need is some type of styling product. Your hair looks pretty thick, so I'd recommend matte clay (I'll PM you some specific products if you want). Additionally, you could throw in a salt spray, but idk much about them so I can't recommend anything.

You could also dye your hair, eyebrows (and eyelashes but that needs a black, special dye for your lashes) a darker brown to highlight your blue eyes if you want. I used to have a similar color to you because of sun in and box dye fixed it right up w/o damaging my hair. Just be careful on the color you pick since it could end up looking weird assuming u fuck up, and thats hard to fix.

Finally, just make some lifestyle changes. Hit the gym, do a skincare routine (plenty of threads on it), get a multivitamin, try MK667 if you want.
Finally, just make some lifestyle changes. Hit the gym, do a skincare routine (plenty of threads on it), get a multivitamin, try MK667 if you want.
MK-677 is arguably riskier than HGH
Advice against HGH tho. Not the safest thing. IMO it’s more hardmaxxing than the most surgeries are
obviously he should understand what he’s doing but don’t act like HGH is some terribly volatile drug that will kill you

he needs his bones to grow, and like 8-10 IU per day would work nicely
MK-677 is arguably riskier than HGH
If you have a good source for HGH then I'd agree with you, but lets be honest. Most people are buying HGH from India and injecting it with no clue what their doing. It's much easier (and safer) to get MK-677 online and administer it effectively.
If you have a good source for HGH then I'd agree with you, but let’s be honest. Most people are buying HGH from India and injecting it with no clue what they’re doing. It's much easier (and safer) to get MK-677 online and administer it effectively.
Ok thing is, if you are stupid enough to buy HGH on indiamart then you deserve the side effects

There are plenty of good sources for HGH

As compounds in and of themselves, in general HGH is the safer and more well studied option. Mk 677 is riskier because you can easily give yourself hypoglycemia and diabetes if you aren’t carefully monitoring your blood glucose levels like every 2 days
obviously he should understand what he’s doing but don’t act like HGH is some terribly volatile drug that will kill you

he needs his bones to grow, and like 8-10 IU per day would work nicely
It won’t kill you, but you mention HGH so casually like it’s not different from Calcium supplement or smth. It’s not and it may have negative effects.

Ideally usage of such stuff should be approved by a doctor. Unfortunately, most docs are bluepilled cucks, but still. Just mindlessly injecting it won’t end well
It won’t kill you, but you mention HGH so casually like it’s not different from Calcium supplement or smth. It’s not and it may have negative effects.

Ideally usage of such stuff should be approved by a doctor. Unfortunately, most docs are bluepilled cucks, but still. Just mindlessly injecting it won’t end well
you don’t understand anything, I am not telling people to just buy HGH and start injecting 30 units a day, never learning anything else but reading my comment. I am suggesting that they research HGH and fully understand what they need to do. I am quick to suggest it to people like OP because it is a great tool to grow bones.
you don’t understand anything, I am not telling people to just buy HGH and start injecting 30 units a day, never learning anything else but reading my comment. I am suggesting that they research HGH and fully understand what they need to do. I am quick to suggest it to people like OP because it is a great tool to grow bones.
You straight up told him to use HGH to grow bones tho. That’s why I replied to that
You straight up told him to use HGH to grow bones tho. That’s why I replied to that
ok, but if he cannot understand the inferred meaning then he shouldn’t be on this site, he should just keep watching Dillon Latham
ok, but if he cannot understand the inferred meaning then he shouldn’t be on this site, he should just keep watching Dillon Latham
Ngl, I feel like there should be a disclaimer on this site

Smth like “Ur gonna be rated low, adviced to permanently alter your body with methods that hasn’t been proven on the basis of the lens distortion of your camera and reccomended medical treatment by people without medical license”
Ngl, I feel like there should be a disclaimer on this site

Smth like “Ur gonna be rated low, adviced to permanently alter your body with methods that hasn’t been proven on the basis of the lens distortion of your camera and reccomended medical treatment by people without medical license”
There actually is lmfao

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